- Docente: Roberta Budriesi
- Credits: 6
- SSD: CHIM/10
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Roberta Budriesi (Modulo 1) Laura Beatrice Mattioli (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Human Nutrition, Well-Being And Health (cod. 5812)
from Oct 02, 2023 to Nov 13, 2023
from Nov 20, 2023 to Dec 11, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student possesses the basic knowledge relating to the chemical composition of food and its components, also in relation to the transformation and conservation processes. In particular, the student is able to:
- critically assess the chemical composition of food components,
- evaluate the chemical modifications of the macro and micronutrients following the transformation and conservation processes;
- evaluate the different composition of food products and changes during the transformation and conservation processes
- critically evaluate food product labels.
Course contents
Introduction to food chemistry.
Food constituents: chemical aspects related to macronutrients, micronutrients and non-nutritional components.
Chemistry of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Vitamins. Mineral salts. Organoleptic characteristics.
Food groups: chemistry of meat, fish, eggs; milk and derivatives; cereals, tubers and derivatives; legumes; fruit and vegetables; fat.
Additives, preservatives and dyes.
Chemical transformation of food components following heat treatments and food storage.
Particular importance will be given to case studies on food groups and their derivatives with practical exercises.
Mannina Luisa, Daglia Maria, Ritieni Alberto: la chimica degli Alimenti - Nutrienti e Aspetti Nutraceutici, CEA - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Cappelli Patrizia; Vannucchi Vanna: Chimica Degli Alimenti. Conservazione e trasformazioni. Ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2005
Cabras P, Martelli A., Chimica degli alimenti, Piccin.
Evangelisti F. Restani P. Prodotti dietetici. Piccin 2011
Teaching methods
The course participates in the didactic innovation project for 12 hours equal to 33% of the total number of hours. The teaching methodology involves the use of virtual, panoptic and Teams aimed at a transmissive-participatory approach. The teacher will make available to students, on virtual, in-depth material (in pdf and video format) supplementary to the theoretical course, on the different foods and their chemical differences, followed by a different impact on health. The preliminary lesson is followed by the involvement of the students who, also through group work, carry out a compositional analysis of a food based on the material made available, followed by a choral discussion. The teacher supervises the activities and plays the role of mediator. Through teams, the teacher and the colleague responsible for the teaching module, will follow and guide the students in the examination of the various classes of macro- and micro-nutrients at the base of the different chemical composition of a food.
Assessment methods
Verification of learning tends to ascertain the achievement of the teaching objectives of the teaching, that is:
- the ability to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the use of food for nutritional and non-nutritional purposes;
- the ability to interpret nutritional labels from a chemical point of view. Evaluation of the dosage of nutritional and non-food components.
The verification is also carried out through practical exercises that aim to study the nutritional groups.
The method of verifying learning will be done through an oral exam.
Teaching tools
Slides of the lessons, PC, Virtual, EOL, Panopto
Office hours
See the website of Roberta Budriesi
See the website of Laura Beatrice Mattioli

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.