93195 - Theory And Practice Of Specialized Dialogical Interpretation

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

The student - knows the fundamental elements (terms, concepts) of the theory of dialogue interpreting and of socio-cultural processes of interaction - is able to understand and critically evaluate different theoretical-methodological perspectives on dialogue interpreting in different professional fields - is able to conceive, manage and evaluate complex dialogue interpreting projects, also taking into account deontological aspects.

Course contents

The course consists of a first theoretical part which will illustrate some will illustrate some concepts of Conversation Analysis that can serve to clarify dialogue interpreting as a co-constructed interaction between participants and to highlight the different forms that the interpreter's translating and coordinating actions can take, depending on the constraints posed by the interactional context and the other participants’ moves.
An important role will be played by the development of decision-making skills starting from the reflection on extracts of authentic audio-visual material, where the interpreter is confronted with professional dilemmas to be solved in the hic et nunc of the ongoing interaction. The theoretical training will not outline a complete range of choices or professional fields, but will rather lead to observe and discuss the existence of a variety of possible actions, with different consequences for the development of the interaction, as well as to reflect on how interpreters’ role-space is built together with the other participants, and therefore on the problems that may arise in case of competitive and non-functional overlaps.


The practical part of the course, which will start in week 8, consists of 20 hours exercises for language pair (each student will attend them both in their B and in their C language) given by five different teachers:

Prof. Isabella Lega (isabella.lega2@unibo.it): Italian<>French;
Prof. Omar Barbieri (omar.barbieri2@unibo.it): Italian<>German;
Prof. Lyubov Bezkrovna (lyubov.bezkrovna2@unibo.it): Italian<>Russian;
Prof. Paolo Cortucci (paolo.cortucci@unibo.it): Italian<>English;
Prof. Maria Fernanda Sabarros (maria.sabarros2@unibo.it): Italian<>Spanish.

Please note that 10 of the 20 hours of exercises per language pairs will be carried out in co-presence with the following teachers:

Prof. Mariachiara Russo (mariachiara.russo@unibo.it) for Italian<>Spanish.

Serena Baroni (serena.baroni5@unibo.it) for all language pairs except Italian<>Spanish.



Below is a list of books and journal issues that will be mentioned during the course. See the 'Assessment methods' section for an alphabetical list of research papers and chapters to choose from for the oral exam.

