Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Docente: Giulia Crippa
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Mediterranean Societies and Cultures: Institutions, Security, Environment (cod. 5696)

Learning outcomes

To provide a sociological approach to cultural processes through key theoretical and methodological operators for learning the different dynamics involving production, organisation, flow, communication, appropriation, circulation, transfer, devices, registers, regimes, uses of culture in contexts involving European and Mediterranean countries. The student will gain a better understanding of cultural processes constructed from the social need for knowledge and related demands, which constitute the cultural profiles in different contexts. Furthermore, it is expected to broaden the understanding of the relationships between theories, techniques and professional practices, through the exposition of experiences of communication as mediation and cultural appropriation.

Course contents


PART I:Cultural Processes (Lectures and coordinated discussions - Fishbowl)

1 The subject of the course: Cultural Processes/Social Representations of/in the Mediterranean
2 Ideas of Culture: Raymond Williams
3 Ideas of Culture: Pierre Bourdieau
4 Ideas of Culture: Cultural Studies

PART II: The Colonial Imaginary.

5 Foreword: Cultural Appropriation
6 The adventure of European and Italian colonial exploration:
7 The representation of the journey to "unknown lands".
8 The space and the people imagined by Europe: Orientalisms
Italy and the representation of Africa
9 The colonial memory.

PART III: Student Seminars (10 hours)
The attending students, choosing from the suggested themes and bibliography, will elaborate a micro-research to be presented in class.

PART III: Students seminars (10 hours)
Attending students, choosing from the suggested topics and bibliography, will prepare a micro-research paper to be presented in class.


1 Introduction to the course:

Conduct of activities
Scheduling of assessments
Suggested reading for the next lesson: https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/economia/2023/06/24/e-caro-vacanze-boom-dei-prezzi-di-biglietti-e-hotel_38f44af9-b134-4014-8929-0a040ef73719.html (Available also on Virtuale)

2 Reflections on the idea of Europe/Mediterranean

What world are we talking about? Discussion based on the proposed article. (Snowballing method).

Suggested reading for the next lesson: Matvejevic (chapters "Nomi" and "Mari" - Available on Virtual)

3 Fishbowl activity presentation
Discussion on the proposed text by Matvejevic: Modernity and Coloniality - (method: Chaired Discussion)
Fishbowl activity preparation

4 Frontal lesson
Food culture in the Mediterranean world/invention of traditions/transformation/crystallisation/politics

5 Frontal lesson
Journeys, conflicts and exchanges (Preparatory texts available on Virtual)

6 Shared debate activity:

Fishbowl (from the newspaper Il Post's 'open' podcast: 'La fine del mondo' (available on major platforms and on the newspaper's website)

7 Frontal lesson
Contemporary cultural theories: Raymond Williams (Reading the text: Culture - In Keywords, available on Virtual)

8 Frontal lesson
Cultural Theories: Pierre Bourdieau (Text: Introduction to the book 'The Distinction' - available on Virtual)

9 Frontal lecture and presentation to the assessment activity
Cultural Studies and (post/de)colonial theories
(Reading of Text: Ziauddin Sardar - available on Virtual)
Preparation for activity: Mind maps

10 Mind maps
Processing and presentation of work by students

11 Discussion:

Decolonial Reflections from the text and videos "DECOLONIZING KNOWLEDGE" (Kilomba - available on Virtual)

Required reading for participation: SANTOS, Boaventura de Souza: "Another knowledge is possible" - Introduction (Available on Virtual)

12 Frontal lesson

Cultural appropriation

Preparation for subsequent discussions: suggested readings

13 Frontal lesson

"Otherness": The construction of a knowledge regime (example: Italy)

14 Frontal lesson

Representations of Otherness: Orientalism (Texts in English: available on Virtual)

15 Frontal lecture

Representations of otherness: monuments and silences

16 Frontal lesson

Representations of otherness: Otherness in art

17 Frontal lesson

Decolonial representations

18 Discussion

Student presentations

19 Discussion

Student presentations

20 Discussion

Considerations on the course and results of the experience


For the exam, students must read the following texts:

BOURDIEU, Pierre. La distinzione- Critica sociale del gusto. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001 (Introduction - Available on Virtuale)

FILIPPI, Francesco. Noi però gli abbiamo fatto le strade: le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie. Torino: Bollati-Boringhieri, 2021.

