99442 - Accertamento ed esame obiettivo infermieristico (IMOLA)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5907)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and skills to be achieved.
At the end of the training activities the student possesses knowledge regarding the methods of data collection, according to a nursing model, useful for identifying the patient's clinical care problems.
These problems can be managed by nursing or integrated.

Course contents

The student will be able to carry out the NURSING ASSESSMENT according to the GORDON MODEL.

Specifically, the student will be able to:

Define the assessment phase in the nursing process;
Discuss the purpose of assessment in nursing practice and identify different types of assessment;
Describe the data collection process and methods;
Explain the rationale for data validation;
Discuss the models used in organizing the established data;
Collect subjective data: the interview;
Collect objective data: physical examination;
Fill in the evaluation SCALES completely;
Carry out an overall health assessment;
Introduction to diagnostic reasoning.


Fundamental bibliography

L. Saiani, A. Brugnolli "Trattato di cure infermieristiche" 3° Edizione, CEA Milano 2021

J.M. Willkinson, "Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico" 3° Edizione, CEA Milano 2013

R.F. Craven - C.J. Hirnle, "Principi fondamentali dell'assistenza infermieristica" 6° ed. CEA Milano 2019

L.J. Carpenito, "Manuale tascabile delle Diagnosi Infermieristiche" 7° edizione CEA Milano 2020

Further bibliography

Bates. Valutazione per l'assistenza infermieristica. Esame fisico e storia della persona assistita. CEA 2017

A. Santullo, "Le scale di valutazione in sanità" McGraw-Hill editore 2008

Teaching methods


Front lessons

Interactive lesson with development and exercise on clinical cases

Assessment methods

The learning assessment method is based on a written test with 31 multiple choice questions.
It is considered passed with a minimum score of 18.

The purpose of the test is to verify the student's ability to apply
the knowledge acquired during the course and to carry out the correct logical-deductive reasoning inherent to the nursing assessment.

Teaching tools

Video projection system, films, slides and teaching material published on the teacher's website.

Office hours

See the website of Sabina Olmi