09362 - Architectural Restoration (B)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

The task of the course is making the student able to elaborate and produce a project in the field of heritage preservation and restoration, project that will be related to a specific building. The building (a contemporary or ancient one, in any case of historic interest) will be interested by visible and consistent problems of deterioration and decay of materials and of the frame. It has to be accessible, it has to permit a philological and historical-critical study and a close reading of the materials, of the decay processes and of the building techniques. The student will be requested to produce a realistic project, paying attention to all the specific aspects of a restoration project (how you can reuse the building; which problems in relation to plants; accessibility etc.).

Course contents

The Architectural Restoration Laboratory (C.I.12 CFU, 168 hours) consists of the module/ teaching characteristic of Architectural Restoration (8 CFU, 120 hours) as well as a module/ teaching Conservation of materials in historical building (4CFU, 48 hours).

Among the different possibilities we can choose, it's undeniable and clear that conservation of historical architecture is the only way to permit people who will come after us to repeat the experiment where we've left it.

Projecting an intervention on existing architecture is an activity of huge responsibility: the architect has to be conscious of the result that his choice can bring, although this consciousness has taken long time to become a real part of architects or the engineers. The aim is to give the competences to face a restoration project on a monument, individuated for its problem of conservation and its accessibility, making a philological and historical-critical reading and approaching the analysis of the building.

The course is divided in theoretical and practical classes.

The contents will be developed according to the following programme.

A. The restoration project;

B. Historical research, surveys and restoration;

C. The traditional building site: materials, techniques, and construction elements;

D. Structures and materials degradation: the causes and the different types of process

E. Diagnostics

F. Restoration of materials, surfaces and construction elements

The check on the results reached by the students will be part during the course and part at the final exam.


A. The restoration project;

A. Bellini (a cura di), Tecniche della conservazione , Angeli, Milano 1986, quarta edizione aggiornata 1992

G. Carbonara (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico , Utet, Torino 1996 e anni successivi con riferimenti agli argomenti trattati nel corso

G. Carbonara , Avvicinamento al restauro . Teoria, storia, monumenti , Liguori, Napoli 1997

L. Zevi , Il manuale del restauro architettonico, Mancosu, Roma 2001

G. De Angelis d' Ossat, Sul restauro dei monumenti architettonici. Concetti, operatività, didattica, Bonsignori, Roma 1995

C. Varagnoli (a cura di), Conservare il passato. Metodi ed esperienze di protezione e restauro nei siti archeologici , Atti del convegno Chieti – Pescara 26-27 settembre 2003, Gangemi, Roma 2005

A. Ferlenga, E. Vassallo, F. Schellino (a cura di ), Antico e Nuovo. Architettura e architetture, Atti del convegno internazionale (Venezia 31 Marzo-3 aprile 2004), Il Poligrafo, Venezia 2007

B. Historical research, surveys and restoration

A. Bruschi , Indicazioni metodologiche per lo studio storico dell'architettura, in AA.VV., Lineamenti di storia dell'architettura, Carucci, Assisi-Roma 1978

L. Marino , Il rilievo per il restauro, Hoepli, Milano 1990

G. C arbonara (a cura di), Analisi degli antichi edifici, in Idem (a cura di),Trattato di restauro architettonico , Utet, Torino 1996, vol. 2°

G. Carbonara , Restauro dei Monumenti. Guida agli elaborati grafici, Liguori, Napoli 1990

C. The traditional building site: materials, techniques, and construction elements

P. Marconi , Arte e cultura nella manutenzione dei monumenti , Laterza, Roma-Bari 1984

C.F. Giuliani , L'edilizia nell'antichità , NIS, Roma 1990; nuova edizione, Carocci, Roma 2006

U. Menicali , I materiali nell'edilizia storica. Tecnologia e impiego dei materiali tradizionali , NIS, Roma 1992

F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del recupero del comune di Città di Castello, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, Roma 1992

S. Della Torre (a cura di), Storia delle tecniche murarie e tutela del costruito. Esperienze e questioni di metodo, Guerini, Milano 1996

C. Varagnoli , La materia degli edifici antichi , in G. Carbonara (a cura di),Trattato di Restauro , Utet, Torino 1996, vol. 1°

F. Giovanetti (a cura di), Manuale del recupero del comune di Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, Roma 2000 (I ed. 1997)

G. Fiengo, L. Guerriero ( a cura di), Atlante delle tecniche costruttive tradizionali. Lo stato dell'arte, i protocolli della ricerca. L'indagine documentaria. Atti del I e del II Seminario Nazionale, Arte Tipografica Editrice, Napoli 2003

C. Varagnoli (a cura di), Atlante delle tecniche costruttive della regione Abruzzo, Gangemi, Roma 2008

D. Structures and materials degradation: the causes and the different types of process

Raccomandazioni Normal 1/88, Alterazioni macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico , CNR-ICR, Roma 1988

M. Matteini, A. Moles , Scienza e restauro, Nardini, Firenze 1990 (I ed.1984)

L.M. Monaco, A. Santamaria , Indagini, prove e monitoraggio nel restauro degli edifici storici. Guida pratica al rilievo e alla diagnostica, ESI, Napoli 1998

