- Docente: Francesca Sbardella
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-STO/06
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations (cod. 8493)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations (cod. 8493)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Oct 23, 2024
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course students will be able to understand religious phenomena by a comparative historical method, and identify their features and types, focusing on areas and events where religion and culture interacted. They will be able to describe and illustrate specific instances of interrelation among various religions, and understand multicultural contexts. They will also know how to listen, understand and debate respectfully with different cultures and viewpoints, spotting the tie-ups among different disciplines.
Course contents
The course participates in the University's Teaching Experimentation Project according to the 'hybrid' (blended) model: 30% of the lessons take place on line.
See the lesson structure below and the additional teaching material on Virtuale.
The course includes an ethnographic field experiment.
Classes begin: 18 September 2023 (I + II period) (for 6 cfu and 12 cfu)
Mon, Tue, Wed, h 13-15 DISCI
I period (6 cfu): aula Grande SGM
II period (12 cfu): MON, THUR aula Fumagalli; WED aula Seminari 2
Studying magic-religious phenomena: fundamental theories
In this course students will acquire the fundamental notions to interpret the complexity of religious systems, recognize their mutual relations and focus on their structural patterns. They will possess knowledge that is suitable to favor inter-religious understanding and communication.
This course will address a number of classic topics in religion anthropology and focus on some of the conceptual issues in the study of the sacred and of magic and religion practices, including lay ones.
During the course the following subjects will be addressed:
- Rites, myths and sacrificial apparatus
- Beliefs and practices
- Terminology of the history of religions (holy, religion, etc.)
- Classification of religions
- Religious Studies: origin, authors and main theories
- Religion as a product of man and historical document
- Components and structure of the religious system
- Corporality in religious systems
- Religious scriptures and text construction
- Religious identity and plurality
At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
- determine and analyze the distinguishing features of religious facts;
- acquire competences to interpret the relations between religions and society;
- develop collaboratively a functional analysis model applied to historical-anthropological research;
- read, analyze, summarize, understand, and explain explicit and implicit information in texts about historical-religious theories;
- provide some basic means to develop the necessary skills in collecting, processing, analyzing, and interpreting genuine empirical data concerning the magical-religious field.
Some of the issues discussed in the course will also be reconsidered by watching some documentaries, short videos and movies:
On fait les reliques, Francesca Sbardella (2002); Brian di Nazareth, Terry Jones (1979).
Educational innovation project
Course structure
I module - 6 cfu
For students attending 6 credits, with the support of Virtuale, a micro-work of analysis and theorization on the concepts of religion and religiosity is foreseen.
1-Opening of the course (6 hours in attendance)
Introduction of the course and of the proposed teaching structure, presentation of the main basic theoretical issues.
2-First part of online experimentation (6 hours via Teams)
Virtual opening of a monothematic Forum: what is religion? Students are encouraged to intervene to propose hypothetical definitions. In this way they immediately enter the central problem of the course, identifying the specificities and criticalities that arise in the identification of the so-called religious phenomenon.
3-Thematic study (14 hours in attendance)
Starting from the themes dealt with in the Forum (concept of religion, practice and belief), in-depth lessons and conceptual explanations are offered, including the topics and authors on the programme.
Students have additional in-depth content available in Virtual, both textual and video. In order to discuss the thematic nuclei that have emerged, explanations and proposals for study materials are provided, also with the support of films, ethnographic audiovisuals (made by the teacher), articles/essays, diagrams, graphs, tables.
4-Second part of online experimentation: comparison and conclusions (4 hours online via Teams)
In this phase we proceed to the problematization of Forum: discussion with the students of the results obtained to explain, at a theoretical level and in the process of conclusion, the connections between the activities carried out and the proposed insights.
For the experiments, see the additional explanatory material uploaded to Virtuale in the section Progetto di innovazione didattica.
II module – for students of 12 credits
For students attending 12 credits, in addition to the micro-analysis work of module I, a field micro-experimentation (optional but recommended) is foreseen consisting in the realization of an interview relating to the practice of prayer (cf. texts/bibliography attending 12 credits).
1-Opening of the course (6 hours in attendance)
Introduction of the course and of the proposed didactic structure, presentation of the main specific theoretical issues, in-depth analysis of the first module with a focus on the concept of religious rite/practice.
2-First part of online experimentation (6 hours via Teams)
Virtual opening of a monothematic forum: the practice of prayer. Students are encouraged to intervene to propose hypothetical definitions and to question themselves on the concept.
Virtual opening of the collaborative Wiki tool to allow the drafting of a participatory document in which to hypothesize a structure of hypotheses of semi-structured questions for the realization of an interview in the field.
At the end of this phase, the Task Tool is launched in Virtual mode with a request for delivery of the transcribed interview carried out during a short camp, possibly enriched with digital content of different types (images, audio and video clips).
