29219 - Territory, Social Change and Psychiatric Pathology

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work (cod. 8040)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: - is familiar with psychiatric pathologies in relation to environmental and historical current events; - is able to analyse the forms of psychic distress that are widespread and no less disabling than serious pathologies.

Course contents

The course intends to provide an overview of the contents, history and practices of anti-institutional psychiatry, focusing on the theoretical roots of the Basaglia movement, the links established between the anti-asylum struggle and the elaborations of the progressive human sciences of the second half of the twentieth century, the impacts and the repercussions that the critical season of psychiatry has brought to the field of territorial and community mental health. In particular, the course will delve into various authors and contributions linked to the historical context in which anti-institutional criticism was born, the story that led to the approval of law 180 of 1978 and the consequences this had on modern welfare systems. The links between the psychiatric deinstitutionalization approach and the developments in the epistemology and practice of Social Work will also be addressed. In the last part, an integrated individualized socio-health planning workshop will take place in which we intend to apply some of the theoretical notions acquired.

  1. Anti-institutional psychiatry between history and current events: Historical contextualization of the mental hospital system and its progressive overcoming in Western countries after the Second World War; theoretical roots of Basaglia's thought: the contribution of American critical sociology; Sartre's Marxist existentialism, Foucault's post-structuralism, Gramsci and Italian Marxism in the 60s and 70s. Historical development of the anti-institutional movement from 1961 to the approval of the reform; mental health developments from Law 180/1978 to today
  2. In-depth analysis of the theoretical implications of the anti-institutional movement and its possible uses in the current situation of territorial and community mental health: the contribution of microsociology (Erving Goffman: roles, total institutions, stigma); the debate between Michel Foucault and Jean Paul Sartre on intellectuals and disciplines; powers, subjugation, ideology and techniques (relationship with anti-psychiatry).
  3. Political dimensions of the thought of Franco Basaglia and Franca Ongaro Basaglia; “Madness/need”: the dialectics of medicalization; the role of the territory; the contribution of medical anthropology (Seppilli) to the public health movement: Maccacaro's reflection on prevention and participation
  4. Subsequent developments: epidemiology, recovery, socio-health integration: impact of anti-institutional reflections on the welfare system and on the practice and epistemology of social work; decentralization and participation; local welfare services, spaces and territories; generative processes and subjects (activation; empowerment; empowerment); organizational models of services and contexts (people/place, social enterprise, health budget, community); Are emancipatory interventions possible in social work?
  5. Subsequent developments: community mental health services and the relationship with the social service, participation, expert users: the practice of mutual self-help and the role of user movements in the affirmation of recovery paradigms, the failed transmission of the anti-social practice institutional and research perspectives still open, critical psychiatric epidemiology: Richard Warner and the relationship between socioeconomic dynamics and internment; neurodiversity movements and universal inclusion
  6. User movements and co-produced research: the history of the social model of disability and how it has interacted with user movements in psychiatry and mental health: the biopsychosocial model, and the independent living movement; critical disability studies and mad studies: possible impact on theories of education and social service (Radical Social Work and Mad Studies)
  7. Examples of planning with individualized integrated health and social health budget:

The personalized project, the evolution of the Italian welfare model towards principles of personalisation, territoriality and individual empowerment.

Custom project workshop; case work; drafting of project sheet; qualitative analysis and monitoring; integration between health and social care


Mario Colucci, Pierangelo Di Vittorio, Franco Basaglia, Feltrinelli 2024

- Luca Negrogno e Benedetto Saraceno, “Ma come si curano le malattie mentali?”, disponibile suVirtuale



One of the following text aggregations (will be made available by the teacher on Virtuale)

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  1. Valtellina, E., (2024) Teorie critiche della disabilità. Uno sguardo politico sulle non conformità fisiche, relazionali, sensoriali, cognitive, a cura di, Milano, Mimesis
  2. Il Budget di Salute in bilico: tra standardizzazione e complessità The personalized health budget at the crossroads: between standardization and complexity; Luca Negrogno
  3. Giulio Alfredo Maccacaro, Appunti per una epidemiologia psichiatrica, 1973

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  4. a cura di P. Di Vittorio e B. Cavagnero, Dopo la legge 180. Testimoni ed esperienze della salute mentale in Italia, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019.
  5. L’applicazione del Budget di salute a Bologna. Razionalizzazione o creatività?, Luca Negrogno, Bruna Zani; Welforum.it
  6. Attualizzare Basaglia,Luca Negrogno; Giustizia Insieme https://www.giustiziainsieme.it

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  7. AUT AUT > 398/2023 LA PSICHIATRIA E IL FUTURO DELLA SALUTE MENTALE, a cura di Mauro Bertani, Mario Colucci e Pierangelo Di Vittorio
  8. Massimiliano Minelli “Salute mentale e territorio”, RIVISTA DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI ANTROPOLOGIA MEDICA; https://www.amantropologiamedica.unipg.it/index.php/am
  9. Ota de Leonardis, Thomas Emmenegger, “Le istituzioni della contraddizione”, https://www.aslcagliari.it/documenti/8_35_20081015131434.pdf

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  10. Franco Rotelli “L’Istituzione Inventata"
  11. Luca Negrogno e Benedetto Saraceno, “Ma come si curano le malattie mentali?”, disponibile su https://www.machina-deriveapprodi.com/blog/categories/freccia-tenda-cammello
  12. Paolo Peloso, “Ancora su L'Istituzione negata…perché 50 anni dopo è proprio da lì che dobbiamo ripartire” disponibile su http://www.psychiatryonline.it/node/7445 .

