- Docente: Riccardo Manzini
- Credits: 12
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Mauro Gamberi (Modulo 1) Riccardo Manzini (Modulo 2) Mauro Gamberi (Modulo 3)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Engineering Management (cod. 0925)
from Feb 17, 2025 to Mar 12, 2025
from Apr 28, 2025 to Jun 11, 2025
from Mar 17, 2025 to Apr 16, 2025
Learning outcomes
This course presents the main general features and mathematic models for industrial plant choice, decisions, management, design and building. Particular emphasis will be placed on feasibility-study: market study, product study, process and facilities determination, , best manufacturing set-up, productive capacity and economic measurement indexes, choice of location, optimal layout design, project development and new plant building.
Course contents
A prior knowledge and understanding of Mathematics and Operations Research is suggested (but not required) to attend with profit this course.
Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite. All lectures and tutorials will be in Italian. Some study material will be in English.
Part A (prof. Mauro Gamberi)
INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL PLANTS Definitions and fundamentals of the main industrial plants. Production systems classification. Service/process auxiliary plants. General schemes of Feasibility Study and Systematic Layout Planning.
FEASIBILITY STUDY Market analysis and demand/ supply forecasting. Best sales volume, production capacity planning. Product study and design. Process planning and process determination. Productive cycles. Auxiliary services needed for the manufacturing process. Best productive set-up. Economic analysis for industrial investments returns, investment criteria.
INDUSTRIAL LOCATION SELECTION Common features, factors and parameters for location choosing. Qualitative and quantitative models in plant location choosing. Optimization procedure with factors analysis and final plant location
Part B (prof. Riccardo Manzini)
MATERIAL FLOW ANALYSIS AND ACTIVITY ANALYSIS Product-quantity analysis. Product-quantity data sheet. Documents for the flow analysis. MAG (Magnitudo) unit of measure of material flow. Flow diagram. Group Technology (GT) & Cellular Manufacturing (CM). Clustering algorithms. Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) e flexible assembly system (FAS). Activity relationship analysis and relationship chart. Activity relationship diagram construction: Total Closeness Ratio (TCR) algorithm.
SPACE REQUIREMENTS Analytical models for the determination of space requirement. "Direct calculation method”: equipment requirements in product and process layout. Manufacturing utilization index. The production-oriented line and the average utilization index. Economic value of an industrial resource. Balancing of assembly lines and manufacturing cells: Kottas-Lau algorithm and alternative methods. Buffer sizing in manufacturing and assembly cells. Equipment and employee requirements. Multiple activity chart analysis of multi-machine assignment: employee-machine chart and analytical models (for identical machines). Automated manufacturing cell design: Robot-Machine chart; dynamic simulation for the balancingof a manufacturing cell.
Block layout: from the flow/relationship diagram to the block layout. Models and methods for the construction of the block layout: Pairwise Exchange Method, Relationship Diagramming Method and Graph-Based Methods.
LAYOUT DESIGN Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ALDEP, CORELAP, interactive CORELAP and CRAFT. Logistic Re-Layout Planning (LRP - Bologna University) to support the layout design. Selection of optimal layout. Principal factors for the evaluation of a portfolio of alternative layout configurations. Specification, implementation and follow-up.
PROJECT SCHEDULING AND CARRYING OUT Graph theory and project scheduling. Critical Path Method (CPM). Resources analysis. Microsoft Project. Program Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT).
A. PARESCHI, Impianti Industriali, Collana Progetto Leonardo, Ed. Esculapio, Bologna, 2° Edition (2007-2010), printed 2012/2013.
Other recommended readings:
Supplementary handouts are delivered beforehand by the teacher. They deal with issues and topics not illustrated in the reference text (models and solution methods, exercises, case studies, computer programs, etc.). They are vailable to the student electronically via the Internet. To get the educational material: http://campus.unibo.it/. Username and password are reserved for UniBO students.
Useful references (not object of the final exam):
- MANZINI R., REGATTIERI A., Manutenzione dei sistemi di produzione, II EDIZIONE, Progetto Leonardo, Ed. Esculapio, Bologna, 2007.
