- Docente: Nicola Sancisi
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
Electrical Energy Engineering (cod. 5822)
Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Automation Engineering (cod. 9217)
from Sep 20, 2023 to Dec 20, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student has basic knowledge for the functional analysis of machines and their components, in particular their kinematic, static and dynamic analyses. In particular, the student: - is able to define kinematic and dynamic mathematical models of planar mechanisms; - knows basic mechanical transmission components and their most common models; - learns the basics of some dynamic problems of machines, such as balancing and vibrations.
Course contents
- Composition of machines
- 1.1. Introduction
- 1.2. Machines, mechanisms, members and classification
- 1.3. Degrees of freedom and constraints in plane and in space
- 1.4. Kinematic pairs
- 1.4.1. Rotoidal
- 1.4.2. Prismatic
- 1.4.3. Cylindrical
- 1.4.4. Helical
- 1.4.5. Spherical
- 1.4.6. Cylinder on cylinder
- 1.4.7. Cylinder in groove
- 1.4.8. Pair classification
- 1.5. Kinematic chains. Planar and spatial mechanisms
- 1.6. Degrees of freedom of a mechanism
- 1.6.1. Definition
- 1.6.2. Grubler and Kutzbach formulas
- 1.6.3. Application examples
- 1.6.4. Inessential dof
- 1.6.5. Repeated constraints
- 1.6.6. Mechanisms with 1 or more dof
- Elements of rigid-body mechanics
- 2.1. Internal and external forces
- 2.2. Moments and transport theorem
- 2.3. Resultant vector and moment of a system of forces
- 2.4. Couples and generalized systems of forces
- 2.5. Reduction of a system in plane and in space. Resultant force.
- 2.6. Equilibrium of a mechanical system
- 2.7. Geometric relationships in equilibrated force systems
- 2.7.1. 2 forces
- 2.7.2. 3 forces
- 2.7.3. 4 forces
- 2.7.4.variants
- Dissipative actions in machine components
- 3.1. Contact types in kinematic pairs
- 3.2. In/output members, motors/users
- 3.3. Kinetic friction.
- 3.4. Static friction. Friction cone.
- 3.5. Coulomb model
- 3.6. Causes of kinetic friction. Surface status. Lubrication.
- 3.7. Friction coefficient values. Influence of temperature and speed.
- 3.8. Rolling contact
- 3.8.1. Static friction
- 3.8.2. Hertz theory
- 3.8.3. Causes of rolling friction
- 3.8.4. Rolling friction parameter
- 3.8.5. Rolling friction coefficient
- 3.9. Wear
- 3.9.1. Adhesive and abrasive wear
- 3.9.2. Determination of the volume of removed material
- 3.9.3. Reye hypothesis
- 3.9.4. Wear for surface fatigue
- 3.10. Energy equations
- 3.11. Energy balance of a machine during direct motion. Periodic and absolute regime.
- 3.12. Efficiency in periodic and absolute regime: definitions
- 3.13. Instantaneous efficiency
- 3.14. Inverse motion. Energy balance of a machine during inverse motion.
- 3.15. Efficiency of inverse motion
- 3.15.1. Definitions
- 3.15.2. Relationship between direct and inverse motion efficiencies
- 3.15.3. Possibility of inverse motion
- 3.16. Efficiency of machines in series and in parallel
- 3.17. Inclined plane
- 3.17.1. Driving force: graphical and analytical solution
- 3.17.2. Efficiency of direct and inverse motion
- 3.17.3. Conditions for the inverse motion
- 3.17.4. Relationship between direct and inverse motion efficiency
- Static analysis of kinematic pairs
- 4.1. Rotoidal pair
- 4.1.1. Ideal and real constraint reaction
- 4.1.2. Friction circle
- 4.1.3. Equilibrium in ideal and real conditions
- 4.1.4. Friction moment
- 4.1.5. Efficiency
- 4.2. Prismatic pair
- 4.2.1. Contact modes
- 4.2.2. Ideal and real constraint reaction
- 4.2.3. Equilibrium in ideal and real conditions
- 4.2.4. Stuck pair
- 4.3. Helical pair
- 4.3.1. Static analysis: ideal and real conditions
- 4.3.2. Equivalent fricion angle
- 4.3.3. Efficiency of direct and inverse motion
- 4.3.4. Efficiency variation with geometrical parameters
- 4.3.5. Direct and inverse motion condtions
- 4.4. Cs Couple: Ideal, Real, Slipping, Pure Rolling reactions
- 4.5. Wheels: static analysis of the driven, motor, braked wheel
- 4.6. Bearings
- 4.6.1. Hypotheses
- 4.6.2. Analysis of contact forces
- 4.6.3. Friction moment
- 4.6.4. Comparison with the rotoidal pair
- 4.7. Slewing revolute joint
- 4.7.1. Contact pressure distribution
- 4.7.2. Friction moment
- 4.8. Drum brake
- 4.8.1. Contact pressure distribution
- 4.8.2. Friction moment
- 4.1. Rotoidal pair
- Kinetostatic analysis of the mechanisms
- 5.1. Equilibrium of multi-body systems
- 5.2. Kinetastic analysis of mechanisms
- 5.2.1. Definition and characteristics
- 5.2.2. Systematic (or global) method
- 5.2.3. Direct method
- 5.2.4. Energy methods
- 5.2.5. Graphical methods
- 5.2.1. Definition and characteristics
- 5.3. Kinetostatic analysis of the quadrilateral linkage (QL) with systematic, direct, energetic, graphical method. Matrix form.