C. Arcolao , La diagnosi nel restauro architettonico. Tecniche, procedure, protocolli, Marsilio, Venezia 2008

E. Diagnostics

F. Restoration of materials, surfaces and construction elements

G. Massari , Il risanamento igienico dei locali umidi , Hoepli, Milano 1981

L. Lazzarini , M. Laurenzi Tabasso , Il restauro della pietra , CEDAM, Padova 1986

Raccomandazioni Normal 1/88, Alterazioni macroscopiche dei materiali lapidei: lessico , CNR-ICR, Roma 1988

G. Tampone , Il restauro delle strutture in legno , Hoepli, Milano 1996

G. Cigni , Il consolidamento murario. Tecniche di intervento , Kappa, Roma 1997 (I ediz. 1978)

C. Conti, G. Martines, C. Usai , Gli interventi di conservazione su materiali e superfici, in G. C arbonara (a cura di), Trattato di restauro architettonico , Utet, Torino 1996, vol. 3°

L. Baruchello, G. Assenza , Diagnosi dei dissesti e consolidamento delle costruzioni. Manuale pratico, Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, 1998

S. Franceschi, L. Germani , Manuale operativo per il restauro architettonico, Roma, D.E.I. – Tipografia del Genio Civile, 2003

P. Rocchi (a cura di), Trattato sul consolidamento, Mancosu, Roma 2003



G.Pedemonte, E. Fornari. Chimica e restauro, Marsilio, Venezia 2003

E.Pecchioni, F.Fratini, E. Cantisani. LE MALTE ANTICHE E MODERNE TRA TRADIZIONE E INNOVAZIONE, Patron, Bologna 2008


Further bibliographic indications will be provided during the course depending on the topics covered. For updates on the discipline and comparisons with restoration sites on a building and urban planning scale, it is useful to consult the following journals:

ANAΓKH, AR, Arkos, Bollettino d'Arte, Casabella, I Beni Culturali, Kermes, L'industria delle Costruzioni, Materiali e Strutture, Paesaggio urbano, Palladio, Recuperare, Recuperare l'Edilizia, Recupero & conservazione, Restauro, Restauro & Città, Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte, Storia Architettura, Storia Urbana, TeMa, V&D

Altre indicazioni verranno fornite nel corso delle

Teaching methods

The course is divided into ex cathedra lectures and exercises. The lectures support the exercises on the specific project theme, and cover topics of restoration theory and history, methodological and general issues, technical and site aspects.

The exercises will be carried out, with the support of the lecturers and tutors, on sites identified from year to year, on the basis of agreements with their owners and managers, both public and private.

Assessment methods

The Architectural Restoration Laboratory (C.I.12 CFU, 168 hours) consists of the module/ teaching characteristic of Architectural Restoration (8 CFU, 120 hours) as well as a module/ teaching Conservation of materials in historical building (4CFU, 48 hours).

The examination of the Architectural Restoration Laboratory includes the verification of the learning of the contents of all the modules/teachings that make up the Integrated Course and takes place in a single examination test.

The evaluation will be carried at the end of the course, through the examination and discussion of the processed products regarding the restoration of a historic building; the professors will check the achievement of educational objectives:

-to be able to set up and conduct historical research applied to the building of the exercise;

-to be able to draw a geometric survey for the restoration (in-depth construction details; plumb; bulging ...);

-to be able to draw up a structural framework of the factory, with detection of static and dynamic instability phenomena;

-to be able to identify the materials and write them down on geometric reliefs previously produced and on appropriate analytical cards:

-to be able to identify the forms of degradation and note on geometric reliefs previously produced and on appropriate analytical cards;

-to be able to connect forms of degradation to their possible causes, annotating them on the geometric reliefs and on note cards analytical and defining interventions to reduce or remove them;

-to be able to formulate a program of compatible use with the building (functional organization);

-to demonstrate to have applied plant engineering skills;

-to be able to draft a plan according to the levels prescribed by the regulations for the sector (preliminary, definitive, executive);

-to be able to define the specifications and calculations-metric estimation applied.

The exercise follows a path from a fact-finding phase, gradually comes to the design one.

The stages of that path can be summarized as follows: historical-critical investigation, survey, examination of materials and construction techniques, analysis of the degradation, conservation and restoration proposal (see above).

The final mark will be determined by the sum of the assessments relating to the following criteria:

1 - Knowledge of the theoretical contents, bibliography and acquisition of instrumental skills;

2 - Coherence of the design process (from the historical-critical analysis of the artefact to the proposal for its use);

3 - Knowledge of the disciplinary aspects addressed by the module of Conservation of the materials of historical buildings (discussion during the exam)

4 - In-depth project research (project boards)

5 - Clarity and effectiveness in the presentation: quality of the drawing and property of language;

Each criterion will be assigned from 0 to 6 points. The elements considered for the graduation of the score for each criterion are indicated in brackets.

The drawings, duly stamped by the professors, will be presented as the progress of the work, according to a schedule announced at the start of the workshop, the evaluation will take place at the final examination, while the non-delivery of the documents on the dates indicated constitutes grounds for exclusion from the laboratory, and all entries must be completed by the date of appeal and will be part of the final exam. The tables in size and number to be agreed with the professors, should be numbered progressively and report, among other indications-university, degree, lab, teachers, tutors, academic year, subject of study, subject of a single carriage-i authors' names in full. A copy of the work, together with a copy by digital media, will be retained in the archives of the course.

Teaching tools

Scheduled visits to restoration sites.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Ugolini


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