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  13. Franco Basaglia, “Conferenze Brasiliane”, Cortina, 2018.
  14. Mario Colucci, “Effetto ‘61”, disponibile su https://www.news-forumsalutementale.it/conoscere-e-sperimentare-per-evolvere/ .
  15. “Costellazioni. Tra presente e passato: la salute mentale e le sfide della trasmissione” di Pierangelo Di Vittorio, in Di VIttorio, P. Cavagnero, B. (a cura di) Dopo la legge 180. Testimoni ed esperienze della salute mentale in Italia, Franco Angeli, 2019.

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  16. M. Foucault, Il potere psichiatrico, Corso al Collège de France (1973-1974), Feltrinelli, Milano, 2004
  17. Anna Carla Valeriano, “Contro tutti i muri. La vita e il pensiero di Franca Ongaro Basaglia”, Donzelli, 2022.
  18. Pietro Barbetta, “Che cos’è la Salute Mentale” disponibile su https://www.doppiozero.com/che-cosa-e-la-salute-mentale

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  19. Marica Setaro, “Diario teorico di uno psichiatra. Un profilo di Agostino Pirella”, in Aut Aut, Vol 385: “Agostino Pirella. Il sapere di uno psichiatra”, a cura di Massimo Bucciantini e Mario Colucci, Il Saggiatore, 2020.
  20. Valtellina, E., (2024) Teorie critiche della disabilità. Uno sguardo politico sulle non conformità fisiche, relazionali, sensoriali, cognitive, a cura di, Milano, Mimesis
  21. D. Mauri (a cura di), La libertà è terapeutica?, Feltrinelli, Milano, 1983

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  22. Franca Ongaro Basaglia “Salute/Malattia”
  23. Ota De Leonardis “Deistituzionalizzazione Un Altra Via”
  24. Da strutture a processi: servizi, spazi e territori del welfare locale Lavinia Bifulco, Tommaso Vitale

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  25. Franco Basaglia, Mario Colucci - Pierangelo Di Vittorio, Feltrinelli 2024
  26. Massimiliano Minelli, Agire in quotidiani “stati d’eccezione”.Forme di vita e biopolitiche in un’etnografia nel campo della salute mentale
  27. “Deve esserci una finestra che posso aprire senza rimanere accecato”. Reinventare comunità scientifiche allargate, Davide Caselli, in Millefiorini, Moni, “Covid e Azione Pubblica”

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  28. Fare la 180, Tommaso Losavio
  29. Mozzana, C. (2024). Forme di solidarietà in pandemia tra logica umanitaria e giustizia sociale. In L. Bifulco, M. Dodaro (a cura di), Quale welfare dopo la pandemia
  30. Negrogno, Mobilitazioni politiche tra welfare pubblico e lavoro sociale
  31. Movimenti, politica e salute | Prima e Seconda parte: discorsi e pratiche di salute mentale dentro e fuori dalle istituzioni; alla ricerca delle dimensioni di un’insufficienza– di Luca Negrogno

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  32. Franco Basaglia, Fare l’impossibile, a cura di Marica Setaro
  33. Riccardo Ierna, Dalla psichiatria alla salute mentale. Un’ipotesi di ricerca sul destino del movimento anti-istituzionale italiano
  34. Produrre Servizi è tutelare diritti, Franca Olivetti Manoukian
  35. Io, Irina e l'istituzione. Un’oasservazione etnografica, Luca Negrogno

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  36. Dove va la psichiatria, Luigi Onnis
  37. Prepared to Care? Knowledge and Welfare in a Time of Emergency, DavideCaselli, Barbara Giullari, Carlotta Mozzana
  38. “A Feeling of Safeness and Freedom”: The Promotion of Mental Health Recovery Through Co-Production in an Italian Community Organization, Antonella Guarino
  39. Dialogo tra i movimenti della psichiatria e della neurodiversità, Luca Negrogno, In Almanacco TUPS, a cura di Neuropeculiar, 2022

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons with the use of supports. Discussion of empirical cases and exercises. the maximum collaboration of the students present is required.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an individual oral interview based on the bibliography.

Teaching tools

PC, internet, powerpoint, eventually lessons from external guests.

Students who require specific services and adaptations to teaching activities due to a disability or specific learning disorders (SLD), must first contact the appropriate office: https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en/for-students .

Office hours

See the website of Maurizio Bergamaschi


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