Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Specialized translation (cod. 9174)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the core features (contents, methods and instruments) necessary for the in-depth analysis of German culture and literature; s/he is able to apply this knowledge when tackling a range of semiotically challenging texts; s/he is able to acquire higher-level cultural and literary knowledge and competences independently, and to apply them to a wide range of novel texts.

Course contents

Facts, Short Cuts and Songwriters: The (cultural) history of Germany from 1933 to today

The course is aimed at examining German politics, culture, music and literature from 1933 to the present. This period will include, the Second World War, the post-war period, the building of the Berlin Wall, the free speech movement, the question of immigration, German reunification, the German film industry and a broad overview of literary tendencies.


the essays and texts that students have to read, will be uploaded on to the IOL platform, and students will be required to prepare a new topic every week.


Critical texts

Hermann Glaser: Kleine deutsche Kulturgeschichte von 1945 bis heute. Frankfurt am Main 2007.

Axel Schildt/Detlef Siegfried: Deutsche Kulturgeschichte. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland-1945 bis zur Gegenwart. Bonn 2009.

Online services

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: https://www.bpb.de/

Lebendiges Museum Online: https://www.dhm.de/dhm-lemo/

Haus der Geschichte Bonn: https://www.hdg.de/haus-der-geschichte/

Teaching methods

Initial lessons will be teacher-centered with lectures and one-way presentations. subsequently, students will be asked to give talks about topics raised by the teacher or chosen by their peers, depending on those specific interests raised during the course.

Maximum student participation is encouraged by invitations to debate, and opportunities for discussion.

70% class attendance is required.

As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend the online Modules 1, 2 on Health and Safety [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas].

Assessment methods

The evaluation process aims at assessing the students’ acquisition of the knowledge and skills described above. An oral exam will evaluate the students’ ability to summarise important knowledge, as well as his/her understandings about the readings and themes raised during the course.

Grading scale

30-30L: Excellent level. The candidate possesses excellent translation skills, with a very high level of competence in the target language.

27-29: Above average level. The candidate makes only minor errors, and shows a solid command of the required skills and competences.

24–26: Generally sound level. The candidate displays a number of shortcomings, indicating a reasonable command of the required skills and competences.

21-23: Adequate level. The candidate displays significant shortcomings and only an adequate command of the required skills and competences.

18–20: Minim level. The candidate only meets the minimum level required and shows a minimal command of the required skills and competences.

< 18 Fail: The candidate does not meet the required standard and shows a wholly inadequate command of the required skills and competences.

Teaching tools

Diverse texts (i.e. press releases, newspaper articles and essays) will be examined through new media technologies (for example audio and/or video podcasts), and through the use of powerpoint presentations. All the didactic material used during lessons will be uploaded and made available online, on the IOL e-learning platform (both as pdf and/or Mp3-files).

Office hours

See the website of Sandro Moraldo