03568 - Economic Politics

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in International Development and Cooperation (cod. 8890)

Learning outcomes

The course would make the students be able to analyse the economic policies and their effects on the economic and social development.

The student knows the structural economic problems of Italian economy (local development, public debt, Southern-Northern differences, employments).

The student could be understand and analyse the principal economic documents. 

To reach these objectives the students will be able to use the most important national and international data bases to study the economical policies (Regio- Data Base Eurostat, Istat-Data Base).

Course contents

Introduction to political economy (1 hour);

On Tuesday, October 2nd, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and Thursday, October 3rd, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Professor Patricio della Giovanna from the University of Buenos Aires - UCA will address the topics of international politics and economic development from a comparative perspective between Latin America and Europe. He will focus particularly on indices of economic freedom, freedom of expression, democracy, and corruption. Similarly, he will propose that students analyze the geopolitical relevance of the Americas for global food security.

Italian policy economy (15 hours  and 4 laboratory hours)

- The development and the Italian economic trends in the latter postwar;

- The Italian endogenous models and local systems, the industrial districts and the globalization;

- Measure of Territorial Capital

- Territorial development policies. From the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno to EU regional policies. Similarities and differences.

- The indicators of Fair and Sustainable Well-being (BES): the theory of Amartya Sen as a background and the targets for the Italian economic policy.

Some Italian structural problems (4 hours and 2 laboratory hours):

- Poverty in Italy and the adoption of the Citizenship Income.

- the South and the end of the extraordinary intervention, employment and unemployment.

- The public debt in Italy


Theoretical introduction and measurement of institutional quality (4 theoretical hours and 2 laboratory hours): EQI and IQI indicators.

The main EU policies  (8 hours and 2 laboratory hours)

The role of the Italian economic policy in the European contest;

-EU Cohesion Policy: History, Principles and Characteristics

- SNAI strategy  Internal Areas as policy Multilevel governance

-Implementation in Italy: opportunities and problems

  - The single market, the Maastricht agreements, the economic and monetary union;

UE budget 2021-2027. Cohesion Policy 2021-2017 and RRP plan for Italy (2 hours)

-The future EU policies after the Covid-19 mergency

Given the issues addressed in this Economic Policy course, it contributes to greater awareness and, therefore, to the achievement of the objectives, 5, 8, 10 and 16, of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Documents about European and Italian Economic Policy that can be downloaded from the web-site https://iol.unibo.it/ (IOL- Insegnamenti On Line _ Teaching On Line), slides and some chapters/paragraphs indicated in the last slide related to the topic:

Politica Economica – Valli, 2005 Cap.1 e Cap. 4

Politica Economica Volume I – Valli, 1998 Cap.13 e paragrafi 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5 e 15.5

Politica Economica – Valli, 2005

Mezzogiorno a tradimento – Viesti – Cap.3

Le cause del divario Nord-Sud in Italia e gli effetti delle politiche pubbliche sulla società nel Mezzogiorno, tesi SVIC di Alessandra Buonaiuto

Politica Economica – Valli, 2005 - Par. 5.8

Lo sviluppo locale – Ciapetti, 2010

Il distretto industriale Marshalliano come concetto socio-economico - G. Becattini, 1991

LA GOVERNANCE NEI DISTRETTI INDUSTRIALI DEL TERZO MILLENNIO Il caso della Regione Marche e l’area di crisi industriale complessa del Fermano Maceratese, tesi di laurea Svic di M. G. Paccapelo a.a. 2019/2020 SVIC

Le nuove politiche regionali dell'Unione Europea – Viesti, Prota – Cap.1 e 2

Politica Regionale – Commissione Europea [http://www2.stat.unibo.it/brasili/polec_2017/regional_policy_it.pdf]

I fondi strutturali europei: otto lezioni dall'esperienza italiana – Viesti, Luongo 2014

Le nuove politiche regionali dell'Unione Europea – Viesti, Prota – Cap.7

Le nuove politiche regionali dell'Unione Europea – Viesti, Prota – Cap.8

Investire nelle regioni: la riforma della Politica di coesione dell’UE 2014-2020

Sintesi dell’accordo di partenariato per l’Italia, 2014-2020, European Commission 2014