FENIELLO, Amedeo & VANOLI, Alessandro. Storia del mediterraneo in 20 oggetti. Bari: Laterza, 2018.

MATVEJEVIĆ, Predrag. Il Mediterraneo e l’Europa. Milano: Garzanti, 1998.

SAID, Edward W. Orientalismo: l’immagine europea dell’oriente. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2013 (Introduction Available on Virtuale).

BIANCHI, Rino; SCEGO, Igiaba. Roma Negata: percorsi postcoloniali nella città. Ediesse 2020.

SARDAR, Ziauddin & VAAN LOON, Borin. Introducing Cultural Studies. Cambridge: icon Books, 1999 (Fumetto) (Disponibile su Virtuale in inglese)

WILLIAMS, Raymond. “Civilization” e “Culture”. In: Keywords – A vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. (Disponibile su Virtuale in inglese)


Mandatory bibliography

BOURDIEU, Pierre. La distinzione- Critica sociale del gusto. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001 (Introduction)

FILIPPI, Francesco. Noi però gli abbiamo fatto le strade: le colonie italiane tra bugie, razzismi e amnesie. Torino: Bollati-Boringhieri, 2021.

FENIELLO, Amedeo & VANOLI, Alessandro. Storia del mediterraneo in 20 oggetti. Bari: Laterza, 2018.

MATVEJEVIĆ, Predrag. Il Mediterraneo e l’Europa. Milano: Garzanti, 1998.

SAID, Edward W. Orientalismo: l’immagine europea dell’oriente. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2013 (Introduction).

BIANCHI, Rino; SCEGO, Igiaba. Roma Negata: percorsi postcoloniali nella città. Ediesse 2020.

SARDAR, Ziauddin & VAAN LOON, Borin. Introducing Cultural Studies. Cambridge: icon Books, 1999 (Fumetto) (Disponibile su Virtuale)

WILLIAMS, Raymond. “Civilization” e “Culture”. In: Keywords – A vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Suggested complementary bibliography


ABIRACHED, Zeina. Il piano orientale. Milano: BAO Publishing, 2016. (Comics).

AIME, Marco. Classificare, separare, escludere – Razzismi e Identità. Torino: Einaudi, 2020.

BAUMAN, Zygmunt. “From Pilgrim to Tourist – or a Short History of Identity. In: Hall, S. & Du Gay, P. (ed.). Question of Cultural Identity. Los Angeles- London: Sage, 1996. (Available on Virtuale)

BHABHA, Homi K. Capitolo VIII “DissemiNazione”. In: I luoghi della cultura. Milano: Booklet, 2001, cap. VIII (Available on Virtuale)

BIANCHI, Rino & SCEGO, Igiaba. Roma negata: percorsi postcoloniali nella città. Roma: Ediesse, 2020.

BUI, Andrea & TADDEI, Latino (ed.). L’esploratore perso nell’oblio: Vittorio Bottego tra mito, storia e rimosso coloniale. Milano: Perego, 2022.

CHAMBERS, Ian et Al. (ed.). The postcolonial museum: the arts of memories and the pressures of History. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014.

CHRISTIN, Rodolphe. Turismo di massa e usura del mondo. Milano: Elèuthera, 2019.

FANON, Frantz. Pelle nera, maschere bianche. Edizioni ETS, 2015.

FANON; Frantz. I dannati della terra. Torino: Einaudi, 2007.

FRANCESCHI Leonardo. Decolonizzare la cultura: Razza, sapere e potere: genealogie e resistenze. Verona: Ombre Corte, 2013.

GRECHI, Giulia. La rappresentazione incorporata: una etnografia del corpo tra stereotipi coloniali e arte contemporanea. Milano: Mimesis, 2016.

GRECHI, Giulia e GRAVANO, Viviana. Presente imperfetto: eredità coloniali e immaginari razziali contemporanei. Milano: Mimesis, 2016.

GUERMANDI, Maria Pia. Decolonizzare il patrimonio: l’Europa, l’Italia e un passato che non passa. Roma: Castelvecchi, 2021

KILOMBA, Grada. Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism. Toronto: Between the Line, 2021.

