- Docente: Anna Pileri
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/03
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5727)
from Feb 19, 2024 to Apr 18, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - recognises and identifies an epistemological and conceptual framework related to the educational work with people with disabilities; - knows the genesis of special pedagogy and recognises its main evolutions over time up to the present day; - knows operational tools and is able to search for material and documentation functional to the knowledge of the cultural context to which the person with disabilities belongs; - knows strategies and methodologies for the development of inclusive social processes as well as the main research perspectives of special pedagogy promoting active participation and independent living; - knows the main intervention models for inclusive education according to a co-evolutive, ecological and systemic perspective of people with disabilities; - knows the prerequisites for an educational alliance with families and territories in a logic of synergy between bodies and actors involved; - is able to activate synergies with local bodies and institutions, as well as with other realities of the context of life in order to build an inter-institutional network and proximity; - is able to integrate its knowledge according to the regulatory changes and international guidelines on issues related to disability; - has knowledge and skills suitable to interact with people with disabilities with a reflective and problematic attitude.
Course contents
The course proposes an in-depth study of the following contents in the light of studies, research, projects and national and international legislation:
- historical and evolutionary framework of Special Pedagogy and socio-educational perspectives;
- the pioneers of special pedagogy: in-depth study of some authors;
- the field of study and evolution of Special Pedagogy;
- epistemology, directions and principles of Special Pedagogy;
- the national and international regulatory framework on school and social inclusion;
- from the concept of integration to the concept of inclusive education;
- special educational needs: typologies, categorisations and current scientific debate;
- representations, stereotypes and prejudices: analysis and deconstruction to promote inclusion;
- disability and migration: intertwining and variables;
- Adolescents with complex pathologies: educational research in the health field;
- strategies and tools for school and social inclusion;
- role and competences of the teacher and support educator;
- national and international studies and research;
- co-education and inclusion: school-family-community;
- Inclusion and exclusion variables in socio-educational interactions: analysis of intersubjective patterns through video-microanalysis applied in different contexts.
Caldin R. (2020), Pedagogia speciale e didattica speciale /1. Le origini, lo stato dell'arte, gli scenari futuri, Trento, Erickson.
Pileri A (2018), Disabilità e Migrazione. Interazioni e processi d’inclusione nei nidi di Parigi, Padova, Libreriauniversitaria.it, Collana Contemporanea.
In addition, scientific articles will be provided for the deepening of certain course topics.
Teaching methods
Next to the lecturing, there will be alternating active moments that will allow sharing, identifying and learning pedagogical intervention methods. The activities will be proposed through a structured sequence of analogical and metaphorical actions including the use of video-microanalysis.
Assessment methods
The exam will be held in oral form
Criteria for assessing the exam:
Appropriateness and clarity in the use of specific terminology;
Appropriateness of the content covered;
reference to bibliographical sources.
Honours may be awarded in cases where, in addition to compliance with the above criteria, students are able to go into detail and make connections between the main topics.
Students with disabilities and special educational needs will be able to make use of auxiliary aids and technical support tools and extra time to complete the test.
Registration for the tests will always take place via the Alma Esami application.
Teaching tools
The lectures will be conducted by using the main technological tools: power point, video, together with the analysis of documents.
Office hours
See the website of Anna Pileri

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.