Accordo di partenariato 2014-2020 Italia allegato 1 risultati attesi - azioni

Politica Economica Europea - Valli, 1999 par.2.2 e 2.3

Politica Economica e Macroeconomia Vittorio Valli e altri, paragrafi 7.6, 7.7, 7.8 (2010), Ed. Carocci

Padoa-Schioppa Tommaso, L’Euro in prospettiva storica, il Mulino, n.399, 1/2002

Professor Patricio Dellagiovanna (currently visiting the University of Bologna) will provide the study materials related to his lectures


Letture integrative:

Rapporti BES 2016, 2017 e 2018

Istat, I distretti industriali 2011

L’“effetto distretto”: motivazioni e risultati di un progetto di ricerca – L. Federico Signorini, 2000

I distretti industriali del Terzo Millennio – F. Guelpa, S. Micelli, 2007 Cap.1

I distretti industriali del Terzo Millennio – F. Guelpa, S. Micelli, 2007 Cap.7

Italia e Germania: due vie per l’uscita dalla crisi – A. Brasili C.Brasili, 2011

Lo sviluppo è libertà – Sen, 2000

La povertà in Italia - Sintesi Rapporto Istat 2016 (13/07/2017)

Città e sviluppo locale – Bertini, Brasili, 2014

I “nuovi” distretti agroalimentari tra i “nuovi” distretti industriali- C. Brasili, R. Fanfani

Nel DEF 2017 per la prima volta gli indicatori BeS

Il Quadro Strategico Nazionale 2007-2013

Mantovani A., Mattarin L, Economia dell’integrazione europea, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008 (cap 5 pp. 163-200)

Bordignon, Turati DEBITO PUBBLICO come ci siamo arrivati e come sopravvivergli, PICCOLA BIBLIOTECA PER UN PAESE NORMALE - VITA E PENSIERO

Roberto Basile, Luisa Giallonardo, Marcella Mulino of the text Economic policy, third edition Ed. Wolters Kluwer Italy (CEDAM)

I numeri della corruzione – C. Brasili (2012)

La finanza pubblica e il debito pubblico Dott.ssa Arianna Moschetti Da pag 10 a pag 13 E da pag 21 a pag 45


Relazione dell’Unione sulla lotta alla corruzione

Relazione dell’Unione sulla lotta alla corruzione – foglio paese Italia

Rapporto sul Sistema agroalimentare dell'Emilia- Romagna - Capitolo 2. Le politiche comunitarie e nazionali


Teaching methods

The approach followed in this course is to introduce students to Economic Policy by presenting them different topics, discussing the theory (during the lectures) and pursuing empirical research through statistical data analysis (during the lectures in the  laboratory lectures).

Assessment methods

Verification of the degree of learning of the topics will be conducted through the written or oral exam.

The exam sessions in January and February (3) will include written checks lasting an hour and a half:

Students will have the choice of 1 question (out of 2), divided into 5 points (all to be treated, each point covered is worth a maximum of 7/35 and for each point not covered, 2 will be subtracted from the score obtained). By adding up the evaluation of the different points, if the score is exceeded by 30, the Honors is also obtained.
The questions relating to the laboratory lessons require the consultation of the attached data tables and graphs.
The script provides for a maximum number of lines to be written for each point (which may vary from question to question, with 12 Times New Roman font).
The exam sessions in June, July and September (3) will be oral and the questions will be set up as for the written exam.

The evaluation of the oral exam will be given according to the criterion:
• Sufficient preparation and analytical skills, expressed in a formally correct language → 18-22;
• Technically adequate preparation, sufficient analytical skills, even if not particularly articulated, expressed in correct language → 23-26;
• In-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, good analytical and critical skills, mastery of specific terminology → 27-29;
• Very in-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, critical analysis and connection skills, mastery of specific terminology → 30-30L.
At the end of the course students are expected to hold the following competences:

  • Knowledge of EU economic policies and their relations with Italian and International economic policies;
  • Ability to apply methods and tools presented during the course;

Ability to discuss the outcomes of the empirical analysis in the light of recent literature and current political economy strategies.

Teaching tools

Reading materials can be found at:

Unibo Virtuale - Università di Bologna https://virtuale.unibo.it

Lessons will not be recorded.


Office hours

See the website of Cristina Brasili


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.