- Docente: Michele Sapignoli
- Credits: 10
- SSD: SPS/04
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Michele Sapignoli (Modulo 1) Carolina Mancuso (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences (cod. 8853)
from Feb 21, 2024 to May 15, 2024
from Feb 21, 2024 to May 15, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - knows the contents of the main policies of the judicial sector implemented in Italy in the liberal and republican period; - is able to understand the different organisational solutions that can be adopted in the justice sector; - is able to express a critical evaluation of the policies of the judicial sector. Judicial policies will be analysed with regard to content, actors and interactions between actors. The topics dealt with in the course, although centred on the Italian case, will be analysed from a comparative perspective. Particular attention will be devoted to the role played by international organisations and the recommendations provided by these institutions.
Course contents
The course illustrates the main policies of the civil and criminal justice sector in Italy in a comparative perspective. For the policies under analysis, the content, the actors and the interactions between these actors, and the outcomes will be explored.
After a brief introductory description of the structure of the justice system in Italy, several policies adopted in the judicial sphere in our country will be illustrated. First of all, the policies that, after the Second World War, affected the career of judicial personnel (judges and prosecutors) with a strong impact on the independence of magistrates will be discussed. It will then address the issue of the self-governing body of the judiciary in Italy, the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, which, envisaged by the 1948 Constitution, was established almost ten years later and has undergone significant legislative evolution. The course includes the analysis of important reforms that have also affected the organisation of the offices and the procedures governing civil and criminal trials. Finally, the policies that have affected the role of the Public Prosecutor and the functioning of the offices within which this figure operates will be analysed.
Part 1
• C. Guarnieri (2011) La giustizia in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
• C. Guarnieri (1990) La politica della giustizia, in B. Dente (a cura di) Le politiche pubbliche in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 83-99.
• G. Di Federico (2019) Rappresentazione sintetica del complesso degli uffici giudiziari, delle loro relazioni funzionali e della loro dimensione organizzativa, Bologna, BUP, pp. 13-21.
• G. Di Federico (2004) La carriera dei magistrati prima delle riforme introdotte con le leggi 25/07/1966, n. 570 e 20/12/1973, n. 831: assetto burocratico e modalità di selezione, in G. Di Federico (a cura di) Manuale di Ordinamento Giudiziario, Padova, CEDAM, pp. 311-322.
• G. Di Federico (2019) Magistrati ordinari: organico, reclutamento, valutazioni della professionalità, carriera, tramutamenti e attribuzione delle funzioni giudiziarie, trattamento economico, in G. Di Federico (a cura di) Ordinamento giudiziario, Bologna, Bononia University Press, Cap. VI, pp. 309-364.
• G. Di Federico (2004) Ruolo del CSM, Lottizzazioni correntizie e politicizzazione, in G. Di Federico (a cura di) Manuale di Ordinamento Giudiziario, Padova, CEDAM, pp. 527-535.
• M. Catino e C. Dallara (2021) Le regole dell’apprendimento imperfetto. Norme e prassi nel Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, in “Stato e mercato”, n. 122, pp. 235-269.
• G. Di Federico (2004) Ruolo del CSM, Il pubblico ministero: indipendenza, responsabilità, carriera separata, in G. Di Federico (a cura di) Manuale di Ordinamento Giudiziario, Padova, CEDAM, pp. 415-452.
• Carnevali, D. (2014) L’inadeguatezza dei criteri utilizzati nella revisione delle circoscrizioni giudiziarie, “Archivio Penale”, Fascicolo n.1 gennaio-aprile 2014, anno LXV, Pisa University Press. ISSN 0004-0304 13002
Part 2
• Biavati-Cavallini-Orlandi (2016) La perenne riforma della giustizia civile. Una, nessuna e centomila, in Biavati-Cavallini-Orlandi, Assetti della giustizia civile e penale in Italia, Bologna, il Mulino, pp. 117-124
• P. Biavati (2021) L’architettura della riforma del processo civile, Bologna, Bononia University press, pp. 9-12 (open access)
• M. Vietti (2004), Le iniziative del Governo nel settore della giustizia civile, in G. Gilardi (a cura di), Processo e organizzazione: le riforme possibili per la giustizia civile, Milano, F. Angeli, pp. 280-284
• F. Carpi (2004), La grande illusione, in G. Gilardi (a cura di), Processo e organizzazione: le riforme possibili per la giustizia civile, Milano, F. Angeli, pp. 303-306
• L. D’Ambrosio (2002) Sintesi pratica delle riforme del processo penale, Padova, Cedam, pp. da 1-4 e da 66-84
• R. Orlandi (2017) La riforma del processo penale fra correzioni strutturali e tutela “progressiva” dei diritti fondamentali, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito, vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 12-21, 33-45 (21 pp.) (accesso libero online, https://revistas.fmp.edu.br/index.php/FMP-Revista/article/view/72/86 )
Teaching methods
Lectures. Lectures will be accompanied by references to current events aimed at stimulating discussion in the class. In addition, seminars on specific topics may be organised with the contribution of scholars, magistrates and lawyers who will bring their experience on the topics covered by the course.
Assessment methods
For attending students:
The examination may be divided into two parts by taking two partial tests that will be held in written form through open questions. The first partial exam will be held after half of the lecture hours and will cover the topics covered in the first part of the course. The second partial test will be held at the end of the lessons and will cover the remaining part of the programme.
For non-attending students:
Oral examination on session dates
Teaching tools
Power point slides. Teaching materials and readings made available to students
Office hours
See the website of Michele Sapignoli
See the website of Carolina Mancuso