84887 - Plant Biology, Pharmaceutical Botany

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 5985)

Learning outcomes

During this course the student: - acquires the basic knowledge of plant biology, in particular the organization and functions of the plant cell, of the tissues and of the main organs of higher plants; - acquires the knowledge for the botanical recognition of the main medicinal plants, in particular plants for herbal, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and voluptuary use; - s(he) also learns which factors influence the production of active ingredients in plants; - will be able to learn the Pharmacognosy and Pharmacotherapy contents of the following courses; - will be able to apply the knowledge acquired to solve the problems specific to the profession.

Course contents

Program of the Plant Biology module:

Plant organisms. Introduction on plants and humans: ecological, economic and social aspects.

The plant cell. The cell wall: biosynthesis, structure and function. Cell membranes: structure and function. Cell organelles: mitochondria, plastids, peroxisomes, vacuoles. The chloroplast: structural and functional aspects. The cell division process: the preprophasic band, the mitotic spindle, the phragmoplast.

Plant tissues. From cytology to histology: the organization of cells in plant tissues. The meristematic tissues and the adult tissues. Typology of meristematic tissues. Adult tissues: integumental, parenchymal, mechanical, conductor and secretory.

Corm plants: structure, development and function. Root, stem and leaves: morphology, anatomy, functions and development. Vegetative and sexual reproduction. Flower, fruit and seed: structural aspects. The life cycle of angiosperms.

Program of the Pharmaceutical Botany module:

Definition and purposes of Pharmaceutical Botany.

Historical development of the use of medicinal plants.

Differences between plants and animals. Utility of plants for humans. Plants as a source of substances of pharmaceutical interest.

Segregation. Excretion, secretion, recretion as mechanisms for the production of substances of pharmaceutical interest.

Endogenous and exogenous factors that influence the production of active principles in plants of pharmaceutical interest.

Phytoconstituents of pharmacological interest (Alkaloids, Glycosides, Phenols, Phenylpropanols and related molecules, Anthraquinones, Flavonoids, Anthocyanins, Tannins, Terpenoids)

Systematics: definition and aims. Classification criteria of the vegetable kingdom. The main taxonomic groups. Reproduction. Agamic, sexual.

Angiosperms: general information on reproduction floral morphology, fruit and seed morphology.

Monographs of the following species:

Aconito, aglio, alghe rosse, a. brune, a. verdi, aloe, altea , amamelide, arnica, arpagofito, assenzio, belladonna, biancospino, boldo, calendula, camomilla comune e romana, canapa, cardo mariano, cascara sagrada, centella, china, coca, colchico, digitale, echinacea, efedra, eucalipto, fava del Calabar, frangola, frassino, ginkgo, ginseng, giusquiamo, gomma arabica, iperico, ippocastano, lino, liquerizia, luppolo, malva, mandorlo, melissa, menta, mirtillo, papavero da oppio, passiflora, pervinca, plantago, podofillo, rauwolfia, ricino, segale cornuta, senna, soia, stramonio, strofanto, tasso, tiglio, uva ursina, valeriana


F. POLI, a cura di, Biologia farmaceutica: biologia vegetale, botanica farmaceutica, fitochimica. 2019 PEARSON ITALIA, MILANO.

- Maugini E. et al. Botanica farmaceutica , Piccin editore, Padova,VIII edizione. 2006.

- Bruni A. , Nicoletti M. Dizionario ragionato di Erboristeria e Fitoterapia, Piccin editore, Padova, 2003.

- Bruni A. Farmacognosia generale ed applicata, Piccin editore Padova

Teaching methods

The course consists of two teaching modules:

Plant Biology 4 credits (32 hours of lectures)

and Pharmaceutical Botany 5 CFU (40 hours)

The courses will be carried out through lectures accompanied by the projection of images and diagrams.

Assessment methods

For the Plant Biology module the student has to pass a written test, with multiple choice questions, which will cover subjects of cytology, histology and organography with recognition of plant structures (cytology, histology, organography).

The Pharmaceutical Botany module includes a written test with multiple choice questions and recognition of the monographs, it will be followed by an oral test.

On the virtual portal it is possible to find examples of both the written test of Plant Biology and that of Pharmaceutical Botany. The final score (unique) will take into account the scores obtained in the individual tests, the student can give the exam of the two modules in the same month or give the Plant Biology module first and Pharmaceutical Botany in subsequent sessions (not vice versa).

The vote of the Plant Biology module is valid for one year within which it is necessary to take the next module or repeat the Plant Biology module.

Teaching tools

All the slides of the lessons, images of the monographs and online exercises  will be uploaded to the Virtual portal for the student to be able to practice and support the study.

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Mandrone


Good health and well-being Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.