- Elements of kinematics of rigid bodies
- 6.1. Angular velocity
- 6.2. Fundamental law of rigid body kinematics
- 6.3. Particular instantaneous and finite motions: translation, rotation, planar motion
- 6.4. Instantaneous helical axis, instantaneous rotational axis, instantaneous rotation centre
- 6.5. Centroids
- 6.6. IRC of kinematic pairs
- 6.7. IRC of relative motions
- 6.8. Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem
- 6.9. Acceleration of the points of a rigid body
- 6.10. Example of the wheel
- Kinematics analysis of mechanisms
- 7.1. Position, velocity, acceleration analysis
- 7.2. Systematic method for position analysis
- 7.3. Application to the QL: solution, multiplicity of solutions, closure configurations
- 7.4. Velocity analysis. Application to the QL: transmission ratios.
- 7.5. Singularities: effects on position, velocity, forces, precision. Methods to avoid singularities.
- 7.6. Dead point configurations
- 7.7. Acceleration analysis
- 7.8. Definition of position, velocity, acceleration of generic points. Application to the QL.
- 7.9. Graphical IRC method for the velocity analysis
- Linkages
- 8.1. QL: applications, Grashof rule
- 8.2. Parallelogram: applications, antiparallelogram
- 8.3. Slider-crank: applications, kinematic analysis at I order
- 8.4. Inverted slider-crank: applications, quick return mechanisms, Maltese cross
- 8.5. Double slider: IRC and centroids, Scott Russell mechanism, Oldham coupling
- 8.6. Cardan joint: features, transmission ratio
- 8.7. Double Cardan joint: transmission ratio, homokinetic joint
- Gears
- 9.1. Centroids with constant τ
- 9.2. Friction wheels: force transmission, limitations
- 9.3. Conjugate curves: envelope
- 9.4. Spur gears
- 9.4.1. Tooth profiles
- 9.4.2. Geometrical parameters
- 9.4.3. Pitch and base circle
- 9.4.4. Pressure angle
- 9.4.5. Force transmission (no friction)
- 9.5. Helical gears
- 9.7. Conical friction wheels and bevel gears
- 9.8. Gears for skewed axis transmission
- Gear trains
- 10.1. Definitions and features
- 10.2. Determination of τ in a standard gear train. Examples. Idler gears.
- 10.3. Efficiency. Motor torque.
- 10.4. Epicyclic gearing. Determination of τ. Willis formula: fixed wheel 1, fixed wheel n, two degrees of freedom.
- 10.5. Differential for automobiles: velocity and moment. Differential blocking.
- Flexible organs
- 11.1. Definitions and typologies
- 11.2. Elastic and anelastic flexional stiffness
- 11.3. Work done and geometrical configuration during winding and unwinding: elastic, anelastic and combined conditions. Total work.
- 11.4. Lost work (dissipation) computation. Equivalent δ parameter and stiffness model.
- 11.5. Static analysis of the fixed and moving pulley and of the hoist:
- 11.5.1. K parameter
- 11.5.2. Motor force
- 11.5.3. Efficiency
- 11.5.4. Lifting velocity
- 11.6. Belt transmission:
- 11.6.1. Features
- 11.6.2. Moment
- 11.6.3. Belt velocity
- 11.6.4. Ideal and real τ ratio
- 11.6.5. Efficiency
- 11.6.6. Adherence and slippage angles
- 11.7. Eithelwein equation:
- 11.7.1. Tension variation
- 11.7.2. Tension in belt
- 11.7.3. Maximum moment
- Elements of dynamics of rigid bodies
- 12.1. Fundamental equation of dynamics
- 12.2. Resultant and resultand moment of inertia forces with respect to the center of gravity. Inertia tensor. Reduction of the force system.