AA.VV. (2020) Pair-aidance, interprétariat et mediations, numero di Cahiers de Rhizome 75-76, http://www.ch-le-vinatier.fr/orspere-samdarra/rhizome/anciens-numeros/cahiers-de-rhizome-n75-76-pair-aidance-interpretariat-et-mediations-mars-2020-2466.html
Anderson, L., Gavioli, L., Zorzi, D. (2018) Translation and interpreting for language learners (TAIL). Numero speciale della rivista Intralinea, pubblicato anche come volume Studi AItLA 8 .
Angelelli, C. (2019) Healthcare interpreting explained. London/New York: Routledge.
Amato, A., Mack, G. (2015) Comunicare tramite interprete nelle indagini di polizia. Implicazioni didattiche di un’analisi linguistica. Bologna: BUP.
Baraldi, C., Gavioli, L. (a cura di) (2012) Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Baraldi, C., Gavioli, L. (2019) La mediazione linguistico-culturale nei servizi sanitari: interazione ed efficacia comunicativa. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Baraldi, C., Gavioli, L. (a cura di) (2020) When clinicians and patients do not speak the same language - Interpreting in health care, numero speciale di Health Communication.
Benayoun, J., Navarro, E. (a cura di) (2013) Interprétation-Médiation: L’an II d’un nouveau métier. Reims: Presses Universitaires de Sainte Gemme.
Biagini, M., Davitti, E., Sandrelli, A. (a cura di) (2017) Participation in Interpreter-mediated Interaction: Shifting along a multidimensional continuum, numero speciale di Journal of Pragmatics 107.
Bot, H. (2005) Dialogue Interpreting in Mental Health. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.
Brunette, L., Bastin, G., Hemlin, I., Clarke, H. (a cura di) (2003) The Critical Link 3. Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Carr, S., Roberts, R., Dufour, A., Steyn, D. (a cura di) (1997) The Critical Link. Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Chessa, F. (2012) Interpretazione dialogica. Le competenze per la mediazione linguistica. Roma: Carocci.
Collados Aís, Á., Fernández Sánchez, M. (a cura di) (2001) Manual de interpretación bilateral. Granada: Comares.
Cirillo, L., Niemants, N. (2017) Teaching Dialogue Interpreting. Research-based proposals for higher education. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Corsellis, A. (2008) Public Service Interpreting. New York et al.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dal Fovo, E., Niemants, N. (a cura di) (2015) Dialogue interpreting, numero tematico di The Interpreters’ Newsletter 20.
Delizée, A. (2015) Emergence et professionnalisation de l’interprétation communautaire en Belgique francophone. humanOrg Working Paper 2015/02. humanOrg, Institut de recherche en développement humain et des organisation, Université de Mons.
Delizée, A., Niemants, N. (2021) "De la richesse thématique et méthodologique en interprétation de dialogue / Thematic and methodological richness in dialogue interpreting". The Interpreters' Newsletter 26: 8-29.
de Pedro Ricoy, R., Perez, I., Wilson, C. (2010) Interpreting and Translating in Public Service Settings: Policy, Practice, Pedagogy. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Duranti, A., Goodwin, C. (1992) Rethinking context. Language as an interactive phenomenon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Falbo, C. (2013) La comunicazione interlinguistica in ambito giuridico. Temi, problemi e prospettive di ricerca. Trieste: EUT.
Falbo, C., Viezzi, M. (a cura di) (2014) Traduzione e interpretazione per la società e le istituzioni. Trieste: EUT.
Ferro, M.C., Guseva, N. (2017) “Dogovorilis’! Affare fatto!” La mediazione russo-italiano in ambito commerciale. Milano: Hoepli.
Gallez, E., Délizée, A., Vogeleer, S., Michaux, C., Al-Laithy, A. (2017) Public service interpreting : the interpreter’s discourse and its influence on the interpersonal relatioship. Discursive and argumentative approaches, numero speciale di Dragoman - Journal of Translation Studies, https://www.dragoman-journal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Volume-5_no-7_2017_EG.pdf
Gattiglia, N., Morelli, M. (2022) Comunicazione multilinguistica in ambito sanitario. Curare e riflettere tra lingue, culture e mediazioni. Genova: GUP, https://gup.unige.it/sites/gup.unige.it/files/pagine/Comunicazione_multilinguistica_in_ambito_sanitario_ebook.pdf
Gavioli, L. (a cura di) (2009) La mediazione linguistico-culturale: Una prospettiva interazionista. Perugia: Guerra Edizioni.
Gentile, A., Ozolins, U., Vasilakakos, M. (1996) Liaison interpreting: a handbook. Melbourne: University Press.
Hale, S., Ozolins, U., Stern, L. (a cura di) (2009) The Critical link 5. Quality in Interpreting – A Shared Responsibility. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Hertog, E., van der Veer, B. (a cura di) (2006) Taking stock: research and methodology in Community Interpreting, numero speciale di Linguistica Anverpiensia 5.
Kadrić, M. (2011) Dialog als Prinzip. Für eine emanzipatorische Praxis und Didaktik des Dolmetschens. Tübingen: Narr.
Laugesen, A., Gehrmann, R. (a cura di) (2020) Communication, interpreting and language in war crime. New York et al: Palgrave Macmillan.
Llewellyn-Jones, P., Lee, R. (2014) Redefining the Role of the Community Interpreter: The Concept of Role-space. Carlton-le-Moorland, UK: SLI Press.
Luatti, L. (2011) Mediatori atleti dell’incontro. Gussago: Vannini.
Mack, G., Russo, M. (a cura di) (2005) Interpretazione di trattativa : La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e professionale. Milano: Hoepli.
Mason, I. (a cura di) (1999) Dialogue interpreting, numero speciale di The Translator 5(2).
Metzger, M. (1999) Sign Language Interpreting: Deconstructing the myth of neutrality, Washington: Gallaudet University Press.
Niemants, N. (2015) L’interprétation de dialogue en milieu médical : du jeu de rôle à l’exercice d’une responsabilité. Roma : Aracne.
Niamants, N. (2021) "Teoria e Prassi dell'interpretazione dialogica". In M. Russo (a cura di) Interpretare da e verso l'italiano. Didattica e innovazione per la formazione dell'interprete. Bologna: BUP. 41-60.
Pointurier, Sophie (2016) Théories et pratiques de l’interprétation de service public. Paris : Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Roberts, R., Carr, S., Abraham, D., Dufour, A. (a cura di) (2000) The Critical Link 2. Interpreters in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Roy, C. (2005) Advances in Teaching Sign Language Interpreters. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
Rudvin, M., Tomassini, E. (2011) Interpreting in the community and workplace. New York et al.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rudvin, M., Spinzi, C. (a cura di) (2013) Mediazione linguistica e interpretariato. Regolamentazione, problematiche presenti e prospettive future in ambito giuridico. Bologna: CLUEB.
Russo, M. (a cura di) Interpretare da e verso l'italiano. Didattica e innovazione per la formazione dell'interprete. Bologna: BUP. https://buponline.com/prodotto/interpretare-da-e-verso-litaliano/
Sarangi, S. (a cura di) (2018) Interpreter-mediated healthcare encounters, numero speciale di Communication & Medicine 15(2).
Schäffner, C., Kredens, K., Fowler, Y. (a cura di) (2013) Interpreting in a Changing Landscape. Selected Papers from Critical Link 6. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Sidnell, J., Stivers, T. (a cura di) (2013) The handbook of Conversation Analysis. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Stokoe, E. (2018) Talk. The science of conversation. London: Robinson.
Straniero Sergio, F. (2007) La mediazione linguistica nella conversazione spettacolo. Trieste: EUT.
Tannen, D., Hamilton, H., Schiffrin, D. (a cura di) (2015) The handbook of discourse analyisis. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ticca, A., Traverso, V. (a cura di) (2015) Traduire et interpréter en situations sociales : santé, éducation, Justice, numero speciale di Langage & Société 153.
Tipton, R., Furmanek, O. (2016) Dialogue interpreting. A guide to interpreting in public services and the community. New York: Routledge.
Valero-Garcés, C., Martin, A. (a cura di) (2008) Crossing borders in community interpreting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Verrept, H., Coune, I. (2016). Guide pour la médiation interculturelle dans les soins de santé.
Wadensjö, C. (1998) Interpreting as Interaction. London/New York: Longman.
Wadensjö, C., Dimitrova, B., Nilsson, A. (a cura di) (2007) The Critical Link 4. Professionalisation of Interpreting in the Community. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Teaching methods

