30943 - Compared Analysis of Educational Models for the Permanent Education

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Dorena Caroli
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: M-PED/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Rossella Raimondo (Modulo 1) Dorena Caroli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes (cod. 8780)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - will know how to understand the results and research materials of this field from a technical point of view; - knows how to develop a knowledge of the areas and processes of training; - knows how to operationally manage specific activities and services; - knows how to develop a knowledge of professional environments; - knows how to design, elaborate and manage to coordinate applied field of research activities; - can promote, design, implement and evaluate new activities and services and / or implementation and innovation of existing ones; - has self-management skills of professional development; - is able to use the learning methods developed to deepen and update different knowledge independently.

Course contents

The course aims to study from a theoretical and practical point of view the methodologies and fields of comparative education with a look at the concrete analysis of the mains theories and history of adult and lifelong education. Starting from the very foundations of comparative education, models of adult and continuing education will be studied in a comparative perspective. Professional cultures and human resource management will also be covered.

The first part of the course will also be dedicated to the study of adult education, considered in the course of its historical development up to the recent educational perspectives. In addition, a number of significant figures will be examined (specifically Maria Montessori, Albert Mansbridge, Eduard C. Lindeman, Adriano Olivetti, Bruno Ciari and Alberto Manzi), who from various points of view contributed to outline the theoretical background and operational lines of lifelong and adult education between the 19th and 20th centuries.

The second part will deal with the theories of comparative education in the international context; the conception of continuing education of John Dewey and other important theories of lifelong education and adults such as Sheperd-Knowles, Schwartz, Freire, Ilich, Mezirow. Ukraine’s school system (1991-2022) will be analysed due to the recent focus on the conflict. The characteristics of education and continuing training policies in the vocational field will also be discussed.

Module 1 (prof. Rossella Raimondo)

Comparative education: the tradition of the subject

Montessori, Albert Mansbridge, Eduard C. Lindeman, Adriano Olivetti, Bruno Ciari, Alberto Manzi

Comparison of cases of non formal education

 Professional Cultures and Human Resource Management (1)

Module 2 (prof. Dorena Caroli)

New recent perspectives of international comparative education; Lifelong education according to John Dewey; Malcom Sheperd-Knowles, Bertrand Schwartz, Paulo Freire, Ivan Ilich, Jack Mezirow. 

Compare educational and professional policies in the global world;

The evolution of the educational system in Ukraine (1991-2021)

Professional Cultures and Human Resource Management (2): case studies and analysis.

This course helps substantiate some of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs9).


Mandatory for the Module 1  (Raimondo):

  • Modulo 1 (Raimondo):

    • N.S. Barbieri, A. Gaudio e G. Zago, Manuale di educazione comparata. Insegnare in Europa e nel mondo, Els La scuola, Brescia, 2016, fino a p. 128 (ad esclusione delle pagine sugli scout che saranno studiate nel modulo 2).
    • E. Marescotti, Educazione permanente e degli adulti: storia di un’idea. Interlocutori privilegiati e concetti fondativi, UTET Universitaria, Milano, 2022 (da studiare solo i capitoli dedicati ai seguenti autori: Montessori, Mansbridge, Lindeman, Olivetti, Ciari e Manzi).
    • L. Cavana, Il Karma e l’epoché. L’Educazione degli adulti tra Buddhismo e Fenomenologia, Clueb, Bologna, 2000, da p. 11 a p. 37.
    • Ziglio C., Viaggio nelle tribù professionali, CLUEB, Bologna, 2015, pp. 254 (prima parte, solo lettura).

Mandatory for the Module 2 (Caroli):

  • Barbieri Nicola S., Gaudio A., Zago (eds.), Manuale di educazione comparata, Brescia, La scuola/Morcelliana, 2016 from p. 129 to p. 207.
  • E. Marescotti, Educazione permanente e degli adulti: storia di un’idea. Interlocutori privilegiati e concetti fondativi, UTET Universitaria, Milano, 2022 -da studiare solo i capitoli dedicati ai seguenti autori: Dewey, Sheperd-Knowles, Schwartz, Freire, Ilich, Mezirow
  • Caroli D., La storia dell’orientamento scolastico e professionale in Francia alla luce di studi recenti [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/949647], in: Sistemi educativi, Orientamento, Lavoro. Sessione plenaria e sessioni parallele, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, «SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI PEDAGOGIA», 2023, pp. 527 - 532 (atti di: Convegno Nazionale SIPED "Sistemi educativi, Orientamento, Lavoro", Bologna, 2-4 febbraio 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno] available online: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/dorena.caroli/pubblicazioni?page=2
  • Caroli D., L’insegnamento della storia in Russia e Ucraina : la revisione della manualistica scolastica in prospettiva comparata (1991-2014) = History teaching in Russia and Ukraine : the revision of school textbooks in a comparative perspective (1991-2014) [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/953764], «RIVISTA DI STORIA DELL'EDUCAZIONE», 2023, 10, pp. 45 - 59 available online: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/dorena.caroli/pubblicazioni?page=2
  • Ziglio C., Viaggio nelle tribù professionali, CLUEB, Bologna, 2015, pp. 254 (chapters 4 and 8).
  • a topic/author from the following volumes.

