Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Giulio Centamore (Modulo 1) Giulio Centamore (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Legal Consultant in Business and Public Administration (cod. 9242)

Learning outcomes

The course provides students with the regulative framework of maritime and port work employment law. It will focus on maritime employment law’s peculiarities and similarities with the general law governing the employment relationship. Firstly, the course will address international, as well as EU and national legal sources. Afterwards, it will investigate the main characteristics of the employment relationship in the field of maritime law, with respect to conclusion, execution, and termination of the contract of employment, paying special attention to connections between provisions enshrined by the maritime code and the general labour law framework. Finally, the course will analyze the industrial relations within the given sector.

Course contents

The programme will focus on maritime and dock labour law and, notably, it will deal with the following topics:

  • The sources of labour law
  • The sources of maritime and dock labour law
  • Freedom of association; trade unions and employers' associations
  • Collective bargaining
  • Right to strike
  • The contract of employment; dependent work and self-employment
  • Rights and duties of the parties of the contract of employment
  • Dismissal
  • Maritime labour Convention
  • The contract of employment 
  • Rights and duties of the parties
  • Seafarers strike
  • Dock labour
  • The "compagnie portuali"
  • The case law of the CJUE on dock labour
  • Work organisation in the law no. 84/1994
  • Temporary dock employment
  • Collective bargaining in the dock sector
  • Health and safety in dock labour


Labour law

  • M.L. Vallauri, W. Chiaromonte (a cura di), Elementi di diritto del lavoro, Giappichelli, edizione 2021 o, se disponibile, più recente.


Maritime labour law

  • G. Pellacani, Il lavoro nautico, in A. Vallebona (a cura di), I contratti di lavoro, Tomo 2, UTET, 2009 (pagine 1351-1394).
  • S. Varva, Lo sciopero della gente di mare, in Rivista di diritto dell'economia dei trasporti e dell'ambiente, 2012, volume XII, pagine 281-290.
  • V. Maio, Tempi e luoghi dello sciopero dei marittimi, in Argomenti di diritto del lavoro, 2001, fascicolo 3, pagine 1065-1076.


Dock labour law

  • S. Costantini, Il lavoro portuale: problemi del passato e sfide del futuro, in Il diritto marittimo, 2019, fascicolo 1, pagine 25-64
  • A. Giurini, O. La Tegola, L. Miranda, La sicurezza sul lavoro nei porti, in Working papers Olympus, 2012, pagine 1-51.
  • E. D'Avino, M.G. Elmo, I rapporti di lavoro delle Autorità di sistema portuale: specialità e specificità, in Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, 2020, fascicolo 3, pagine 111-140.
  • E. Ales, P. Passalacqua, La fornitura di lavoro portuale temporaneo, in Working Papers Massimo D'Antona, n. 142/2012 (pagine 1-35).
  • M.I. Ribes Moreno, La movimentazione delle merci nei porti in Spagna e il diritto dell'Unione Europea, in Diritti lavori mercati, 2015, fascicolo 3 (pagine 620-630).

Teaching methods

The course will take place in presence and will be highly interactive.    

Assessment methods

The attending students’ learning will be constantly verified through discussions and debates.

Students will be assessed on the basis of an oral exam.

The examination will focus on topics related to those mentioned in the ‘Contents’ section.

Teaching tools

Teaching materials will be circulated to the students via the platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/ 

Office hours

See the website of Giulio Centamore


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.