The training objective is to highlight the need for flexible choices that can be made relevant by the situational context (e.g. in the medical context it is relevant that the patient expresses his/her symptoms) and interactional context (e.g. locally it may be relevant that the doctor asks questions in a certain way) of dialogue interpreting. To achieve this goal, the teaching methodology will leave ample room for students' active participation, while the teacher will orient the use and understanding of the proposed materials.

In the first of the two weekly lessons, the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (https://www.carmtraining.org/) will be used and some excerpts of interactions in different languages and multiple professional fields will be proposed. Students will be asked to describe their characteristics and to propose reactions to conversational turns identified as potentially problematic, e.g. because they project next actions that are not necessarily (or immediately) a rendition of prior talk and therefore require the interpreter to choose which translating and/or coordinating action to implement, as well as, in some cases, to solve professional dilemmas.
In the second of the two weekly lessons, some theoretical and deontological aspects emerged from the authentic interactions previously analysed and discussed will be explored in greater detail, and the teacher will present potentially useful resources to make informed decisions, which also consider possible or probable consequences on the interaction (teleological approach to the profession).
In week 8 students will start attending 20 hours of practice per language pair, where the purpose of the proposed role-plays will not be to play a part well, nor to take the actions of authentic interlocutors as a model. The role-plays will rather serve to understand how to immediately react to prior talk producing different types of translating and coordinating actions, as well as to test the communicative effectiveness of different reactions and sequences in the student's working languages. These exercises will cover different professional fields and will therefore be in line with a theoretical course aimed at raising awareness of the complexity of authentic interaction in different macro contexts (medical, legal, social, educational, media, etc.) as well as at offering a common methodology to reflect on complex issues and choices which, in addition to strong linguistic and communicative skills, also require decision-making and problem-solving skills.