- 12.3. Kinetic energy
- 12.4. Special cases: principal axes of inertia, planar motion, translation
- 12.5. Substitution masses: planar case
- Dynamic analysis of machines
- 13.1. Dynamic analysis and balancing of mechanisms
- 13.2. Kinetic energy of mechanisms. Application to the slider-crank mechanism. Reduced moment of inertia.
- 13.3. Cauchy problem and ordinary differential equation fo dynamic analysis
- 13.4. Oscillators
- 13.5. Free vibrations:
- 13.5.1. Motion of the mass
- 13.5.2. Anharmonic, damped harmonic, harmonic motion
- 13.5.3. Initial conditions
- 13.6. Forced vibrations:
- 13.6.1. Force model
- 13.6.2. Transient and steady-state solution. Analytical solution.
- 13.6.3. Amplitude and phase with and without damping. Resonances.
- 13.7. Ground isolation:
- 13.7.1. Analytical solution
- 13.7.2. Suspension optimization
- 13.7.1. Analytical solution
- 13.8. Mass isolation:
- 13.8.1. Analytical solution
- 13.8.2. Suspension optimization
- 13.9. Flexional vibrations in rotors:
- 13.9.1. Ideal and real rotors. Static and dynamic imbalance.
- 13.9.2. Jeffcott rotor
- 13.9.3. Motion: transient and steady-state solution, with and without damping
- 13.9.4. Critical velocity, alignment and self-centering
E. Funaioli, A. Maggiore, U. Meneghetti, “Lezioni di Meccanica Applicata alle Macchine – Prima parte – Fondamenti di Meccanica delle Macchine”, ed. Pàtron, Bologna.
Slides provided by Professor, published on "Virtuale".
M. Callegari, P. Fanghella, F. Pellicano, “Meccanica applicata alle macchine”, ed. CittàStudi.
Besides Professor's slides, exercises and previous tests are published on "Virtuale".
Teaching methods
The course consists of theoretical lessons and classroom exercises.
As for the lessons, the theoretical and analytical aspects of typical problems of Applied Mechanism are analysed. Starting from the prior knowledge of physics and analytical mechanics (recalled and discussed in the course), new theoretical tools for modeling and functional analysis of machines and mechanisms are provided, with particular emphasis on kinematic, static and dynamic problems.
Exercises provide examples (including some particular cases) of some methods for the computation of degrees of freedom and for the kinematic and kinetostatic analysis of mechanisms.
Since suggested readings cover all course contents, lesson attendance is not mandatory. However, it is strongly suggested to attend lessons in order to better understand the theoretical derivations of models and methods presented in the course.
Module 2 (Mechanics of Material) for Electrical Energy Engineering is given in parallel to Module 1 and is the subject of a separate exam.
Assessment methods
WRITTEN TESTIt consists of two parts, practical and theoretical. The practical part is made up of an exercise of static and kinematic analysis and two numerical-symbolic exercises. The theoretical part consists of 8-10 short open theoretical questions, to be answered within an assigned space.
GRADEEach part (practical and theoretical) is assigned a grade which is normalized to 32. The overall grade is the average of the two grades obtained. The test is considered passed with an average grade ≥18. Non-critical insufficient grades in the individual sub-parts are also admitted.
For Automation Engineering, the grade obtained is the final one. For Electrical Energy Engineering, given M1 and M2 the grades of the two modules of the overall course (machines + materials), the grade defines the result for M1. The overall grade is obtained by rounding the result of the formula 2/3 M1 + 1/3 M2 to the nearest integer.
There are at least six annual exams, generally 3 in January-February, 2 in June-July, 1 in September.
In case of failure or vote rejection, the candidate can go to the next test. The vote can be rejected once.
If the candidate does not show for the exam, he cannot take the next test.
Consultation of notes or other material during the exam is not permitted.
Teaching tools
During the course some presentations will be used to support the theoretical arguments. Notes and other material developed during the course will also be shared. Finally, lecture recordings will be made available for one year.
All the material is shared on the "Virtuale" site.
Office hours
See the website of Nicola Sancisi

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.