Further readings

Bellatalla L., Maria Serafini Alimonda pioniera dell'educazione degli adulti, Roma, Anicia, 2023, pp. 224.

Betti C., L’opera nazionale balilla e l’educazione fascista, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1984, pp. 95-179.

Caroli D., Abbandono, fame e devianza dei giovani in URSS, «Storia e problemi contemporanei», 27, 2001, pp. 173-202.

Caroli, D., Evoluzione del sistema scolastico ucraino tra ricerca dell’identità nazionale e plurilinguismo (1991-2021), in «Nuova secondaria», 2022, XXXIX, pp. 22 - 38.

C. Callegari, L'educazione continua nei documenti internazionali dal dopoguerra agli anni sessanta, in G. Zago (a cura di), L'educazione exstrascolastica nella seconda metà del Novecento. Tra espansione e rinnovamento (1945-1975), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017, pp. 225-246.

John Dewey e l’educazione degli adulti. Una rilettura di Moral Principles in Education. (1909), a cura di L. Bellatalla, M. Pennacchini, Roma, Anicia, 2019, pp. 5-139.

Mincu M.M., Sistemi scolastici nel modo globale. Educazione comparata e politiche educative, Milano, Mondadori, 2021 (part about Italy and Germany).

R. Raimondo, Discoli incorreggibili. Indagine storico-educativa sulle origini delle case di correzione in Italia e in Inghilterra, Editore Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014, pp. 160.

Sica M., Storia dello scoutismo in Italia, Roma, Edizioni fiordaliso, 2006, pp. 11-491.

Ziglio C. - Boccalon R., L’attività osservativa in educazione. Un paradigma scientifico, Utet università, Torino 2006.


Teaching methods

Group work (in written form) starting based on the lectures and readings choice; video

Assessment methods

Written examination consisting of two parts. The final result/note note will be  the average of the 2 examinations passed with Prof. Rossella Raimondo (Module 1) and Dorena Caroli (module 2). The latter will carry out the final verbalization. Students in examination debt will be able to choose whether to prepare about the program of prof. Corrado Ziglio or on this new program divided into two parts.

Attention: The course will begin with module 1 (24 hours) held by prof. Rossella Raimondo and will continue, at the same schedule, with Module 2 (24 hours) held by Prof. Dorena Caroli.

To pass the exam, it is necessary to register via the electronic bulletin board (AlmaEsami), in compliance with the deadlines set. Those who fail to register due to technical problems by the scheduled date, are required to communicate (and in any case before the official closing of the registration lists) the problem to the didactic secretariat.

It will be the faculty of the teacher to admit them to take the test. The evaluation will take into account the following indicators: 1. knowledge of the contents of the discipline and in particular of the authors and of the educational problem they face; 2. ability to analyze a text and to elaborate the single parts in a concise and exhaustive way 3. reworking and personal critical reflection and clear exposition of the concepts of the discipline 4. reflections and insights elaborated in the classroom. The final grade will be in thirtieths. Verification of learning and knowledge acquisition takes place through 2 written examinations lasting  120 minutes (60 minutes for each part). It consists of 2 open-ended questions.

The objective of the exam is to ascertain the skills of analysis and understanding of the contents of the discipline, evaluating the ability to display, re-elaborate and conceptualize the contents learned. Particularly evaluated will be the student's ability to know how to orient himself within the sources and bibliographic material in order to identify them useful information that allows him to illustrate the aspects and cultural areas of the discipline.

In the event that the health situation of Covid 19 reveals new critical periods, the exam will be carried out orally on the TEAMS platform (you must register through Almaesami).

Teaching tools

Materials uploaded inside "virtuale", slides, video.

Office hours

See the website of Dorena Caroli

See the website of Rossella Raimondo


No poverty Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.