Foto del docente

Fausto Tinti

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-03/A Zoology

Short Bio

I'm Associate Professor in Zoology at the University of Bologna since 2010 carrying out experimental research in the scientific fields of zoology, evolution, fisheries, conservation and, recently, marine zooarcheogenetics. My main research interests have been focused to unravel and understand evolutionary patterns and processes in animals. My present research effort is addressed toward the assessment of spatial and historical changes of specific, genetic/genomic and ecological variation in marine Vertebrates and to understand the correlations with environmental/ecological drivers, including those anthropogenic.

I've been involved in several national and international research program as scientific coordinator and principal investigator of research unit within EU (FP6, FP7, INTERREG IT-HR, HORIZON 2020, MSCA-ITN, ERASMUS MUNDUS) and Italian (PRIN, MIPAAF) programs. I'm leading the GenoDREAM Laboratory and I supervised 14 PhD students enrolled in national and international programmes. I'm author of 98 peer-reviewed papers.

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+39 0544 937317

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Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali
Via S.Alberto 163, Ravenna - Go to map

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