66117 - Human Anatomy and Animal Biology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Gabriella Teti (Modulo 1) Fausto Tinti (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (cod. 5986)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students are able to understand the topics of microscopic and macroscopic anatomy, mainly oriented in a functional sense; They will be able to better learn the principles of Biochemistry, Physiology and General Pathology which they will study in the following years; They will be able to develop those skills in learning human anatomy which will allow them to study mostly in a self-directed or autonomous way. To achieve these objectives the students have acquired the basic knowledge of biology and genetics, with particular reference to the structure, function, reproduction and evolution of the animal eukaryotic cell and they have acquired the basic notions to critically evaluate animal experimental models in vivo or in vitro.

Course contents

Learning Unit 1. Animal eukaryotic cell: the morpho-functional unit of Earth’s life and of the interaction of livings with environment.

  1.  The molecules of cells: macromolecules and emerging properties of life.
  2.  The animal eukaryotic cell: form and functions to respond efficiently to environmental changes and external signalling. The cell endomembrane system: composition and functions for intra- and inter-cellular communication. Cell comparts and organs: organization and functions of nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi’s apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, cytoplasme, cytoskeleton; cell junctions and extracellular matrix.

Learning Unit 2. Diversity of animal life: mechanisms of inheritance and evolution.

  1. Diversity of livings: domains, realms and animal phyla
  2. Molecular and cellular processes generating the living diversity: DNA replication; mutations: single nucleotide polymorphisms; cellular division and differentiation; control mechanisms of cell division; mitosis, cell proliferation, cloning; meiosis, genetic diversity, evolution; somatic and germinal cellular lines; life cycles. Sexual, asexual and unisexual reproduction.
  3. Gene, chromosomal and genomic mutations: origin and impacts.
  4. Genetics and inheritance: definition of gene, allele, trait, genotype and phenotype; simple models of inheritance: Mendelian genetics. Deviations from Mendelian inheritance: dominance, incomplete dominance and co- dominance; multiple alleles; gene interaction and epistasis; quantitative genetics; pleiotropy. Molecular bases of inheritance: sex-linked inheritance, gene linkage; genetic maps; genomic imprinting.

Unit of Human Anatomy


Epithelial tissue

Connective Tissue (cells and extracellular matrix proteins)

Bone tissue

Cartilage tissue


Adipose tissue

Musclular tissue

Nervous tissue


Anatomical nomenclature, position, planes and axis


CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: heart and pericardium. Circulatory loops. Basic structure of the blood vessels. Coronary arteries, aorta and pulmonary arteries.

Lymphatic system, lymph vessels, lymph nodes

Spleen and thymus

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: morphology of the upper airways (nose, nasal cavity, pharynx). Morphology of the lower airways (larynx, trachea and the stem bronchi). Lungs, pulmonary segments, the intrapulmonary conducting airways. Diaphragm and the lung–chest system

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Mouth and oral structures, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine. Liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. Hepatic portal system. Pancreas acinar cells and islet cells.

RENAL SYSTEM: kidneys, general description and location. Renal vessels. Internal structure and organization of the kidneys. Ureters and urinary bladder.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: general description of the male reproductive system, the scrotum, the testes, the structure of the sperm canal. The prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands. General description of the female reproductive system, the ovaries and uterus.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: general description and functions. Pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pineal gland.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: the central nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system, spinal nerves, cranial nerves. Meninges, ventricles and cerebrospinal fluid.

THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: Sympathetic nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system


Suggested books for Animal Biology:

Ed. Pearson. Campbell. Biologia e genetica 12/Ed. • Con MyLab , Autori L. A. Urry - M. L. Cain - S. A. Wasserman - P. V. Minorsky - R. B. Orr (vers. cartacea ISBN 9788891905567; vers. digitale ISBN 9788891905567B)

Textbook studying guide

Learning Unit 1. Concepts

  1. 1.1-1.4 (L); 2.1-2.4 (L); 3.1-3.3 (L); 4.1-4.3 (S); 5.1-5.5 (S); 5.6 (L)
  2. 6.1-6.8 (S); 7.1-7.2 (S); 16.1 - 16.3 (L)

Learning Unit 2. Concepts

  1. 1.2 (S)
  2. 15.1-15.3 (S); 11.1-11.3 (S); 19.3 (S); 12.1-12.4 (S); 16.5 (L)
  3. 20.4-20.5; 21.2 (S)
  4. 13.1-13.3 (S); 14.1 -14.4 (S)

(L): deep reading; (S): study


Suggested books for Human Anatomy:

Anatomia Umana - Elementi- Arcuri et al., Ed. Edi-ermes

ANATOMIA UMANA. Martini, Tallitsch, Nath. Ed. Edises

Anatomia Umana - Fondamenti- Barbatelli et al. Edi-ermes

ANATOMIA UMANA -principi- Artico et al., Ed. Edi-ermes

ANATOMIA DELL'UOMO Ambrosi et al., Ed. Edi-ermes

Atlas for spot consultation:

F.H. NETTER Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Ciba-Geigy Edizioni

Prometheus. Atlante di Anatomia Umana. EdiSES

J. SOBOTTA Atlante di Anatomia Descrittiva I, II, III S.E.S.


Teaching methods

The course comprises 7 credits. During the classes, slides will be projected to fully illustrate all the topics of the contents

Assessment methods

There will be a written exam for the Animal Biology section and an oral examination for the Human Anatomy section. The students will be asked questions related to the topics discussed during the classes.

Teaching tools

ppt files

Office hours

See the website of Gabriella Teti

See the website of Fausto Tinti


Good health and well-being Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.