- Docente: Stefania Pellegrini
- Credits: 7
- SSD: IUS/20
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)
from Sep 19, 2023 to Dec 13, 2023
Learning outcomes
We intend to reflect on the current issue of the relationship between ethics and the world of work and the professions. The increased complexity of the world and, consequently, of the knowledge around it has led to an ever-increasing functional specialization of labor, so much so that today we are witnessing a hyper-specialization in the various sectors of culture by an apparatus of professionals who act as intermediaries between it and citizens, exponentially increasing their responsibility linked to the role they play. The course will start from the concept of social role and continue with an analysis of the essence of social responsibility, focusing on the legal professions, specifically the judiciary and lawyers.
Course contents
- The concept of role
- Social responsibility
- Professional and social responsibility
- Historical models of the judiciary
- The evolution of ethical principles in the judiciary
- Judiciary and mass media
- The role of the lawyer between functionalist and conflictualist perspectives
- Advocacy and process
- Lawyers and the "grey zone". Ethics as a levee tool
- Ethics in empirical research
- Ethics applied to complex social phenomena
S. Pellegrini, Professione giustizia. Giuristi tra etica professionale e responsabilita' di ruolo, CEDAM, 2013.
Teaching methods
The course comprises face-to-face lectures and will be held in the first semester. Students are invited to consult www.giuri.unibo.it for class times and locations.
Assessment methods
The examination will take place exclusively orally to verify the student's good knowledge acquisition by the course objectives.
Furthermore, the examination assessment will be carried out taking into consideration.
- the knowledge of institutional profiles
- the ability to analyse jurisprudential and doctrinal orientations;
- the ability to make connections between the different parts of the program;
- the ability to develop critical arguments;
- the articulation of the exposition;
- accuracy of exposition;
- accuracy in the use of context-specific terminology.
Specifically, the following assessment criteria will be taken into account to award the final mark, expressed in thirtieths:
- knowledge and understanding of the notions and principles of the subject and the institutes on which the question relates and level of in-depth study (50%);
- ability to make connections between the different parts of the syllabus, ability to critically analyse the topics covered by the examination questions (20%);
- appropriate use of sociological, technical and legal vocabulary, the candidate's expository skills, ability to analyse and evaluate relevant sources and acquisition of the study method (30%).
Registration for the final examination must be carried out via the Almaesami application (https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm ).
Final dissertation
Students intending to apply for a thesis in one of the disciplines related to the chair are requested to come to a reception interview, the only way to formalise the assignment of the final thesis, no less than 8 months in advance. Formal admission to the thesis work is conditional on the submission of an initial index accompanied by an essential bibliography on the topic proposed by the student or suggested by the lecturer and/or his/her collaborators. A detailed vademecum for writing the thesis will be distributed to undergraduates.
Teaching tools
Original documents and Power Point slides will be used to support teaching activities.
Distribution lists will be used for communication and dissemination of material. At the beginning of the course, students will be provided with the list name and access password.
Students who, for reasons dependent on disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA), require compensatory tools may inform the teacher of their needs so that they can be referred to the contact persons and the most appropriate measures can be agreed upon.
Office hours
See the website of Stefania Pellegrini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.