In view of the type of activity and teaching methods adopted, attendance at this training activity requires the prior participation of all students in modules 1 and 2 of the training on safety in the workplace, https://elearning-sicurezza.unibo.it/, in e-learning mode.

Assessment methods

Interview of about 20 minutes in which the student will be asked to present an excerpt of an interaction (chosen among those presented or interpreted in class, or analysed in the literature) and to comment it in the light of what s/he will have studied in 2 research papers/chapters chosen among those proposed below. The student may be asked to analyse the selected excerpt using the conversational concepts studied in class and to propose next actions justifying his/her choice on the basis of the theory studied and the exercises carried out, possibly mentioning other equally possible choices and their different consequences for that interaction. During the interview, students’ Italian language skills (ability to speak coherently and cohesively in Italian and to use the appropriate register and lexicon) will be evaluated together with their knowledge on the course subjects and with their ability to relate them to their ongoing learning experience and to their future professional practice.
An examination which demonstrates a very broad, complete and thorough knowledge of the contents, a well-established ability to apply theoretical concepts and an excellent command of exposition, as well as an excellent ability to analyse, summarise and make interdisciplinary connections will be assessed as excellent (30-30L).
An examination which demonstrates precise and complete knowledge of the contents, an excellent ability to apply theoretical concepts, the ability to analyse and summarise, and a secure and correct presentation will be assessed as excellent (28-29).
An examination which demonstrates appropriate knowledge of the content, good ability to apply theoretical concepts, articulate presentation of the content will be assessed as good (25-27).
An examination which demonstrates appropriate but not in-depth knowledge of the content, a reasonable ability to apply only part of the theoretical concepts, and an acceptable presentation of the content will be assessed as fair (21-24).
An examination which demonstrates sufficient but general knowledge of the contents, simple and not always sure exposition, uncertainties in the application of theoretical concepts will be assessed as merely sufficient (18-20).

The overall assessment of the student will also take into account the work done during the 20 hours of practice in the language pair Italian <> B Language.
Any rejection of a mark must be communicated to the teacher within two days of the announcement of the result of an examination.

Research papers/chapters for the oral exam

During the course, the list below (in alphabetical order) will be accompanied by a list by macro-arguments, so that students can consciously choose the 2 contributions to be prepared for the exam and the interaction extract (already discussed or interpreted in class, or analysed in the literature, but NOT in the 2 chosen contributions) to which they will apply their readings.

