Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication (cod. 5979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student is familiar with the basic elements of the culture and civilisation of Spanish-speaking countries; he/she is capable of independently developing further knowledge and analytical and cultural skills relating to the society of Spanish-speaking countries

Course contents

The 40-hour module (part of the integrated course of 'Cultura e Letteratura dei Paesi di Lingua Spagnola' - Culture and Literature of Spanish-speaking Countries, Spanish as secondo language) aims to offer an introductory overview of the main cultural phenomena in Spain today, with some reference to other Spanish-speaking countries such as Argentina. Specifically, emphasis will be placed on those social and cultural aspects that best represent the creativity those who speak Spanish as their mother tongue. Therefore, current aspects of art, cinema, music, gastronomy, folklore, communication, entertainment, institutions and tourism will be explored through authentic materials of various kinds (comics, audiovisual products, podcasts, Internet sites, printed materials, etc.).


AAVV. Todas las voces, Curso de cultura y civilización (B1)- Edición Revisada, Difusión, Madrid, 2010.

Ribas Casasayas, A. Descubrir España y Latinoamérica, Cideb Editrice, Genova, 2005.

AA.VV. Raíces. Literatura y civilización de España e Hispanoamérica, G principato, Milano, 2012.

Other resources, such as links and self-produced texts, will be available on Virtuale platform.

Teaching methods

Lessons will be both face-to-face and workshop-based. Group works will take place as part of the collaborative and autonomous learning process.

For each topic covered, activities are planned aimed at acquiring both specific basic vocabulary and related encyclopaedic knowledge. Some topics will be deepened through oral expositions elaborated and presented by the students themselves in small groups.

Assessment methods

In order to demonstrate learning of the content, the student must pass an oral final examination covering the course content.

The assessment of the examination is in thirtieths and responds to the achievement of the following learning outcomes:
Learning assessment scale

30L-30: Excellent examination demonstrating complete acquisition of encyclopaedic and cultural knowledge, completeness and accuracy of content and its accurate critical analysis.

27-29: Above average examination, demonstrating a very good acquisition of encyclopaedic and cultural knowledge, with minor inaccuracies and omissions, concerning only secondary aspects of content and its accurate and personal reflections.

24-26: Fairly good examination, with some content problems in relation to cultural and encyclopaedic knowledge, with inaccuracies and omissions concerning various minor aspects of the content, as well as a sometimes inappropriate reflection of them.

21-23:Sufficient examination characterised by conspicuous limitations and inaccuracies with regard to cultural and encyclopaedic knowledge and many inaccuracies and omissions concerning secondary and primary aspects of content, as well as a low level of analysis and personal reflection on the same.

18-20: Barely sufficient examination only meeting the minimum criteria of cultural and encyclopaedic knowledge, with serious inaccuracies and omissions concerning various principal aspects of content, as well as a lack of reflection on cultural phenomena.

Insufficient: examination that does not demonstrate adequate acquisition of the expected knowledge, skills and abilities; the examination must be retaken.

In addition, oral presentations made during the course will be assessed for examination purposes and will be added to the mark for the above-mentioned examination, if sufficient, up to a maximum of 3 points. They will assess cultural knowledge, methodological and documentary skills and the ability to manage teamwork.


Teaching tools

PC and video projector, Internet, Virtuale platform.

Office hours

See the website of Raffaella Tonin


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.