13220 - General and Social Pedagogy

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5727)

Learning outcomes

The course will start with the analysis of cases, experiences and concrete problems inherent to the professional figure of the Social Educator and then, progressively, it will be drawn the pedagogical frames, the heuristic trajectories and the theoretical references useful to address the educational practice and contributing to define the professional status of the Social Educator.

The course will be divided into 4 didactic units:

- during the first phase some emblematic and indicative experiences with respect to the skills and specificities of the profession of the Educator will be presented;

- on the basis of these stimuli, and also referring to the students' previous experiences and latent skills, some conceptual and methodological categories that make up the professional epistemology of the Educator will be highlighted. From the methodological point of view, the purpose of this phase will be to stimulate individual and group reflection, meta-cognitive and meta-communicative practice, participatory learning on the topics in question;

- subsequently the students will be involved in groups of study-research activities, to further develop the analysis on the political-social-cultural emergencies of the contemporary era and their connections with the educational context, to highlight the 'meaning the pedagogically founded action of the Educator, to outline the fundamental competences and professional expertise of the Educator;

- finally, the horizons of reference of Pedagogical Problematicism and of the Epistemology of the Complexity will be used as hermeneutic devices to deconstruct and relocate the concepts developed previously in the broader general pedagogical framework and to trace their theoretical foundations.

Course contents

The course will start with the analysis of cases, experiences and concrete problems inherent to the professional figure of the Social Educator and then, progressively, it will be drawn the pedagogical frames, the heuristic trajectories and the theoretical references useful to address the educational practice and contributing to define the professional status of the Social Educator.

The course will be divided into 4 didactic units:

- during the first phase some emblematic and indicative experiences with respect to the skills and specificities of the profession of the Educator will be presented;

- on the basis of these stimuli, and also referring to the students' previous experiences and latent skills, some conceptual and methodological categories that make up the professional epistemology of the Educator will be highlighted. From the methodological point of view, the purpose of this phase will be to stimulate individual and group reflection, meta-cognitive and meta-communicative practice, participatory learning on the topics in question;

- subsequently the students will be involved in groups of study-research activities, to further develop the analysis on the political-social-cultural emergencies of the contemporary era and their connections with the educational context, to highlight the 'meaning the pedagogically founded action of the Educator, to outline the fundamental competences and professional expertise of the Educator;

- finally, the horizons of reference of Pedagogical Problematicism and of the Epistemology of the Complexity will be used as hermeneutic devices to deconstruct and relocate the concepts developed previously in the broader general pedagogical framework and to trace their theoretical foundations.



F. Frabboni, F. Pinto Minerva, Introduzione alla pedagogia generale, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2003


M. Ceruti, F. Bellusci, Umanizzare la modernità, RaffaelloCortina, Milano 2023

P. Bertolini, L'esistere pedagogico. Ragioni e limiti di una pedagogia come scienza fenomenologicamente fondata, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1988

A. Tolomelli, «RIMUOVERE GLI OSTACOLI…». Per una pedagogia di frontiera, ETS, Pisa, 2019


Among the books indicated as elegible, the student can choose one in order to complete the program:

Dewey, Arte, educazione, creatività, Feltrinelli, Milano 2023

G.M. Bertin, Educazione e cambiamento, Babalibri, Milano 2023

P. Freire, La pedagogia degli oppressi, EGA, Torino 2022

D. Zoletto, Migrazioni, complessità, territori, Carocci, Roma 2023

During the lessons, handouts will be made available to supplement the program.

Even non-attending students must prepare these lecture notes for the exam.

Teaching methods

Lessons, seminars with experts and study of documents and other sources.

Assessment methods

Final test will be written and it will include multiple closed-ended and open-ended questions.

Teaching tools

Audiovisual contents, powerpoint presentations will be proposed and also active teaching laboratory activities will be proposed.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Tolomelli


No poverty Quality education Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.