3-Thematic study (14 hours in attendance)
Starting from the themes addressed in the Forum, in-depth lessons and conceptual explanations are proposed, understanding the topics and the authors in the programme. In order to discuss the thematic cores that have emerged, explanations and proposals for study materials are provided, also with the support of films, audiovisuals, articles/essays, diagrams, graphs, tables.
Students have additional in-depth content available in Virtual, both textual and video.
4-Second part of online experimentation: comparison and conclusions (4 hours online via Teams)
In this phase we proceed to the presentation and problematization of the papers, with any digital content, uploaded by the students in Virtual in the Compito Tool. Discussion with the students of the results obtained to explain, at a theoretical level and in the process of conclusion, the connections between the activities carried out and the proposed insights.
Each of the activities carried out may include an intermediate evaluation, which also takes into account the student's commitment and participation.
For the experiments, see also the additional explanatory material uploaded to Virtuale in the Didactic innovation project section.
Programme for attending and non-attending students 6 cfu
The syllabus for non-attending students is not subject to any tegration. Non-attending students will need to make a greater effort in preparing the exam individually
- Jensen Sinding Jeppe, 2018, Che cos’è la religione?, Bulzoni, Roma
- Geertz C., «La religione come sistema culturale», in Id.,Interpretazione di culture.
Geertz's text is available in Virtuale.
- Classics. A text of your choice:
(the editions are indicative, any edition is fine)
Boyer Pascal, 2010 [2001], E l’uomo inventò gli dèi, Bologna, Odoya
Dumézil Georges, 1977 [1966], La religione romana arcaica, Milano, Rizzoli
Eliade Mircea, 1984 [1957], Il sacro e il profano, Torino, Boringhieri
Evans-Pritchard Edward E., 1965 [1956], La religione dei Nuer, Firenze, Sansoni
Evans-Pritchard Edward E., 1971 [1966], Teorie sulla religione primitive, Firenze, Sansoni
Frazer J. G., 1992 [1922], Il ramo d'oro, Roma, Newton & Compton
Hubert H. - Mauss M., 2002 [1899], Saggio sulla funzione e la natura del sacrificio, Brescia, Morcelliana
Jung, Carl Gustav, 1984 [1938-40], Psicologia e religione, Torino, Boringhieri
Leeuw G. Van der, 2017 [1933], Fenomenologia della religione, Torino, Boringhieri
Levi-Bruhl, Lucien, 1982 [1922], La mentalità primitiva, Torino, Einaudi
Lewis Joan M., 1972, Le religioni estatiche. Studio antropologico sulla possessione spiritica e sullo sciamanismo, Roma, Ubaldini
Malinowski Bronislaw 1676 [1948], Magia, scienza e religione, e Baloma: gli spiriti dei morti nelle isole Trobriand, Roma, Newton Compton
Marx Karl, Engels Friedrich 1958 [1845-46], L’ideologia tedesca, Roma, Editori Riuniti
Mauss M., 2000 [1950], Teoria generale della magia e altri saggi, Einaudi, Torino
Otto R., 1976 [1917], Il sacro: l’irrazionale nella idea del divino e la sua relazione al razionale, Milano, Feltrinelli
Schmitt Carl, 2014 [1922-1953], Le categorie del 'politico'. Saggi di teoria politicaTambiah Stanley J., 1993 [1990], Magia, scienza, religione, Napoli, Guida
Tillich Paul, 1967 [1957], Dinamica della fede, Roma, Ubaldini.
Turner Victor W., 1972 [1969], Il processo rituale, Brescia, Morcelliana
Tylor Edward B., 2000 [1871], Alle origini della cultura, vol. IV Animismo. L’anima e le anime. Dottrine e funzioni, Pisa-Roma, Istituti Editoriali Poligrafici Internazionali
Van Gennep Arnold 2012 [1909], I riti di passaggio, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
For students attending 6 credits, with the support of Virtuale, a micro-work of analysis and theorization on the concepts of religion and religiosity is foreseen.
For the experiment, see the additional explanatory material uploaded to Virtuale in the section Progetto di innovazione didattica.
Programme for attending students 12 cfu
1. Jensen Sinding Jeppe, 2018, Che cos’è la religione?, Bulzoni, Roma
2. Thematic works. One of the following texts:
Sbardella F., Abitare il silenzio. Un’antropologa in clausura, Viella, Roma 2017.
Sbardella F, Antropologia delle reliquie. Un caso storico, Morcelliana 2023 (2a ed.).
3. Classics.
(the edition is indicative, any edition is fine)
Marcel Mauss, La preghiera e i riti orali, Morcelliana Brescia 1997
For students attending 12 credits, a field micro-experimentation (optional but recommended) is foreseen consisting in the realization of an interview relating to the practice of prayer.
For the experiments, see the additional explanatory material uploaded to Virtuale in the section Progetto di innovazione didattica.
Programme for non-attending students 12 cfu
- Jensen Sinding Jeppe, 2018, Che cos’è la religione?, Bulzoni, Roma
- Natale Spineto, Gli studi di storia delle religioni. Profilo storico, Le Monnier Università Firenze 2023.