Albl-Mikasa, M., Glatz, E., Hofer, G., Sleptsova, M. (2015) "Caution and compliance in medical encounters. Non-interpretation of hedges and phatic tokens". Translation & Interpreting 7(3): 76-89.
Amato, A., Mangoni, G. (2020) "Interpreting in a Recreational Paediatrics Setting: Displaying (Inter)cultural Competence with Children". mediAzioni 29: B50-B75.
Apfelbaum, B. (2008) “Professionelles Dolmetschen in dialogisch organisierten beruflichen Handlungsfeldern”. Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache 34: 112-125.
Anderson, L., Cirillo, L. (2020) “The emergence and relevance of cultural difference in mediated health interactions”. Health communication, https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2020.1735696
Bahadir, S. (2017) "The interpreter as Observer, Participant and Agent of Change". In M. Biagini, M. Boyd, C. Monacelli (a cura di), The Changing Role of the Interpreter: Contextualizing Norms, Ethics and Quality Standards. London: Routledge. 122-145.
Baker, M. (2010) “Interpreters and translators in the war zone. Narrated and Narrators”. The Translator 16(2): 197-222.
Ballardini, E. (2005) “L’interprete nel processo penale italiano: Profilo professionale e ipotesi di formazione”. In G. Mack, M. Russo (a cura di), Interpretazione di trattativa: La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e professionale. Milano: Hoepli. 167-179.
Ballardini, E. (2016) "Le procès pénal italien face au défi plurilingue: dissymétries terminologiques italien-français". In M. De Gioia, M. Marcon (a cura di), Approches linguistiques de la médiation. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas. 40-50.
Baraldi, C. (2012) “Interpreting as dialogic mediation: the relevance of expansions”. In C. Baraldi, L. Gavioli (a cura di), Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 297-326.
Baraldi, C. (2018) “Interpreting as mediation of migrants’ agency and institutional support. A case analysis”. Journal of Pragmatics125: 13-27.
Baraldi, C. (2018) “Formulations as a way of providing renditions in mediated interactions: a single case analysis”. Journal of Applied Lingustics and professional practice 11(3): 248-269.
Baraldi, C., Gavioli, L. (2018) “Managing uncertainty in healthcare interpreter-mediated interaction: on rendering question-answer sequences”. Communication & Medicine 15(2): 150-164.
Biyu (Jade) Du (2019) “Multilingualism in legal space: the issue of mutual understanding in ELF communication between defendants and interpreters”. International Journal of Multilingualism 16(3): 317-335.
Bolden, G. (2000) “Toward understanding practices of medical interpreting: Interpreters’ involvement in history taking”. Discourse Studies 2(4): 387-419.
Bolden, G. (2018) “Understanding interpreters’ actions in context”. Communication & Medicine 15(2): 135-149.
Bontempo, K., Malcom, K. (2012) "An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure: Educating interpreters about the risk of vicarious trauma in healthcare settings". In K. Malcolm, L. Swabey (a cura di), In our hands: Educating healthcare interpreters. Washington DC: Gallaudet University Press. 105-130.
Brambilla, E. (2021) “Interpreting at B2B wine tasting events. Pragma-dialectical insights”, The Interpreters’ Newsletter 26: 117-138.
Bührig, K., Kliche, O., Meyer, B., Pawlack, B. (2012) “The corpus ‘Interpreting in Hospitals’: Possible Applications for Research and Communication Training”. In T. Schmidt, K. Wörner (a cura di), Multilingual Corpora and Multilingual Corpus Analysis. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 305-317.
Caniglia, E. & F. Zanettin (2021) “The interpreter and the spectacle of confrontation”. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 26: 159-175.
Celotti, N. (2001) “La linguistique à l’écoute des silences”. In M. Margarito, E. Galazzi, M. Lebhar Politi (a cura di), Oralità nella parola e nella scrittura. Oralité dans la parole et dans l’écriture. Torino, Edizioni Libreria Cortina. 91-105.
Cirillo, L. (2012) “Managing affective communication in triadic exchanges: Interpreters’ zero renditions and non-renditions in doctor-patient talk”. In C. Kellett Bidoli (a cura di), Interpreting across Genres: Multiple Research Perspectives. Trieste: EUT. 102-124.
