96956 - Agronomic Practices for Agroecosystem Management

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Guido Baldoni
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: AGR/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Land and Agro-Forestry Technologies (cod. 5831)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the lecture, the student knows how the agronomic management can modify the factors influencing  crop production within the agro-ecosystem. He can evaluate cropping practices sustainability from an environmental, economic and social point of view.

Course contents


The student should have a solid background of mathematics, chemistry, and biology, which are taught during the first year of the course.

The lecture

The lecture consists of 4 parts. In the first one the student is taught the definition of agronomy, its aims, evolution, and the statistical data sources. At the end he will know the aims of the agronomic science and how they changed over time; the concept of agronomic sustainability and where statistical data can be retrieved. Climate and soil aspects are not discussed in this lecture, for they are taught in the other module of the integrated course. In the subsequent part, the ecological aspects of farming are discussed. The student will learn the main concepts of ecology and how they can be applied to  agronomic management to secure both a satisfactory economic return and a safeguard of environmental fertility. In the third part the lecture deals with the biological characteristic of cultivated and spontaneous plants. The student will understand how crop plants growth and development are evaluated and how they can be influenced by plant breeding and agronomic techniques. Moreover, he will know the main eco-physiological traits of weeds. In the last part farming operation are dealt with. Of each of them the student will know the scopes, the best methodology, and its consequences on crop yield an environmental quality.

The lecture contributes to the following aspects of the Sustainable Development aims of UNESCO within ALMA MATER STUDIORUM University of Bologna actions:


1.2.2.OSS2 (Zero Hunger)

1.2.2.OSS12 (Responsible Consume e production)

1.2.13.OSS13 (Climate action)

1.2.15.OSS15 (Life on the earth)

The lecture programme

The lecture is held in class, with the aid of PowerPoint™ slides and is organized in the following lessons:

Illustration of the lecture (1 h)


Definition, history, agriculture systems, agronomical studies.


Definition, aims, agroecosystems


Agroecosystem organization, organisms, growth and development of cropped plants, ecophysiology of weeds


Ecological factors, energy flow, material cycles, stability, diversity, ecological successions, biomes


Characteristics, productivity, stability, sustainability

 F. Agronomic techniques (1/4 h)

Definitions and aims

G. Preliminary practices (3 h)

Soil hydraulic reclamation, land surface leveling

H. Soil tillage (3 h)

Mechanical tools, ploughing, other tillage methods

I. Sowing (2 h)

Seed production and sowing

J. Fertilization (8 h)

Fertilizer classification and distribution, precision farming techniques, mineral and organic fertilizers

K. Weed flora management (4 h)

Weed control methods, weed control without herbicides, chemical herbicides, spray application, weed control in precision farming

L. Irrigation (6 h)

Water use efficiency, distribution parameters, irrigation systems

M. Agricultural rotations (1/2 h)

N. Crop consociations (1/2 h)


Class lessons are added with 15-20 h of practical activities so that students can see and discuss innovations in agriculture. They  visit the University experimental farm, where they can see the long-term agronomic trials.



AGRONOMIA E AMBIENTE, Landi R. – Edagricole, BO


MANUALE DI AGRICOLTURA III ed., Amicabile S. (ed.) – Hoepli, MI

ECOLOGIA ED AGRICOLTURA, Baldoni G. – Ed. Edagricole, Bologna

ECOLOGIA VEGETALE AGRARIA, Vazzana C. – Pàtron Ed., Bologna

In English

Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and Environment 2nd Edition by Sheaffer, Craig C. & Moncada, Kristine M. ISBN-13: 978-1111312336 Delman Gengage Learning, 2012
[ https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Agronomy-Food-Crops-Environment/dp/1111312338 ]

Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture
Edition by Villalobos, Francisco J. & Fereres, Elias
ISBN 978-3-319-83445-0
Springer, 2016
[ https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319461151 ]

This book can be freely read at the following address:
using the references of our library.

Teaching methods

Class lessons in presence with the display of Power Point™ slides, practical activities, and field excursion to visit the agricultural garden ( http://www.dista.unibo.it/Orto%20Agrario/web/WEB_Dista/Benvenuto.html ) and the didactic farm (AUB) where long term agronomic experiments are carried out ( http://www.scienzeagrarie.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-strutture/esperienze-agronomiche-a-lungo-termine-ealt )

Assessment methods

This lecture is a part of the integrated course: 9655 – Management and ecology of Agroecosystem, together with the module: 98084 – Agrometeorology, soil physics and agricultural ecology. Therefore, the final evaluation of the students will concern the achieved knowledge of both courses.

The evaluation of the student consists of a final oral exam of 20-30 minutes approximately, at the end of the lessons. Usually, the student is asked 3-4 questions: the first one regarding an agro-environmental characteristic, the second question on the agricultural sustainability of specific cropping practice and the third on the materials and means that farmer can use to modify a major environmental characteristic. His preparation will be evaluated on the basis of the acquired knowledge but, mainly, on in its ability of reasoning and of expressing his thoughts.

Exams can be conducted in English tongue. Students who want to be examined in English should ask for this possibility before the start of the exam.

Teaching tools

Power Point© slides are presented during all the lessons on the screen of the class. The slides are available in the site of the lecture.

Office hours

See the website of Guido Baldoni


Zero hunger Responsible consumption and production Climate Action Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.