- Thematic works. One of the following texts:
Sbardella F., Abitare il silenzio. Un’antropologa in clausura, Viella, Roma 2017.
Sbardella F, Antropologia delle reliquie. Un caso storico, Morcelliana 2007.
- Classics. One of the following texts:
(the editions are indicative, any edition is fine)
Boyer Pascal, 2010 [2001], E l’uomo inventò gli dèi, Bologna, Odoya
De Martino Ernesto, 2021, Morte e pianto rituale. Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria, Bologna, il Mulino, edizione curata da Marcello Massenzio
Dumézil Georges, 1977 [1966], La religione romana arcaica, Milano, Rizzoli
Eliade Mircea, 1984 [1957], Il sacro e il profano, Torino, Boringhieri
Evans-Pritchard Edward E., 1965 [1956], La religione dei Nuer, Firenze, Sansoni
Evans-Pritchard Edward E., 1971 [1966], Teorie sulla religione primitive, Firenze, Sansoni
Frazer J. G., 1992 [1922], Il ramo d'oro, Roma, Newton & Compton
Freud S., 2009 [1929-1930], Il disagio della civiltà, Prato, Piano B. Il testo si trova anche in Freud S., Il disagio della civiltà e altri saggi, Torino, Boringhieri
Hubert H. - Mauss M., 2002 [1899], Saggio sulla funzione e la natura del sacrificio, Brescia, Morcelliana
Jung, Carl Gustav, 1984 [1938-40], Psicologia e religione, Torino, Boringhieri
Leeuw G. Van der, 2017 [1933], Fenomenologia della religione, Torino, Boringhieri
Levi-Bruhl, Lucien, 1982 [1922], La mentalità primitiva, Torino, Einaudi
Lewis Joan M., 1972, Le religioni estatiche. Studio antropologico sulla possessione spiritica e sullo sciamanismo, Roma, Ubaldini
Malinowski Bronislaw 1676 [1948], Magia, scienza e religione, e Baloma: gli spiriti dei morti nelle isole Trobriand, Roma, Newton Compton
Marx Karl, Engels Friedrich 1958 [1845-46], L’ideologia tedesca, Roma, Editori Riuniti
Mauss M., 2000 [1950], Teoria generale della magia e altri saggi, Einaudi, Torino
Otto R., 1976 [1917], Il sacro: l’irrazionale nella idea del divino e la sua relazione al razionale, Milano, Feltrinelli
Schmitt Carl, 2014 [1922-1953], Le categorie del 'politico'. Saggi di teoria politica
Tambiah Stanley J., 1993 [1990], Magia, scienza, religione, Napoli, Guida
Tillich Paul, 1967 [1957], Dinamica della fede, Roma, Ubaldini.
Turner Victor W., 1972 [1969], Il processo rituale, Brescia, Morcelliana
Tylor Edward B., 2000 [1871], Alle origini della cultura, vol. IV Animismo. L’anima e le anime. Dottrine e funzioni, Pisa-Roma, Istituti Editoriali Poligrafici Internazionali
Van Gennep Arnold 2012 [1909], I riti di passaggio, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures will alternate with seminars for in-depth discussion in which students are invited to actively take part with personal investigations, presentations and reports concerning the proposed issues.
Part of the programme will be completed by using e-learning tools: this activity will be based on collaborative writing applied to ethnographic research through the use of collaborative digital tools.
Assessment methods
The final examination is an interview via Teams. The students will be asked some questions concerning the texts included in the syllabus and the subjects presented in them.
For attending students, the assessment of the final interview is complemented with specific questions on the subjects discussed in class and with the research report on the fieldwork assignment.
Exam registration should be completed via the Almaesami website.
Assessment criteria:
- In-depth and detailed knowledge of the syllabus text contents
- Teamwork and problem solving skills
- Quantity and quality of each student’s participation in e-learning activities
- Active participation in class discussion: ability to present, contrast, and defend one’s ideas with data that are relevant to the proposed subjects
- Argument and critical skills
- Language appropriateness
- The evaluation of the written report will consider the typical conventions of academic writing (orthography, layout, and presentation), and also the ability to ponder, analyze, and draw conclusions.
The achievement by the student of an organic vision of the topics addressed together with their critical use, a good command of expression and of specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence.
A mnemonic knowledge of the subject, together with ability to synthesize and analyze articulated in a correct, but not always appropriate language, will lead to discrete evaluations.
Training gaps and/or inappropriate language - albeit in a context of minimal knowledge of the exam material - will lead to grades that will not exceed the sufficiency.
Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials offered during the course will be evaluated negatively
Teaching tools
Multimedia tools will be used, e.g. audio recordings and videos. For some fieldwork activities the students will work in a team and use collaborative digital resources, such as e-learning tools.
Slides and Power Point presentations will also be used in some classes.
Students who require specific services and adaptations to teaching activities due to a disability or specific learning disorders (SLD), must first contact the appropriate office: https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en/for-students.
Office hours
See the website of Francesca Sbardella