78964 - Electrochemistry T

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (cod. 8887)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has acquired basic knowledge of electrochemistry. In particular, the student knows the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of electrode processes and the fundamentals of transport and interactions of charged species. The student learns how to apply this knowledge in the field of electrochemical energy conversion and storage, as well as about the corrosion of materials.

Course contents

• Electronic and ionic conductors
• Electrolytes
• Electrochemical Cells
• Faraday's Laws

Electric conduction in the Electrolytes:
• Ionic Mobility
• Conductance
• Conductivity and Kohlrausch law
• Tansport

Interionic Interactions:
• Chemical Potential
• Debye-Hückel theory of the solutions

Electrode Potentials:
• Nernst Equation
• Electrode Potential
• StandardPotential

Mass Transport:
• Flux, Migration, Diffusion, Convection

Electrode-Solution Interface Structure:
• Structure of the Electrode/Solution Interface
• Double electric Layer
• Electrc potential at the Interface
• Polarizable and non-polarizable Interfaces

Elements of chemical and electrodic kinetics:
Review of chemical kinetics, Transition state theory
• Overvoltage
• Kinetics of heterogeneous electronic transfer and Butler-Volmer equation
• Effect of mass transport

Electrochemical Investigation Techniques:
Cottrell law and chronoamperometry
• Linear scanning potential voltammetry
• cyclic voltammetry of species in solution and adsorbed on surface
• Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

Electrochemical energy sources
• Fuel cells
• Electrochemical sensors
• Corrosion


• Slides and Notes from the Lessons
CHIMICA FISICA, P. Atkins e J. de Paula, Zanichelli
ELECTROCHEMISTRY, C.H. Hamann, A. Hamnett e W. Vielstich, 2 ed., Wiley-VCH, 2007
Electrochemical Methods - Fundamentals and Applications, A. J. Bard, L. R. Faulkner, Wiley (II edition), 2001

Teaching methods

Frontal Lessons, exercises and computer simulation of selected parts of the course


Assessment methods

Written examination (three exercises to be solved and two open questions, 3 hours available for the exam) concerning topics discussed during the lessons.

6 maximum points will be awarded for each exercise / question. In addition, 3 additional points will be awarded: 1 for those who have answered both open questions, 1 for the ability to express with appropriate scientific terms and to orient themselves in the context of the course topics, 1 for the orderly and legible execution of the exercises and written text.

Official appeals will be set (see Alma Exams) or, possibly, appeals at the request of a suitable number of students. Requests should be sent by email.

Teaching tools

Slide Projection, blackboard, notebook


Office hours

See the website of Catia Arbizzani


Affordable and clean energy

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.