Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Local and Global Development (cod. 5912)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide the necessary skills to understand the characteristics of the helping relationships that develop within social services in an innovative welfare context. At the end of the course, students will be able to: a) define the contents and tools of the help relationship that develops between user and social worker in the contemporary welfare context; b) develop an analysis of emerging social needs for specific targets of citizens; c) propose and implement interventions based on network work according to a community welfare logic.

Course contents

The course is aimed at students who wish to explore the theoretical elements and empirical tools that social workers use in the design and implementation of care services.
Through face-to-face lectures first, and thematic seminars later, the following concepts and related social intervention tools will be explored:
- Welfare, citizens' needs and aspirations related to welfare development;
- the specificity of care relationships: forms, contents and actors;
- the characteristics of care services in the current welfare scenario;
- the constitution of the multi-actor and multi-level territorial community for care (local authorities; Third sector organisations; enterprises) and its governance.


References for attending students

- Flavia Franzoni, Marisa Anconelli, La rete dei servizi alla persona: dalla normativa all’organizzazione. Terza edizione, Carossi: Roma, 2022

- Lucia Boccacin, Lineamenti di sociologia del Terzo settore, Milano: Vita&Pensiero, 2023

- The Care Collective, Il Manifesto della cura: per una politica dell’interdipendenza, Edizioni Alegre: Roma, 2021

- Luigina Mortari, La pratica dell’aver cura, Pearson: Torino, 2022.

References for non-attending students:

- Flavia Franzoni, Marisa Anconelli, La rete dei servizi alla persona: dalla normativa all’organizzazione. Terza edizione, Carossi: Rom, 2022

- Lucia Boccacin, Lineamenti di sociologia del Terzo settore, Milano: Vita&Pensiero, 2023

- The Care Collective, Il Manifesto della cura: per una politica dell’interdipendenza, Edizioni Alegre: Roma, 2021

- Luigina Mortari, La pratica dell’aver cura, Pearson: Torino, 2022.

Lo studente/la studentessa non frequentante deve scegliere uno tra i testi sotto riportati per l’approfondimento tematico a scelta che confluirà nell’elaborato finale:

- Luigina Mortari, La politica della cura, Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore: Milano, 2021.

- Edgar H. Schein, Le forme dell’aiuto. Come costruire e sostenere relazioni efficaci, Raffaello Cortina Editore: Milano, 2010.

- Edgar H. Schein La consulenza di processo. Come costruire le relazioni d'aiuto e promuovere lo sviluppo organizzativo, Raffaello Cortina Editore: Milano, 2010.

- Paolo Venturi e Flaviano Zandonai, Neomutualismo. Ridisegnare dal basso competitività e welfare, Egea: Milano, 2022

- Marta Pantalone, Una società che invecchia. Nuove sfide per il servizio sociale, Carocci: Roma, 2021.

- Stefano Neri, Servizi di welfare e Comuni. Nuove politiche e trasformazioni organizzative, Carocci: Roma, 2021.

- Chiara Gius, Espatriate. Storie di donne italiane emigrate in Canada, Carocci: Roma, 2023

Teaching methods

The course is organised through lectures and seminars, according to the following programme:
- The first part consists of lectures (16 hours) and aims to introduce students to the acquisition of basic conceptual and theoretical tools.
- The second section, organised in seminar mode (12 hours), is aimed at the application of knowledge and its deepening.
Students will be divided into two groups for the seminar section.
Each group participates in only one lesson per week. In this way the student has adequate time to read, deepen and study the material indicated by the lecturer in preparation for the lesson.

Meetings and exchanges with practitioners from the six services are planned during the course.
The examinations and assessment criteria that will be adapted will be tailored to the objectives and content of the two different parts of the course.

Assessment methods

Attending Students
In order to be considered an attending student, it is necessary to attend 80% of the lectures, to make a presentation and in-depth study of a paper as well as all the in-depth activities that the lecturer will propose during the course.
- The final grade will be the result of a series of partial tests, the content and characteristics of which are given below.
- Presentation of a paper agreed with the lecturer, participation and discussion in the classroom during all the lessons (these activities will contribute to 30% of the final grade).
- Preparation of an in-depth written thematic paper related to a topic of the course agreed with the lecturer (The grade obtained will contribute to 30%).
- Oral discussion of the course content (The grade obtained will contribute to 40% of the final grade).

NON-attending students:
Non-attending students must take an oral test relating to the texts indicated in the bibliography for non-attending students.
(The grade obtained will contribute to 55% of the final grade).
In addition, during the oral test, the student will have to discuss a paper capable of presenting in an analytical and critical way the text chosen for the monographic part.
The paper must be sent by e-mail to the lecturer 10 working days before the roll call.
The paper must have a maximum length of 20,000 characters, must contain an abstract, 5 key words and must be complete with reference bibliography.
(The grade obtained will contribute to 45% of the final grade).

The aim of the final examination is to verify the student's ability to apply the notions and knowledge acquired and to make the necessary logical-deductive connections. The grading of the final grade is based on the following criteria:
- Insufficiency: not even approximate or incorrect knowledge of the subject, insufficient expository capacity and use of appropriate vocabulary;
- Preparation on a very limited number of topics dealt with in the course and ability to analyse which only emerges with the help of the lecturer, expression in overall correct language: grade 18-19;
- Preparation on a limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to analyse independently only on purely executive matters, expression in correct language: grade 20-24;
- Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis, mastery of specific terminology: grade 25-29;
- Substantially comprehensive preparation on the topics addressed in the course, ability to make autonomous choices of critical analysis and linking, full mastery of specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflect: grade 30-30L

Teaching tools

Throughout the course, students will be provided with supplementary teaching materials (texts, Italian and foreign essays, research reports, etc.) that are useful for deepening specific topics related to the programme.
The virtual platform will be used as a support for organising the course, drawing up the timetable and sharing the in-depth materials cited in the classroom.

Office hours

See the website of Elena Macchioni


Good health and well-being Gender equality Reduced inequalities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.