PhD in Pedagogy and PhD in Psychology, she's an Associate Professor in the scientific field M-PAED-02/A Didactics and special education. She obtained the National Scientific Habilitation for the second range in A.A. 2018-2027. She coordinates and collaborates on multiple national and international research projects and has been a Visiting Professor at the following universities: New York University (U.S.A), Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge (UK), Université Paris Nanterre (FR) and Université de Mons (BE). Member of the Scientific and Administrative Council AIFREF "International Association for Training and Research in Family Education", directed by Prof. Jean Pierre Pourtois. She works on disability and migration, training and the profile of the specialised teacher for educational support, paradigms and processes of inclusion, co-education and video-microanalysis of interactions in the educational, school, clinical and family fields. She carries out training activities in public and private institutions on topics related to special pedagogy. She is the author of publications on the aforementioned research topics.