Foto del docente

Anna Pileri

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/A Didactics and Special pedagogy

Short Bio

PhD in Pedagogy (University of Bologna, Prof. Antonio Genovese) and PhD in Psychology - Psychology (Université de Paris Nanterre, Lab. Psychomuse, Prof. Michel Imberty).

National Scientific Qualification in PAED-02/A Didactics and Special Pedagogy.

Current research topics: disability and migration; training and profile of the specialised teacher for educational support activities for students with disabilities; representations of inclusion and equity of support teachers; adolescents with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and life project;models and devices for co-education and active citizenship; study of interactions in the educational, scholastic and social-health fields; Infant research and video-microanalysis in the educational and scholastic field aimed at identifying variables of inclusion (exclusion); representations, stereotypes and prejudices in socio-educational and school context.

She supervises and co-supervises doctoral theses, including joint supervision (co-tutelle).


Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 914

Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Educazione "Giovanni Maria Bertin"
Via Filippo Re 6, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

She receives by appointment on Tuesdays

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