Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication (cod. 5979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student knows the fundamental elements of the language and culture of French-speaking countries; he/she is able to understand and produce written texts and oral discourse of average complexity, expressing him/herself with relative fluency and spontaneity. Skills attained at the end of the first year are approximately at CEFR level B2+/C1.

Course contents

The 40-hour module of LINGUA E CULTURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) I - part of the integrated course of LINGUA, CULTURA E LETTERATURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) - has a twofold objective: to enable in-depth knowledge of grammar and to develop the skills necessary for oral and written communication.
To this end, the course includes the use of television programmes and corpora of authentic interactions recorded in different contexts of everyday and professional life, as well as written documents on various topics related to the world of the Francophonie and to the Agenda 2030, including food and well-being, sustainable tourism and artistic-cultural heritage. The collective and individual use of these corpora and written/audiovisual documents will allow for the observation of the language in use, thus consolidating grammatical, lexical and syntactic knowledge while developing intercultural and pragmatic knowledge needed for face-to-face interaction and for the writing of short texts in French. An important role will be played by the students learning to learn, that is by their ability to autonomously take charge of their own learning starting from their verbal, non-verbal and written production and that of their peers.

The course is complemented by the French Language Lectureship (20 hours in the first semester) held by Dr Marie-Line Zucchiatti (https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/marieline.zucchiatti), with compulsory attendance of 70%.
During the course, aspects related to phonetics, grammar and vocabulary are addressed from a translation perspective and through various types of practical exercises.


The following bibliography does not constitute a list of compulsory readings. They are texts aimed at deepening certain linguistic and cultural topics that will be addressed during the course, but it is advisable to equip oneself with a reference grammar such as Bidaud's.

BIDAUD F. (2020) Grammaire du français pour italophones. Torino: Utet Università.
BIDAUD F. (2021) Exercices de grammaire française pour italophones. Torino : Utet Università.
BOULTON A. & TYNE H. (2014) Des documents authentiques aux corpus. Paris: Didier.
DETEY S., DURAND J., LAKS B., LYCHE C. (2010) Les Variétés du français parlé dans l'espace francophone. Ressources pour l'enseignement. Paris: Ophrys. (contenus du DVD disponibles à la page https://www.projet-pfc.net/dvdophrys/ )
DETEY S., RACINE I., KAWAGUCHI Y. & EYCHENNE J. (dir.) (2017) La prononciation du français dans le monde: Du natif à l’apprenant. Paris: CLE International.
GALAZZI E. & JAMET M. (dir.) (2017) Les z'oraux - Les français parlés entre sons et discours, numéro de Repères DoRiF 12, https://www.dorif.it/reperes/category/12-les-zorau-les-francais-parles-entre-sons-et-discours-coordonne-par-enrica-galazzi-et-marie-christine-jamet /
GAUGEY V. & SHEEREN H. (2015) Le franç@ais dans le mouv’. Firenze: Le Lettere.
GROUPE ICOR (2007) “L’étude des particules à l’oral dans différents contextes à partir de la banque de données de Corpus de Langue Parlée en Interaction CLAPI”. In Actes des 5èmes Journées de Linguistique de Corpus JLC5, Lorient, septembre 2007.
GROUPE ICOR (2010) “Grands corpus et linguistique outillée pour l’étude du français en interaction (plateforme CLAPI er corpus CIEL)”. Pratiques 147/148: 17-34.
KERBRAT-ORECCHIONI C. (2005) Le discours en interaction. Paris: Armand Colin.
MERGER M.F., SINI L.(2013) Le nouveau côte à côte. Amon.
NIEMANTS N. (2018) “L’interprétation des français parlés en interaction”. InTRAlinea, numero speciale a cura di L. Anderson, L. Gavioli e F. Zanettin intitolato Translation And Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL), in pubblicazione congiunta presso la rivista InTRAlinea e la collana Studi AItLA, dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, http://www.intralinea.org/specials/article/2310
PALLOTTI G. (2002) “La classe dans une perspective écologique de l’acquisition”. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangère 16: 165-197.
THOMAS A., GRANFELDT, JOUIN-CHARDON E. J. & ETIENNE C. (2016) “Conversations authentiques et CECR: Compréhension globale d’interactions naturelles par des apprenants de FLE”. Cahiers AFLS eJournal 20(2): 1-44.
TRAVERSO V. (2016) Décrire le français parlé en interaction. Paris: Ophrys.
WEBER C. (2013) Pour une didactique de l’oralité: Enseigner le français tel qu’il est parlé. Paris: Didier.

Teaching methods

From a methodological point of view, we will alternate monological speeches and texts with dialogical speeches and texts and will integrate two teaching strategies: the observation and deconstruction of discourse in order to grasp the 4 main functions of language (operational, social, cognitive and emotional) and to refine listening, reading and comprehension skills in oral and written French; and, to a greater extent, the active construction of these components through participation in practical exercises that will allow the development of production, presentation and interaction skills in French.
The course will consist of lectures and classroom exercises, generally organised in such a way as to devote one lesson each week to the oral and one to the written dimension of the language. It will also require the home completion of certain activities on the virtual platform and short presentations in the foreign language to be given in the classroom in order to develop public speaking skills and to take stock of the linguistic-cultural content that has weekly emerged from classroom interaction.
In view of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, attendance at this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of the training on safety in the workplace, https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/, in e-learning mode.

Assessment methods

The final examination for the LINGUA E CULTURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) I module comprises:
- a written test of grammar and written production (in which the use of a dictionary is not permitted);
- an oral test consisting of a presentation and discussion on a topic covered during the lessons.
The final mark for the module is determined by taking into account the two tests and it is necessary to have passed the written test with a mark of 18/30 in order to have access to the oral test.

Grading scale

An exam will be considered excellent (30L) if it demonstrates complete acquisition of the linguistic content (at the level of morphology, syntax, lexis, style and discursive cohesion/coherence) and of the cultural content proposed in the course as well as excellent command of the language and culture of study.
An exam will be considered very good (28-30) if it demonstrates an excellent acquisition of the linguistic content (morphological, syntactic, lexical, stylistic and discursive cohesion/coherence) and of the cultural content of the course as well as very good command of the language and culture of study.
An exam will be considered good (25-27) if it is above-average, with minor errors or in any case errors that are compensated for by a good demonstration of the knowledge and linguistic-cultural skills required.
An exam will be considered fair (22-24) if it presents some evident errors denoting a partial acquisition of the required knowledge and skills.
An exam will be considered sufficient (20-21) if it shows conspicuous limitations and inaccuracies of content and form in the knowledge and skills to be acquired.
An exam that only meets the minimum criteria of knowledge and skills to be acquired will be considered barely sufficient (18-19).
An exam that does not demonstrate adequate acquisition of the expected basic knowledge and skills will be considered insufficient and must be retaken.

The LINGUA E CULTURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) I module is an integral part, together with the LETTERATURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) I module, of the LINGUA, CULTURA E LETTERATURA DEI PAESI DI LINGUA FRANCESE (PRIMA LINGUA) course. The overall mark for the course is expressed in thirtieths and is made up of the average of the marks obtained in the two modules making up the course.

Teaching tools

Computer with video projector and internet connection
Audio and video recordings
Corpora of oral interactions
Authentic written documents in both paper and digital format
Virtual Platform (password will be communicated at the beginning of the course)

Office hours

See the website of Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants


Zero hunger Good health and well-being Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.