Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed at the development and consolidation of the skills of written understanding and oral presentation of texts and specialized topics of a historical and cultural nature. It also seeks to enhance, at the intermediate-advanced level, knowledge related to the lexicon, grammar and the use of the English language. At the end of the course the student will have acquired the language skills necessary to understand different text types; will know the historical highlights of the English-speaking countries presented in the classroom and will be able to understand specialized texts. The student will also be able to assimilate and interpret the information received, express himself and communicate in English (both orally and in writing), and make autonomous critical assessments. Moreover, focusing on the literary and non-literary works, films, art forms, students will learn to critically analyse discourses and cultural practices which inform and characterize the current British debate on national and cultural identity against the backdrop of the country's imperial past and with a view to its current role in Europe and globally.

Course contents

The English Language and Culture II (first language) module is part of the integrated course on Englsih Language and Mediation .

The English Language and Culture II module will focus on

- the analysis and study of both oral and written texts in a variety of textual genres;

- the introduction to Cultural and Language-related Studies theories and studies;

- the analysis and subsequent implementation of argumentative strategies in written texts and communicative interactions.

The topics that will be addressed in class range from non-verbal communication, culture-specific references, the interpreting/translation of humour, intercultural communication. Activities will include:

- the organization and performance of debates;

- guided writing of an essay-,

- research of source material;

- the analysis of those socio-cultural elements and factors that, in mediated interactions, may be the cause of conflict or misunderstanding.

Attendance of lettorato classes is mandatory. A description of the topics that will be covered in the lettorato associated with English Language and Culture II (first Language) will be illustrated by the assigned lettore/trice.

Students are also encouraged to participate in the scientific activities and events organized by the Department of Interpreting and Translation and, particularly, the conferences and seminars organized within the various Research laboratories and which are related to the topics addressed by the module .


BAES students are reminded that:

- ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE is offered only at the Forlì campus;

- the BAES study plan awards 6 ETCS for the course of ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE.

In order to reach 6 ECTS, BAES students should:

- attend all lectures and carry out the assigned course work, plus the final exam (written and oral part), as every other student enrolled in the course


A specific bibliography and a reader will be provided during the course and will be published on the module’s Moodle page. They will include, inter alia:

Anolli, Luigi (2002), ‘La comunicazione non verbale’, in: Psicologia della Comunicazione, Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 207-241.

Antonini, Rachele (2008) ‘Training future mediators how (not) to take sides in language mediation’, in: Language and Bias in Specialized Discourse, Milano: CUEM, pp. 245 – 257.

- (2016) ‘La mediazione linguistica e interculturale. Modello didattico dell’insegnamento della lingua inglese’, in: Promuovere la competenza interculturale nella didattica della traduzione. L’esperienza della Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori di Forlì, Bologna: Bononia University Press, pp. 67 – 93.

Katan, David (2009) “Translation as Intercultural Communication”. In: Munday, J. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies, Oxford: Routledge, pp. 74-92.

- (2009) “Introduction: On Hofstede”, Cultus - The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication: Mediation and Competencies (ed.). Vol. 2, pp.13-19.

Teaching methods

All lessons are taught classes and students are encouraged to participate actively and critically in all the activities. Attendance is mandatory for at least 70% of all lessons.

The Language and Culture II module will rely on teaching methods aimed at creating opportunities to talk, listen, read and write in lecture settings, laboratory sessions, conversation classes, oral and written argumentation and writing workshops. The Language and Culture module will be structured and based on student-teacher interaction, group work, and the development of critical skills. The material used in class will include academic and newspaper articles, audiovisual material, powerpoint presentations.

Students who need support in improving their Language fluency and competence can avail themselves of individual tutoring, which can be booked via email. The name of the English tutor will be announced shortly.

Assessment methods

The Language and Culture exam comprises a written and an oral part. The written part consists of an essay (1200 to 1500 words) based on the essay written durin the semester in group work. The questions will be published on Moodle, the essays will have to be submitted on Moodle (alternatively, for those who may experience problems in doing so, by email at my university email address). The VIVA will be a discussion of the topics analysed in class. In preparation for the VIVA students can rely on the two readers available on Moodle as well as PowerPoint presentations of each lesson and linked material published each week.

The mark for Language and Culture 2L1 will be the average between the mark obrained for the essay and the one for the VIVA.

At the end of the first semester students will take the liaison interpreting test. The final mark for the integrated course of English Language and Mediation II (first language) will be the average between the Language and Culture mark and the Liaison Interpreting mark.

Scala di valutazione dell'apprendimento


Prova scritta: Prova eccellente che dimostra ottime capacità di argomentazione e organizzazione dei contenuti, completa padronanza della lingua e cultura di studio, ottima capacità di scrittura.

Prova orale: Prova eccellente che dimostra ottima acquisizione ed esposizione delle nozioni e dei contenuti di carattere culturale proposti nel corso; ottimo senso critico.


Prova scritta: Prova sopra la media, con errori minori o comunque compensati da dimostrazione più che sufficiente delle conoscenze e delle abilità linguistiche, di scrittura e di argomentazione richieste.

Prova orale: Conoscenze dei contenuti precise e complete, buona capacità di applicare i concetti teorici, capacità di analisi e di sintesi, esposizione sicura e corretta.


Prova scritta: Prova valida, ma con alcuni errori evidenti che denotano un’acquisizione parziale delle conoscenze e abilità richieste, nonché delle abilità linguistiche, di scrittura e di argomentazione richieste.

Prova orale: Conoscenze dei contenuti appropriate, discreta capacità di applicazione dei concetti teorici, presentazione dei contenuti articolata, ma con alcuni problemi riguardanti l’esposizione e la capacità critica.


Prova scritta: Prova sufficiente ma con vistosi limiti nelle conoscenze e abilità da acquisire e imprecisioni di forma e contenuto. Argomentazione debole o testo troppo descrittivo.

Prova orale: Prova sufficiente ma con vistosi limiti nell’acquisizione ed esposizione delle nozioni e dei contenuti di carattere culturale proposti nel corso; dimostra limitata capacità critica.


Prova scritta: Prova che risponde solo ai criteri minimi di conoscenze e abilità da acquisire.

Prova orale: Prova appena sufficiente che risponde ai criteri minimi; numerose conoscenze e abilità da acquisire. Conoscenze dei contenuti sufficienti ma generali, esposizione semplice, incertezze nell’applicazione di concetti teorici.


Prova scritta: Non sono state conseguite le conoscenze di base, l’esame va ripetuto.

Prova orale: Conoscenze frammentarie e superficiali dei contenuti, errori nell’applicare i concetti, esposizione carente.

Teaching tools

Language laboratory, web sites, electronic resources. The printed/audiovisual material used will gradually increase in difficulty and become more specific. Assignments and activities will be carried out both in class and at home.

All printed and audiovisual material used in class, as well as resources for the specific topics tackled in class will be made available on the module's Moodle page that will be published before the beginning of the second semester (the access key will be provided during the first lesson).

Office hours

See the website of Rachele Antonini


Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.