33715 - Political Geography (1) (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Matteo Proto
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-GGR/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

The course focuses on the analysis of geopolitics and international politics from a geographical perspective. By linking the history of geography and geopolitics to colonialism and European imperialism the course aims at introducing the students to critical human geography and the understanding of how spatial theory and spatial practices are related to power and culture. Students will learn how to critically reflect and analyse contemporary cases of geopolitical interventions and discourses.

Course contents

In the first part, the course will introduce the origins and the development of geography and political geography since the end of the 19th century. More specifically, it will discuss the concepts of territory, nation state, region and border, with reference to their historical-political genealogy and to the frame of geographical theories. The emergence of geography as an academic and popular discipline will be linked to nation-building processes and to the colonial narratives associated to European imperial project.

In the second part of the course, we will explore the crisis of modern sovereignty and the emergence of a new power horizon associated with biopolitical governmentality. We will specifically delve into the concept of political community extended beyond state authority and examine the various forms of violence that occur at the margin of the state.

The third part is dedicated to the geographies of otherness. This part will discuss the relation between traveling, field trips and geographical exploration in their connection with European colonialism. The relationship between colonialism and the narratives of others and otherness as well as between heritage and identity will be analyzed through the conceptualization of Orientalism. Finally, this part will analyze post-colonial and decolonial theories which characterized decolonization processes, also with reference to the European and Italian context.

The fourth part of the course will be dedicated to the history and the contemporary use of Geopolitics and the different stages of geopolitical theories: the geopolitics of European imperialism, cold war and post-cold war geopolitics, all presenting according to the perspectives offered by the field known as Critical Geopolitics.

The final week of the course consists of a series of seminars that delve into contemporary conflicts and various forms of violence. These seminars will feature both students and guest speakers.



Attending students there will read bibliographical sources presented and discussed during the course, in addition to other sources available on could sharing platform Virtuale. Further information and the login password will be indicated at the beginning of the course.


For the preparation of their exam, non-attending students are required to study the following books:

1) Jones M., Jones R., Whitehead M., Woods M., Dixon D., Hannah M., Introduzione alla geografia politica: Spazi, luoghi, politiche, Torino, UTET, 2021.

2) Schmitt C., Terra e mare. Una riflessione sulla storia del mondo, Adelphi, 2002.

3) Chose one between:

-Ivetic E., Il Mediterraneo e l’Italia. Dal mare nostrum alla centralità comprimaria, Rubettino, 2022

-Proto M., I confini d'Italia: Geografie della nazione dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra, BUP, 2014

- Conelli C., Il rovescio della nazione. La costruzione coloniale dell'idea di Mezzogiorno, Tamu, 2022

Power point presentations and bibliography on cloud sharing platform Virtuale is related to attending students programme

Teaching methods

In the first four weeks of lesson the course is largely based on frontal teaching/lectures. The last week is structured around a series of seminars in which the students are expecting to be involved in an open discussion facilitated by the lecturer. During the first class the lecturer will provide detailed instructions on how the course is organised, on the content, on the readings and on the exam.

Students who intend to take the exam as 'attending students' are expected to attend no less than 75% of the lectures.

By reason of the teaching methods, registration of the lectures is not provided nor authorized

Assessment methods


For attending students the assessment consists of two evaluations:

1) A short paper related to the topics and readings analysed in the last week of the course

2) A written exam with two open questions focussed on course topics


The assessment consists of a written exam with open questions.

The examination (one and half hour) takes place in a computer science laboratory, using the online platform EOL. To attend the exam, students' personal password is required to get access to computers and online platform.

Questions are focussed on topics and subjects treated in the textbook and the other readings.

The assessment will consider:

1) the level of knowledge and critical understanding of the content addressed in the questions;

2) the strength of the argument and the capacity to identify links between the main topics discussed in the responses;

3) the use of the appropriate terminology.

I will assess with excellence grades the evidence of your acquisition of an exhaustive view of all the themes addressed and the capacity of dealing critically with them, in addition to the mobilization of a good written expression and correct use of specific terminology.

A mnemonic knowledge of the themes, accompanied by the capacity of analysis and synthesis expressed in appropriate language, will lead to average/good grades.

Lacunas in the key contents, and/or inappropriate language, in the context of a basic knowledge of the course's themes, will lead to grades that will not exceed the pass-mark (18 or so).

Lacunas, inappropriate language, lack of understanding of the course's materials will be assessed negatively. In case of fail grade, you will need to repeat the exam.

For attending students, active participation in class with questions and critical remarks will be appreciated.

The results will be notified by email

Teaching tools

Power point presentations and bibliography on cloud sharing platform Virtuale is related to attending students programme.

Power point presentations


Cloud sharing platform

Students who require specific services and adaptations to teaching activities due to a disability or specific learning disorders (SLD), must first contact the appropriate office: https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en/for-students

Office hours

See the website of Matteo Proto