91208 - Functional Polymeric Materials

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Maria Letizia Focarete (Modulo 1) Anna Liguori (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Photochemistry and Molecular Materials (cod. 9074)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has acquired knowledge on structure-property relationships of polymeric materials designed to perform specific functions. The student will be able to identify the elements of the macromolecular chemical structure that influence the requested functionality, as well as the structural and morphological parameters that influence the final properties of the material.

Course contents


  • Structure-property relations in polymeric materials.
  • Review of macromolecular chemistry principles.


  • Viscoelasticity.
  • Mechanical models.
  • Creep, stress relaxation, stress strain measurements.
  • Time-temperature superposition principle.
  • Relaxation processes in polymers. Dynamic mechanical spectroscopy.


  • Copolymers. Dependence of thermal and mechanical properties on composition and morphology.
  • Binary polymer blends. Miscibility and phase diagrams in blends with amorphous and/or crystallisable components. Thermal transitions and mechanical properties dependence on composition.
  • Interpenetrated polymer networks.


  • Rubber-toughening of polymers.
  • Polymer composites.
  • Nanocomposites. Organic-inorganic hybrids.


  • Polymeric materials from renewable resources.
  • Biodegradable polymers


  • superabsorbent polymers
  • polymeric materials with high thermal stability and resistance to aggressive environment
  • biomaterials
  • polymeric materials with liquid crystalline behaviour
  • high modulus fibres
  • stimuli-responsive materials
  • specialty polymers for energy applications


 Laboratory programme (16h):

This part of the course includes lessons in the laboratory. To have access to the laboratory students are required to attend Module 1 and 2 in e- learning mode [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-opportunita/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-sicurezza/sicurezza-e-salute-nei-luoghi-di-studio-e-tirocinio] and a Module 3 about health and safety in study places. Information about the dates and modes to attend module 3 will be published on the Degree Course website.

The laboratory activities will include the synthesis of a polyamide according with two different synthesis approaches, the investigation of the effect of the molecular weight on the polymer’s properties, the preparation of thermosets from epoxy resins. Most common characterization techniques for polymeric materials will be presented: Melt flow index (MFI), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and stress-strain tests.

Principles and basic concepts of each technique will be presented during the preparatory lesson to the laboratory session. A discussion on the results obtained during the laboratory session will take place during the conclusive lesson. Students will participate to lab activities in group of two to carry out the synthesis and tests on the polymeric materials. The laboratories activities and the discussion of the results will be object of a question during the exam.

The detailed program of lessons and lab experiences will be provided to students and will be published on https://virtuale.unibo.it/.




Books for consultation, copy of the material shown during lecturing and Power Point presentations provided by the lecturer.

Chapters relative to specific subjects of the course in:

- “Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici” S. Brukner et al. Ed. Edises, Napoli, 2001

- J.M.G. Covie and V. Arrighi, "Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials", 3rd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2008

Virtuale platform will be used to deposit power point documents and reading materials. prepared by the teacher.

Teaching methods

The Course is structured into two parts:

  1. 40 hours of lectures where the various parts of the course contents are developed.
  2. 16 hours of Laboratory experiments where the background of the experimental techniques that will be applied in the Lab is provided and the student will carry out the solid-state characterization on selected polymeric material. Several cases studies will be discussed to provide tools on result interpretation.

A seminar by a company will be given to the students on a topic of the course.

Attendance to course lessons is strongly recommended to understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject and the correlations among the different parts of the programme.

As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas] online, while Module 3 on health and safety is to be attended in class. Information about Module 3 attendance schedule is available on the website of your degree programme.


Assessment methods

Assessment will be carried out by an oral examination (40 minutes) during which the student will have to demonstrate his knowledge on the correlations between structure and properties in polymeric materials designed to perform specific functions.

The student is requested to answer to three questions: (i) mechanical properties; (ii) a specific class of functional polymers; (iii) structure-property correlation and polymer characterization (lab module).

To pass the examination the student is requested to answer in a correct and complete way to the 3 questions, if one of the 3 questions is not answered the examination fails.

Good language properties and the ability to make connections among the different parts of the programme will involve a higher score.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools

Videoprojector, PC, laboratory

Office hours

See the website of Maria Letizia Focarete

See the website of Anna Liguori


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.