MALDONADO-TORRES, Nelson. On the Coloniality of being. Contribution to the development of a concept. Cultural Studies Vol. 21, Nos. 2-3 March/May 2007, pp. 240-270.

MANNOCCHI, Francesca & COSTANTINI, Gianluca. Libia. Milano: Mondadori, 2018 (Comics)

MATVEJEVIĆ, Predrag. Il Mediterraneo e l’Europa. Milano: Garzanti, 1998.

MELLINO, Miguel. La critica postcoloniale: Decolonizzazione, capitalismo e cosmopolitismo nei post-colonial studies. Milano: Meltemi, 2021.

PAMUK, Orhan. Istambul. Miano: Einaudi, 2008.

PITTS, Johny. Afropei.. Torino: EDT, 2020.

POZZI, Daniele. Expo: il lungo viaggio del progresso da Londra 1851 a Milano 2015. Milano: Rizzoli, 2015.

PRATT, Hugo. (Una) Ballata del Mare Salato (Comics - various editions)

QUIJANO, Anibal. “Coloniality of Power, Eurocentrism and Latin America”. Nepantla: Views South, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 2000, p. 533-580.

SACCO, Joe. Gaza 1956. Note ai margini della storia. Milano: Mondadori, 2012 (Comics).

SAID, Edward W. Orientalismo: l’immagine europea dell’oriente. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2013.

SATTOUF, Riad. L'arabo del futuro. 2 vol. Milano: Rizzoli Lizard, 2014/2015 (Comics).

STERNBERGER, Dolf. Panorama del XIX secolo (Cap. 3 - “Per mare e per terra”). Bologna: Il Mulino, 1985. (Available on Virtuale)

TOMASELLO, Giovanna. L’Africa tra mito e realtà: storia della letteratura coloniale italiana. Palermo: Sellerio, 2004.

VIGNA, Bepi. La storia delle storie: viaggio nei segreti della narrazione. Cagliari: Arkadia, 2013.

WILLIAMS, Raymond. “Civilization” e “Culture”. In: Keywords – A vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. (Available on Virtuale)


Teaching methods

The course emphasises participatory teaching. Teaching is carried out through lectures and the use of technological aids. It is also carried out through in-depth seminars with students, discussion of empirical cases, practical exercises, viewing and analysis of film clips, documentaries and videos on the themes of the course. Students will be asked to play a very active role, through discussions, analysis of case studies, and work to be processed outside of class time and presented.

Assessment methods

For attending students - the learning assessment consists of:
1 Continuous assessment (active participation in the proposed activities);
2 Presentation of the seminar work (in the second half of the course), with a written examination of the work presented (at the end of the course), All of which will form part of the assessment and will serve as a means of checking individual learning against the course completed in the classroom. The examination programme is roughly similar to that of non-attenders.
Attendees who have achieved and passed the pass mark at the end of the course may register their grade (by registering and attending the roll call); or they may decide to take the oral examination on the entire programme, with the compulsory readings.
Seminar work, to be developed in groups and presented during the second part of the course, is assessed overall (written part) and individually (during the presentation). Particularly assessed, at all stages, will be the student's ability to move within the sources and bibliographic material in order to be able to identify in them the useful information that will enable him/her to illustrate the aspects covered in the course.
Specifically, the following will be assessed
- active participation in class, exercises: 60%
- Seminar group work: 40%
For NON-attending students and for those who choose to take the roll call, the oral interview focuses on the texts indicated in the compulsory bibliography and is aimed at testing the student's ability to analyse, critique and control the discipline as a whole.
The criteria adopted for the evaluation of learning are: knowledge of the bibliography of the programme; ability to develop arguments independently; ability to describe and illustrate phenomena, processes, practices studied by the sociology of cultural and communicative processes; ability to empirically situate theoretical generalisations; ability to deal with sociological reflection on aspects and processes of transformation of contemporary society.

Teaching tools

Lectures. Network resources. Coordinated discussions. Orientation and tutoring of seminar groups outside of class time (on telematic platform).

Students with special needs should contact the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Giulia Crippa


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.