Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Architecture-Engineering (cod. 5695)

Learning outcomes

The course provides the basic knowledge and analysis criteria for understanding the construction techniques of existing buildings, regarding the technological and architectural aspects of buildings with a masonry or reinforced concrete load-bearing structure. An excursus through the technical solutions in ancient and pre-modern times will provide the ability of recognizing the evolution of construction techniques in architecture, useful for the interpretation of the morphological, structural and technological aspects of architectural artefacts. Particular attention will be paid to the improvements of technologies over time thanks to the experimentation of increasingly innovative materials and technologies.

Course contents

The course is divided into two teaching modules aimed at providing a knowledge base for the interventions on the built heritage, with an in-depth study of technical and construction issues.

1. Knowledge of historic masonry buildings

The basic contents concerning the construction techniques of existing masonry buildings are provided, as regards the construction elements, such as vertical structures, floors, foundations and roofs.

2. Knowledge of historic reinforced-concrete buildings

The basic contents concerning the construction techniques of existing reinforced concrete buildings are provided, as regards the construction elements, such as vertical structures, floors, foundations and roofs.

For both teaching modules, the student learns how to evaluate the criticalities of existing buildings in relation to current regulatory and performance demands.


Slides provided by the teachers on Virtuale

Bocchi, F. Bologna e i suoi portici. Storia dell’origine e dello sviluppo. Grafis Edizioni, 1995

Cervellati, P. L.; Scannavini, R. Bologna: politica e metodologia del restauro nei centri storici. Società Editrice Il Mulino, 1973

Collegio costruttori edili ed imprenditori affini della Provincia di Bologna. Muratori in Bologna. Arte e società dalle origini al secolo 18. Ed. f. c., 1981

Latina, C. Muratura portante in laterizio. Tecnologia Progetto Architettura. Edizioni Laterconsult, 1994

Guenzi, C. (a cura di), L’arte di edificare. Manuali in Italia 1750-1950, BE-MA, Milano 1993

Poretti, S. Modernismi italiani. Architettura e costruzione nel Novecento, Gangemi, Roma 2008

Iori, T. Il cemento armato in Italia dalle origini alla seconda guerra mondiale, Edilstampa, Roma 2001

Mochi, G.; Predari, G. La costruzione moderna a Bologna (1875-1915). Ragione scientifica e sapere tecnico nella pratica del costruire in cemento armato. Bruno Mondadori, 2012

Predari, G. I solai latero-cementizi nella costruzione moderna in Italia (1930-1950), BUP 2015

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures on the topics of the course.

Classroom discussion on detailed aspects.

Assessment methods

Oral discussion on the topics of the course.

Preparation of an essay, where the student applies the knowledge process of the course on an selected existing building.

Periodic classroom reviews of the essay.

Teaching tools

PPT slideson Virtuale.

Office hours

See the website of Giorgia Predari