31125 - Professional Skills Laboratory: Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Sciences II (G.C)

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop the student: - is able to apply the specific techniques learnt autonomously or within projects organised by the institutions; - is able to compare with others on how to use and document the techniques learnt; - is able to place the specific knowledge learnt in different types of service; - is able to assess the limits and merits of the technical tools learnt; - is able to transfer the technologies learnt into different contexts by making personal modifications and additions.


Course contents

Diversity Management brings a multidisciplinary approach to the management and enhancement of diversity in complex contexts, inclusion (especially in the workplace), prevention of forms of discrimination and the creation of heterogeneous and creative groups.
The workshop envisages the presence of several voices and disciplines within the course, to respond to the transversal and transdisciplinary nature of the issues addressed. The workshop envisages the co-leading of three lecturers who will bring different and complementary themes, according to an intersectional perspective. The topics related to disability management - understood as a corporate governance approach concerning the change, in favour of inclusion, of individual and collective behaviours through training activities aimed at learning different practices and languages - will investigate and build assets useful to set up inclusive corporate cultures. In particular, given a company - public or private - we will deconstruct its culture in order to reconstruct it by promoting and innovating inclusive processes useful for the participation in the labour market of persons with disabilities or work disadvantages.
The topics related to intersectional mainstreaming and inclusion in the workplace will focus on the process of constructing intervention policies in a specific company context, public or private, starting from the design, the most appropriate methodology for the detection of issues related to exclusion or discrimination, the design of an intervention and its evaluation. In this regard, the focus will be on the practical creation of qualitative-quantitative detection instruments.

Teaching methods

Testimonials, case studies, project work, workshop

Office hours

See the website of Elena Luppi

See the website of Valeria Friso

See the website of Rossella Ghigi


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.