- MANZINI R., REGATTIERI A., PHAM H., FeRRARI, E., Maintenance for Industrial Systems (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering), Ed. Springer, Oct. 2009.
- MANZINI R. (ED.), 2012, Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems, SPRINGER London UK, ISBN 978-1-4471-2273-9
- J.A. Tompkins, J.A. White, E. H. Frazelle, J.M.A. Tanchoco, J.Trevino, Facilities Planning, John Wiley & Sons, INC. 2010.
- R.L. FRANCIS, L.F. McGinnis, J.A. WHITE, Facility lay-out and location: an analytical approach, 2nd Edition Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992.
- F. TURCO, Principi generali di progettazione degli impianti industriali, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1990.
- JACOBS, F.B., BERRY, W.L., WHYBARK, D.C., VOLLMANN, T.E., Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management. McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
- S. HERAGU, “Facilities Design”, Ed. PWS, Boston, 2006
- GHIANI G., MUSMANNO, R., Modelli e metodi per l'organizzazione dei sistemi logistici, 2000
- WHEELER, R., MUTHER, J.D., Simplified Systematic Layout Planning (3rd Edition). Management & Industrial Research Publications, 1994.
- MUTHER R., Manuale del layout. La disposizione dei macchinari e dei posti di lavoro nella fabbriche, nelle officine e negli uffici,1967
- CHASE,R., JACOBS, R.F., GRANDO, A., SIANESI, A., Operations management, McGraw-Hill Education; 3 edizione (1 gennaio 2012)
- SULE, D.R., Logistics of Facility Location and Allocation, Marcel Dekker Ed., 2001
- A. BRANDOLESE, Studio del mercato e del prodotto, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1977.
- D. DEL MAR, Operations and industrial management, McGraw-Hill, 1985.
- A. BRANDOLESE, M. GARETTI, Processi produttivi. Criteri tecnici di scelta e progettazione, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1982.
- R.J. TERSINE, Production/Operations Management: Concepts, Structure and Analysis, North Holland, New York, 1985.
- PINEDO, Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services, Springer, 2009.
- A. MONTE, Elementi di Impianti Industriali, Vol.1, Ed. Cortina, Torino, 2010.
- A. MONTE, Elementi di Impianti Industriali, Vol.2, Ed. Cortina, Torino, 2010
Teaching methods
The course consists of 12 credits (CFU) divided into two modules (6 CFU + 6 CFU). The teacher of the first Module is prof.Mauro Gamberi (Form 1). Prof.Riccardo Manzini is the teacher of the second one.
Theoretical lessons are completed by a serie of exercises and applications to allow the student to be familiar with the common design practices.
Prof.Riccardo Manzini will also assign a group project that focuses on the design of a plant layout through the use of the Systematic procedure of Plant Layout developed by R.Muther. The goal of the project is to apply all the theoretical knowledge and practical tools presented along the course through a team work as happens in modern companies.
Assessment methods
The final exam is designed to assess the achievement of learning objectives:
-provide the general criteria, and the corresponding mathematical methods to support decisions making process in the design and management of production system and industrial plants;
-apply the models and tools presented and illustrated in the course thanks to numerical examples and case studies;
-to develop a group project on plant layout;
The final score of the course is the result of two contributions, one for each module, by averaging the two scores.
The written test for each module usually consists in a technical report on theoretical topics covered in the course and numerical applications. Due to COVID emergency the final exam could differ from the standard.
Teaching tools
During the course several practices and numerical applications will be illustrated in order to apply models and solution methods. In addition, some case studies and supporting decision tools and software will be illustrated.
Teaching materials
Teaching materials not illustrated on the recommended text book will be available to the student electronically via the Internet. To get the educational material: virtuale.unibo.it
Username and password are reserved for UniBO students.
Language of instruction: Italian
Office hours: See the teachers' web site
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Riccardo Manzini
See the website of Mauro Gamberi
See the website of Mauro Gamberi

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.