Collonval, S. (2019) “Le chercheur est-il un imposteur, un observateur, ou un évaluateur lors de la construction d’un corpus de données orales en milieu hospitalier belge ? Entre questions éthiques et méthodologiques”. Signes, Discours et Sociétés 20,
Cox, A., Rosemberg, E., Thommeret-Carrière, A., Huyghens, L., Humblé, P., Leanza, Y. (2019) “Using patient companions as interpreters in the Emergency Department: an interdisciplinary quantitative and qualitative assessment”. Patient Education & Counselling 102: 1439-1445.
Dal Fovo, E., Falbo, C. (2021) “Non-close renditions: ways and consequences of saying something different in interpreter-mediated healthcare interactions”, Health communication 36(9): 1091-1100.
Davidson, B. (2000) “The interpreter as institutional gatekeeper: The social-linguistic role of interpreters in Spanish–English medical discourse”. Journal of Sociolinguistics 4(3): 379-405.
Davidson, B. (2002) “A model for the construction of conversational common ground in interpreted discourse”. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 1273-1300.
Davitti, E. (2013) “Dialogue interpreting as intercultural mediation: Interpreter’s use of upgrading moves in parent-teacher meetings”. Interpreting 15(2): 168-199.
Davitti, E. (2015) “Interpreter-mediated parent-teacher talk”. In L. Alatriste (a cura di), Linking discourse studies to professional practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 176-200.
Davitti, E., Pasquandrea, S. (2013) “Interpreters in intercultural communication: how to modulate the impact of their verbal and non-verbal practices?”. Interpreters in intercultural communication, ‘Best Practice Catalogue’, BRIDGE-IT Communication Project.
Davitti, E., Pasquandrea, S. (2014) “Enhancing Research-Led Interpreter Education: An Exploratory Study in Applied Conversation Analysis”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8 (3): 374-398.
Dean, R., Pollard, R. (2011) “Context-Based Ethical Reasoning in Interpreting: A Demand Control Schema Perspective”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5(1): 155–182.
Delizée, A. (2021) "Alignement et position subjective, une double focale analytique pour observer la dynamique interactionnelle en interprétation de dialogue". The Interpreters’ Newsletter 26: 77-95.
Falbo, C. (2013) “’Interprete’ et ‘mediatore linguistico-culturale’: deux figures professionnelles opposées?”. In G. Agresti, C. Schiavone (a cura di), Plurilinguisme et monde du travail: Professions, opérateurs et acteurs de la diversité linguistique. Roma: Aracne. 253-270.
Falbo, C. (2016) "L'interprétation juridique en Italie: droits linguistiques et droits de défense". ELA 181: 43-54.
Farini, F. (2012) “Traduttore o interprete morale? Il mediatore culturale nelle relazioni terapeutiche”. Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa 1: 55-78.
Fogazzaro, E. & L. Gavioli (2004) “L’interprete come mediatore: Riflessioni sul ruolo dell’interprete in una trattativa d’affari”. In G. Bersani Berselli, G. Mack, D. Zorzi (a cura di), Linguistica e interpretazione. Bologna:CLUEB. 169-191.
Frias, J. (2013) “Aux seuils de la traduction et de l’interprétation en milieu social”. In J. Benayoun, E. Navarro (a cura di), Interprétation-Médiation: L’an II d’un nouveau métier. Reims: Presses Universitaires de Sainte Gemme. 115-145.
Gallez, E. (2015) "'Vous voulez m'embrasser?: impolitesse et 'face-work' en interprétation judiciaire". The Interpreters' Newsletter 20: 33-56.
Gallez, E. (2021) "Un format horizontal pour transcrire et analyser les interactions triadiques interprétées".The Interpreters’ Newsletter 26: 55-75.
Gavioli, L. (2012) ‘Minimal responses in interpreter-mediated medical talk’. In C. Baraldi, L. Gavioli (a cura di), Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 201-228.
Gavioli, L. (2015) “On the distribution of responsibilities in creating critical issues in interpreter-mediated medical consultations: The case of ‘le spieghi(amo)”. Journal of Pragmatics 76: 169-180.
Gavioli, L. (2018) “Do authentic data mean authentic learning? On the use of authentic samples and (in)authentic activities in teaching and learning dialogue interpreting”. In L. Anderson, L. Gavioli e F. Zanettin (a cura di), Translation and Interpreting for Language Learners (TAIL), pubblicazione congiunta su inTRAlinea e Studi AItLA 8. 131-147.
