- Docente: Natalia Montinari
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SECS-P/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics and business (cod. 9202)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic analytical tools for understanding the behaviour of economic agents (individuals, firms, public authorities) and their interactions in the market. At the end of the course the student is able to: - analyse consumers’ expenditure and firms’ production decisions; - understand the interactions between consumers and firms in the market; - analyse the role of public policies in dealing with market failures.
Course contents
The exam program in based on the textbook by Pindyck and Rubinfeld, from which the following parts are excluded:
- Chapter 16
-The appendix to chapter 11 and the final appendix.
- The study of Lagrange's method, presented in the Appendix to chapter 4 and resumed in the appendix to chapter 7, is optional. The rest of the two appendices must be studied.
NB: All the other appendices are a fundamental part of the program, as are the exercises. Those who use previous editions of the manual (which are minimally different from the last one) are required to independently verify which chapters are to be excluded by comparing the edition in their possession with the latest Pearson edition.
Robert S. Pindyck - Daniel L. Rubinfeld - Microeconomics - 9th edition.
Exercises will be held during the course. The text will be available a week before and the solutions, an integral part of the exam program, will be published within a week of the exercise date.
Additional material aimed at deepening specific topics will be provided by the teacher during the course and published online.
Teaching methods
The first part of the course will be carried out in a "classic" way: lectures with slides that will be made available to students after the lesson.
In the final part of the course there will be the opportunity to participate in short group presentations.
Assessment methods
Exam methods: To prepare for the exam, attendance of both the lessons and the tutorial course, dedicated to exercises and applications, is strongly recommended. The exam is always and only written.
A mix of true or false questions, multiple choice questions, open ended questions and exercises will be used.
As regards the final evaluation of the exam, the essential docimological key is the following:
• <18: insufficient
• 18-20: just enough
• 21-23: sufficient
• 24-26: discreet
• 27-29: good
• 30: excellent
• 30 cum laude: excellent
Grade rejection: students can reject the grade obtained at the exam only once. To this end, they must email a request to the instructor within the date set for registration. The instructor will confirm reception of the request asap.
Teaching tools
Lectures with slides
Tutorial exercises
Thematic insights with supplementary materials provided by the teacher
Office hours
See the website of Natalia Montinari