- Docente: Yahis Martari
- Credits: 9
- SSD: L-LIN/01
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Yahis Martari (Modulo 1) Silvia Ballarè (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)
First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)
from Sep 25, 2024 to Oct 25, 2024
from Nov 13, 2024 to Dec 20, 2024
Course contents
*** 6 CFU ***
- Applied linguistics. History, methods and definitions
- Pragmatics
- Clinical linguistics
- Textlinguistik and Stylistics
- Acquisitional and educational linguistics
*** 9 CFU *** (students must attend half of the module 2 lessons)
Add the following contents to those of 6 CFU:
- Electronic texts, coding, mark-up format and conversion methods.
- Labeling and tagging.
- What is a corpus, how to use it and the kind of information it provides.
- Parameters for corpus design. Representativeness.
- Syntagmatic and paradigmatic analysis.
- Concordances, collocations and lexical association indexes.
- Annotations
*** 12 CFU ***
Add the following contents to those of 9 CFU:
- FICLIT corpora: CORIS/CODIS, BoLC, DiaCORIS, KIParla, UniverS-ITA
- Methodologies for data collection, trascription and storage.
Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is suggested that they get in touch as soon as possible with the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) and with the lecturer in order to seek together the most effective strategies for following the lessons and/or preparing for the examination.
*** 6 CFU ***
1) Rossini Favretti Rema, Un'introduzione alla linguistica applicata, 2. Ed, Bologna, Patron, 2009.
2) Davies Alain and Elder Catherine, The handbook of applied linguistics, Malden (MA), Blackwell,
2004, cpp. 3, 9,13,19,20,23
- 3 Second Language Acquisition and Ultimate Attainment (David Birdsong)
- 9 Language, Thought, and Culture (Claire Kramsch)
- 13 Stylistics (John McRae and Urszula Clar)
- 19 Research Methods for Applied Linguistics: Scope, Characteristics, and Standards (James
Dean Brown)
- 20 Second Language Learning (William Littlewood)
- 23 Literacy Studies (Eddie Williams) [https://edisciplinas.usp.br/pluginfile.php/3171374/mod_resource/content/1/Handbook%20of%20Applied %20Linguistics-2004-gPG.pdf]
3) Cummings Louise, “Il contributo della linguistica clinica”, in I bisogni linguistici specifici. Inquadramento teorico, intervento clinico e didattica delle lingue, a c. di Michele Daloiso, Trento, Erickson, 2016, pp. 85-116 [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312083452_Il_contributo_della_linguistica_clinica?fbclid=IwAR 3DcNBS0iCWOhgeKg8L2C4__YVPAM0QwhoON302uts2emRMmgZvjNzhN5c] .
*** 9 CFU ***
Add the following readings to those of 6CFU:
1) Lenci, A., Montemagni, S. and Pirrelli, V. (2005). Testo e computer, Carocci.
Slides and papers downloadable from the course page
*** 12 CFU ***
Add the following readings to those of 9CFU:
1) Ballarè, S., Goria, E., Mauri, C. (2022), Italiano parlato e variazione linguistica. Teoria e prassi nella costruzione del corpus KIParla, Pàtron.
Slides and papers downloadable from the course page
Students NOT ATTENDING the lessons
*** 6 CFU ***
Add the following books and chapters to the readings for students attending the lessons:
1) Martari Yahis, L’acquisizione dell’italiano da parte di sinofoni. Un contributo alla linguistica educativa, Bologna, Pàtron, 2017.
2) Davies Alain and Elder Catherine, The handbook of applied linguistics, Malden (MA), Blackwell, 2004, cpp. 5,10,21
- 5 Discourse Analysis (Hugh Trappes-Lomax)
- 10 Conversation Analysis (Rod Gardner)
- 21 Individual Differences in Second Language Learning (Rod Ellis)
*** 9 and 12 CFU ***
Add the following book to the readings for students attending the lessons:
Nissim M., Pannitto L. (2022). Che cos'è la linguistica computazionale, Carocci.
Teaching methods
Face-to-face classes for 60 hours (12CFU) or 30 hours (6CFU). The course is divided into two parts though by different teachers.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of an oral colloquium on the course contents designed to evaluate the critical skills and methodological knowledge gained by the student.
Reaching a clear view of all the course topics as well as using a correct language terminology will be valued with maximum rankings.
Mnemonic knowledge of the course topics or not completely appropriate terminology will be valued with intermediate rankings.
Unknown topics or inappropriate terminology use will be valued, depending on the seriousness of the omissions, with minimal or insufficient rankings.
Students with SLD or temporary or permanent disabilities. It is necessary to contact the relevant University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en) with ample time in advance: the office will propose some adjustments, which must in any case be submitted 15 days in advance to the lecturer, who will assess the appropriateness of these in relation to the teaching objectives.
Teaching tools
The course web site is the central point for any kind of information about the course. It contains the handouts and the readings discussed during the lessons as well as a rich software repository useful for laboratory practice.
Office hours
See the website of Yahis Martari
See the website of Silvia Ballarè