82368 - Neuronal Plasticity : Beyond the Critical Period

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5904)

Learning outcomes

We will talk about changes of brain plasticity during life, in particular functional changes of cortical representations occurring during adulthood. The axonal growth control mechanisms will then be examined, with particular emphasis on strategies that can favor post-injury recovery.

Course contents

Participation in this Course is strongly discouraged to students enrolled in the first year. The full comprehension of the topics covered in the course requires knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System that the student will acquire only at the end of the third semester.

Neuronal plasticity: beyond the critical period (Prof. G. ZOCCOLI)

1) Cortical plasticity during the critical period

2) Cortical remapping in adults

3) Mechanisms of control of axonal growth

4) Mechanisms of functional recovery after injury


Plasticità cerebrale - Come cambia il cervello nel corso della vita

di Gianfranco Denes

Carrocci Editore, 2016

Specific scientific articles will be suggested during the lessons

Teaching methods

Lectures, covering the whole Course Program

The course (1 CFU, corresponding to 8 hours of teaching) is part of the Integrated Course "THE PLASTIC BRAIN: CONSEQUENCES OF CHANGES AND POSSIBLE RECOVERY OF NEURONAL NETWORKS" (3 CFU). Slides shown during the lectures is mainly taken from texts and scientific articles suggested by the teacher, and will be available on:


for students enrolled at the University of Bologna with institutional credentials.

Assessment methods

Assessment is conducted by written "true or false" test regarding topics covered in class. This assessment is integrated with a similar test on the other two subjects of the Integrated Course "THE PLASTIC BRAIN: CONSEQUENCES OF CHANGES AND POSSIBLE RECOVERY OF NEURONAL NETWORKS", by Prof. Amici and Prof. Ciani. A total of 18 questions will be given (6 for each section). Every correct answer is worth 1 point, every answer not given is worth 0 points, every wrong answer is worth -0.3 points. Eligibility is achieved with a score greater than or equal to 8 points. The final evaluation (idoneo / non idoneo) is comprehensive for the entire Integrated Course.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools used for lectures: 2 digital Video projectors, PC, Overhead digital projector and camera.

Slides From Lectures: Separate set of slides concerning each topic of the Course Program can be downloaded from the website will be available on:


for students enrolled at the University of Bologna (University institutional username and password required)

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Zoccoli


Good health and well-being Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.