- Docente: Cristiana Cervini
- Credits: 5
- SSD: L-LIN/02
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)
Learning outcomes
The student knows the types of texts and the fundamental issues of intra-, inter-linguistic and intercultural communication in an institutional setting. He/she is able to understand, analyse and (re)produce oral speeches used in several istitutional settings.
Course contents
The main purpose of the course is to consolidate the linguistic-cultural skills in Italian of interpreters who will be able to work in public services and in institutional contexts (political, academic, business, health, legal, citizenship services). In order to develop these skills, the analysis of different types of institutional communication texts will be preliminary to practical activities of reformulation, synthesis and transformation. Particular attention will be paid to oral speeches delivered in the contexts of public administration, politics, communication to the citizen. The peculiarities of spoken Italian in the European institutions will also be observed.
The theoretical-practical work includes work on prescriptive/normative, informative and descriptive Italian language texts, with the aim of improving the overall understanding of institutional discourse, recognizing more quickly and competently the most complex junctions and, if necessary, simplifying them in favour of improved comprehensibility. We will propose some in-depth analysis of the issue of gender in official texts, the role of anglicisms in contemporary Italian and the ethics of public communication.
At the end of the course the student will therefore be able to i) critically recognize the characteristics and communicative qualities of an institutional text; ii) simplify an institutional text to improve its readability and comprehensibility; iii) plan and propose a well cohesive and effective oral institutional speech in Italian.
The teaching of 'Institutional Communication' is part of the integrated course of 'Institutional and Specialized Communication' focused on the intralingual, interlingual and intercultural analysis of different types of textual (written and oral) institutional communication.
The material (slides and others) used in class is an integral part of the curriculum and is available on the VIRTUALE platform.
Lubello, S. (2016), “Usi pubblici e istituzionali dell’italiano” in Lubello, S. (ed.), Manuale di linguistica italiana, Berlino: De Gruyter (pp. 417-435).
Cortelazzo, M. (2015), “Il cantiere del linguaggio istituzionale. A che punto siamo?”, LeGes 26-2015/1 (pp. 135-150).
Petrilli. R., (2015), La lingua politica, lessico e strutture argomentative, Roma: Carocci Editore (cap. 1, pp. 11-44).
Other references will be shared with students during classes.
Further readings (not compulsory):
Cedroni L., Dell’Era T. (2016), Il linguaggio politico, Roma: Carocci Editore (solo par. 2.3, pp. 87-102 e cap. 3, Stili e funzioni del linguaggio politico, pp. 103-123.
Barone, L. (2007). “Metafore e vita istituzionale. Comunicati stampa e discorsi nell’Unione Europea”. In Bosisio, Cambiaghi, ecc. Atti del 7° Congresso AITLA. Aspetti linguistici della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale, (pp. 155-176).
Vellutino, D., Zanola, M.T. (2015), Comunicare in Europa. Lessici istituzionali e terminologie specialistiche, EDUCatt - Ente per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario dell’Università Cattolica.
Vellutino, D. (2018), L’italiano istituzionale per la comunicazione pubblica, Bologna: Il Mulino/Itinerari (un capitolo a scelta tra I, II, III, IV).
Cedroni, L. (2014), Politolinguistica. L’analisi del discorso politico, Carocci Editore.
Cortelazzo, M., Pellegrino, F. (2002), “Trenta regole per scrivere testi amministrativi chiari”, Guida agli Enti Locali, n. 20, (pp. XXV-XXXV).
Sciumbata, F.C. (2017), Sono solo coincidenze? Proposte a Trenitalia per farsi capire (meglio) dai viaggiatori, Trieste: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste.
Masieri D. (2018), "Euroletto italiano sull’esempio di alcuni articoli della Costituzione Europea", Italica Wratislaviensia, 9.2, (pp- 161-178).
Teaching methods
Lecturing, workshops, and practical work on texts.
Students active participation is requested.
Assessment methods
The examination will be aimed at assessing:
(i) the theoretical knowledge acquired on the principles of institutional communication;
(ii) the ability to analyse the characteristics of an institutional text;
(iii) the ability to identify difficulties in the process of interpreting an institutional text and to show appropriate resolution strategies;
iv) the ability to produce an effective and coherent institutional speech in Italian.
The Institutional Communication exam includes a practical test and an oral test.
The practical test will be divided into two parts:
-formulation of an institutional monological oral discourse lasting about 3 minutes on a subject assigned one week before the exam date;
-analysis of a short written text on communication in public administration contexts: understanding and proposal for simplification.
The oral test includes the discussion of the theoretical topics covered during the lesson and proposed in the reference essays (from two to four questions).
The last lesson will be aimed at clarifying the examination modalities through simulation exercises and collegial discussion of theoretical doubts.
-practical activities: 15 points out of 30.
14-15 points: fully satisfactory
12 to 13 points: good, with some areas for improvement
9 to 11 points: sufficient, although with gaps
<9 points: insufficient to severely insufficient
-Questions of theoretical investigation: 15 points out of 30.
14-15 points: excellent control of content, very good oral expression, reflection and reasoning skills.
12-13: good control of content, good oral exposition skills, reflection and reasoning.
10-11: fair control of content, fair skills of oral expression, reflection and reasoning.
<9: poor or severely inadequate control of content, oral exposition, reflection and reasoning skills
The following criterias will be taken into consideration during the evaluation:
-clearness of candidates' presentation and accuracy of terminology
-completeness in theoretical knowledge
-critical thinking capacity
-precision in carrying out practical activities.
Teaching tools
PPTs, Internet, Videos, e-learning platform (Virtuale and Teams).
Office hours
See the website of Cristiana Cervini
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.