15579 - Intercultural Pedagogy

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5727)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student - knows the main connections between the migration event and the learning processes, in particular of the second generation of immigrants; - knows multicultural family models with particular attention also to international adoption; - understands the development processes of children and adolescents of foreign origin and of those adopted internationally; - knows the issues related to multiculturalism and interculturalism in the contemporary debate; - understands and knows how to apply the categorisation processes related to the formation of stereotypes and prejudices with a view to overcoming ethnic conflicts; - understands the historical, social and cultural dynamics that lead to racist attitudes and behaviour.

Course contents

The course intends to offer elements of knowledge and reflection around the development of the following themes:

-Migration and globalisation: economic, cultural and social changes

-Multicultural and Intercultural

-Intercultural pedagogical models

-Stereotypes, prejudices and racism

- Processes which lie behind the development of foreign children and teenagers' identity

-Immigration, learning processes and success scolastic

-Conflicts and intercultural dialogue

Period of the lessons

The course will be in the second semester


For all the students:

1. I. Bolognesi, S. Lorenzini, Pedagogia interculturale. Pregiudizi, razzismi, impegno educativo, BUP, Bologna, 2017

2. M. Cohen-Emerique, Per un approccio interculturale nelle professioni sociali ed educative, Erickson, Trento, 2017.

Optional texts

A. Granata, Sono qui da una vita. Dialogo aperto con le seconde generazioni, Carocci, Roma, 2011

F. Gobbo (a cura di), L'educazione al tempo dell'intercultura, Carocci, Roma, 2008

D. Zoletto, Il gioco duro dell'integrazione. L'intercultura sui campi da gioco, Cortina, Milano, 2010.

S. Ulivieri (a cura di), Ragazze e ragazzi stranieri a scuola. Intercultura, istruzione e progetto di vita in Europa e in Toscana, ETS, 2018.

M. Fiorucci, F. Pinto MInerva, A. Portera (a cura di), Gli alfabeti dell'intercultura, ETS, Pisa, 2017.

M. Catarci, E. Macinai (a cura di), Le parole chiave dell'intercultura, ETS, Pisa, 2015.

M. Livi Bacci, In cammino. Breve storia delle migrazioni, il Mulino, Bologna, 2014.

R. Bracalenti, M. Saglietti, Lavorare con i minori non accompagnati, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2011

L.L. Cavalli Sforza, Razzismo e Noismo. Le declinazioni del noi e l'esclusione dell'altro, Einaudi, Torino, 2013.

L. Piasere, L'antiziganismo, Quolibet, Roma, 2015.

B. Riccio, F. Tarabusi (a cura di), Dilemmi, mediazioni e pratiche nel lavoro dell'accoglienza rivolta a rifugiati e richiedenti asilo, numero monografico, n. 1, 2018, in Educazione interculturale (rivista on line).





Teaching methods

The contents are introduced with different didactic methods: lectures, group work, film and discussion.

Assessment methods

The teaching ends with a written exam with a score in thirtieth.

The exam lasts 1.30 hours.

The evidence is an analysis of a case that consists in the presentation of a situation-problem that can be presented in multicultural educational contexts.

Starting from some questions it is requested to produce a reflection on the presented case, referring to the theoretical approaches present in the texts of the program.

The exam is estimated on the following objectives:

-to know the contents of the program

-to know to reflect on the contents of the program;

- to know to connect educational paths and critical events presents in the educational contexts to the aspects theorists

The students can take the examination on any the dates during the same session.


Teaching tools

Films, power point

Office hours

See the website of Ivana Bolognesi


Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.