Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: a) knows the sociological categories and the tools useful to understand and analyse corporate social responsibility and the corporate welfare phenomenon in its internal and territorial dimensions; b) knows how to recognise the different semantics of corporate welfare, the tools deriving from it and the dynamics of its impact in terms of welfare; c) knows and critically masters the digital tools (apps and platforms) characterising current corporate welfare experiences and knows the elements characterising digital welfare within the platform society.

Course contents

The first module of the course aims to familiarise students with the topic of corporate social responsibility, with particular reference to its internal dimension, i.e. corporate welfare

In the first part the theme of corporate social responsibility will be addressed (definitions, areas of intervention, instruments) with reference to the national and international scientific debate.

In the second part the cultures and practices referring to the corporate welfare experiences of organisations of different sectors and sizes will be analysed with particular reference to the aspects and tools referring to corporate communication in these areas of intervention.


- Rizza, R. e Bonvicini, F: Attori e Territori del welfare. Innovazioni nel welfare aziendale e nelle politiche di contrasto all'impoverimento, FrancoAngeli, Milano. 2014 [Prima parte: capitoli 1; 2; 3. Seconda parte: capitoli: 7;8]

- Macchioni, E. Welfare aziendale. Buone pratiche di conciliazione famiglia-lavoro, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Famiglia, Roma, 2012. e-book scaricabile all'indirizzo: http://www.politichefamiglia.it/media/81502/elenamacchioni.pdf .

- Olivelli, F., L’inquadramento sistematico del welfare aziendale, in Rivista del Diritto della Sicurezza Sociale, Fascicolo 1, marzo 2020, pp. 103-124.

- Mallone, G.,Natili, M. e Jessoula, M. La politics forte del welfare fiscale-occupazionale in Italia, Politiche Sociali, Fascicolo 1, 2019, pp. 47-66

- Porter, M. e Kramer, M., Creare valore condiviso, in Harvard Business Review, Gennaio-febbraio 2011, pp. 69-85.

- Agostini, C. e U. Ascoli (2014), Il welfare occupazionale: un’occasione per la ricalibratura del modello italiano?, in «Politiche Sociali/Social policies», 2, pp. 263-280.

- Viganò, F. e Lallo, C. Il paradosso del non uso delle misure di conciliazione famiglia-lavoro. Uno studio empirico italiano, in Stato e Mercato, 2, 2020, pp.363-390.

- Viganò, F., Macchioni, E. e Lallo, C. La conciliazione famiglia lavoro come nuovo rischio sociale secondo una prospettiva di genere. Un’analisi quantitativa nel settore elettrico italiano, in Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, 1, 2022, pp. 67-91.

- Elena Macchioni; Matteo Orlandini; Paolo Venturi, Culture, modelli organizzativi e traiettorie evolutive osservate nella rete CGM [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/722548], in: Il welfare del Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Milano, Edizioni E.S.T. E., 2019, pp. 107 - 162 [capitolo di libro]

- Rapporto Welfare Index PMI (ultima versione disponibile)

Rapporto 2022. Welfare aziendale: un patto sociale per il Paese,


- Rapporto sul Secondo Welfare (V) Maino, F., ( a cura di) Il ritorno dello Stato sociale? Mercato, Terzo Settore e comunità oltre la pandemia Quinto Rapporto sul secondo welfare, Giappichelli Editore: Milano. https://www.secondowelfare.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Il_ritorno_dello_Stato_sociale_5R2W.pdf [capitoli 3; 7; 8]

Teaching methods

The first 5 lessons will be held by the lecturer following a teaching method defined as "frontal" in which the participants will be introduced to the workshop topics.

The remaining 5 lectures will be set up in a seminar mode, giving participants the opportunity to present papers and research on the topic that will be entrusted to them by the lecturer at the beginning of the course, Seminars with classroom debate.

Presentations of in-depth work by students.

Talks by industry practitioners.

Finally, students will be involved in the presentation and analysis of case studies and will be involved in simulating the construction of a corporate welfare plan.

Starting from the students' interest, a field research work can be carried out in order to identify company best practices on the theme of company welfare.

Assessment methods

The final examination will consist of an oral interview in which knowledge of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and corporate welfare will be tested, followed by the presentation and discussion with the lecturer of the in-depth paper produced during the course.

In terms of evaluation, emphasis will be placed on attendance, participation and interventions made in the classroom by participants, as well as the ability to work in a group.

Teaching tools

During the course, students will be provided with supplementary teaching materials (texts, foreign essays, research reports) aimed at deepening specific aspects of the course.

The Virtual Platform will be used as a support tool for managing the meeting schedule and sharing material.

Office hours

See the website of Elena Macchioni

See the website of Alberto Perfumo


Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.