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Full professor in History of religions and Demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines
For Unibo she teaches History of Religions, Methodologies of the Study of Religions and History of Religions: Objects and Heritage
For the School of Specialization in Demo-ethno-anthropological Heritage of Perugia she teaches Museographies and sacred heritage and she is co-director of the Permanent Laboratory of Ethnography of Material Culture
She collaborates with the UNESCO School of Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation.
For Pàtron she is co-director of the series: Anthropology of Religions and Heritage. Anthropology, museums, landscapes
Areas of interest History and anthropology of religions, museum anthropology and magical-religious heritage, museography of sacred
Topics Monachism, religious groups and sects, sanctity and sacredness, remains and relics, objects of affection, exorcisms and altered states of consciousness, ecclesiastical dynamics in the Catholic context, magical-religious writings
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