Gavioli, L. & C. Baraldi (2021) “Interactional contraints on interpreters’ actions: the case of clinicians’ comments about cultural differences”. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 26: 177-196.
Gavioli, L., Wadensjö, C. (2021), “Reflections on doctor question – patient answer sequences and on lay perceptions of close translation”. Health Communication 36(9): 1080-1090.
Gerwing, J., Li, S. (2019) “Body-oriented gestures as a practicioner’s window into interpreted communication”. Social Science & Medicine 233: 171-180.
González Rodríguez, M. (2014) “La interpretación bilateral como disciplina de especialización: formación y perspectivas en investigación”. SKOPOS, Revista internacional de Traducción e Interpretación 5: 59–76.
Hale, S., Gonzalez, E. (2017) “Teaching legal interpreting at university level: a research-based approach”. In L. Cirillo, N. Niemants (a cura di), Teaching Dialogue Interpreting. Research-based proposals for higher education. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 199-216.
Hlavac, J. (2017) “Brokers, dual-role mediators and professional interpreters: a discourse-based examination of mediated speech and the roles that linguistic mediators enact”. The Translator23(2): 197-216.
Hsieh, E. (2007) “Interpreters as co-diagnosticians: Overlapping roles and services between providers and interpreters”. Social Science & Medicine 64: 924-937.
Kadric, M. (2016) "Dolmetschen als Dienst am Menschen". In M. Kadric, K. Kaindl (a cura di), Berufsziel Übersetzen und Dolmetschen: Grundlagen, Ausbildung, Arbeitsfelder. Tübingen: UTB. 103-119.
Katan, D., Straniero Sergio, F. (2001) “Look who’s talking. The ethics of entertainment and talk show interpreting”. The Translator7(2): 213-237.
Komter, M. (2005) “Understanding problems in an interpreter-mediated police interrogation”. In S. Burns (a cura di), Ethnographies of law and social control, Sociology of crime, Law and Deviance 6: 203-224.
Krystallidou, D., Van De Walle, C., Deveugele, M., Dougali, E., Mertens, F., Truwant, A., Van Praet, E., Pype, P. (2018) “Training ‘doctor-minded’ interpreters and ‘interpreter-minded doctors: the benefits of collaborative practice in interpreter training”. Interpreting 20(1): 126-144.
Krystallidou, D., Bylund, C., Pupe, P. (2020) “The professional interpreter’s effect on empathic communication in medical consultations: a qualitative analysis of interaction”. Patient Education & Counselling 103(3): 521-529.
Leanza, Y. (2005) “Roles of community interpreters in pediatrics as seen by interpreters, physicians and researchers”. Interpreting7(2): 167-192.
Llewellyn-Jones, P., Lee, R. (2013) “Getting to the core of role: defining interpreters’ role-space”. International Journal of Interpreter Education 5(2): 54-72.
Mason, I. (2006) “On mutual accessibility of contextual assumptions in dialogue interpreting”. Journal of Pragmatics 38: 359-373.
Mason, I. (2009) “Role, positioning and discourse in face-to-face interpreting”. In R. de Pedro Ricoy, I. Perez, C. Wilson (a cura di), Interpreting and Translating in Public Service Settings: Policy, Practice, Pedagogy. Manchester: St. Jerome. 52-73.
Mason, I., W. Ren (2012) “Power in face-to-face interpreting events”. Translation and Interpreting Studies 7(2): 233-252.
Merlini, R. (2007) “Teaching dialogue interpreting in higher education: A research-driven, professionally oriented curriculum design”. In M. Musacchio, G. Henrot (a cura di), Tradurre: Professione e formazione, Atti del Convegno, 6-8 aprile 2006, Università di Padova, Padova: CLEUP: 277-306.
Merlini, R. (2009) “Seeking asylum and seeking identity in a mediated encounter”. Interpreting 18(1): 57-92.
Merlini, R., Gatti, M. (2015) “Empathy in healthcare interpreting: Going beyond the notion of role”. Interpreters’ Newsletter 20: 139-160.
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Teaching tools

Computer with speakers and projector
Authentic and non-authentic audio-visual materials
Speech Corpora
Virtuale platform

Office hours

See the website of Natacha Sarah Alexandra Niemants


Good health and well-being Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

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