- Docente: Marco Antonio Boschetti
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SECS-S/06
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Business Economics (cod. 8848)
from Sep 19, 2023 to Dec 07, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student knows the basic principles of mathematics. In particular, the student has a good knowledge of linear algebra and derivatives that are the basic tools for the first economic, financial, and business applications.
Course contents
- Linear functions and models
- System of linear equations and matrices
- Matrix algebra and applications
- The mathematics of finance
- Non-linear models
- Introduction to the derivative
- Techniques of differentiation
- Applications of derivative
- Integrals
- Further integration techniques and applications
- Functions of several variables
- Introduction to optimization
- Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble, ”Strumenti quantitativi per la gestione aziendale” (a cura di Marzia De Donno, Paola Modesti, Simona Sanfelici), 2018 (Seconda Edizione), Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 978-8891621207.
- Stefan Waner, Steven R. Costenoble, ”Strumenti quantitativi per la gestione aziendale” (a cura di Marco Li Calzi), 2006 (1 Edizione), Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, ISBN: 9788838785764.
- Knut Sydsaeter, Peter Hammond, Arne Strøm, “Metodi matematici per l'analisi economica e finanziaria” (a cura di D. La Torre e C. Pellizzari), Pearson, 2015. ISBN: 978-8865189535.
- Knut Sydsaeter, Peter Hammond, Arne Strøm, Andrés Carvajal, “Metodi matematici per l'economia” (a cura di D. La Torre), 5a Edizione, Pearson, 2021. ISBN: 978-8891905529.
- Peccati, Salsa, Squellati, “Matematica per l’economia e l’azienda”, 2018 (Quarta Edizione), Egea, ISBN: 978-8823822696.
Teaching methods
Lectures propose both theoretical and practical aspects concerning the different topics. Examples and exercises help students to understand the practical use of the proposed methodologies and tools.
Assessment methods
A final examination assesses the achievement of learning objectives:
- knowledge of linear algebra;
- knowledge of derivatives and integral;
- ability to apply the acquired knowledge to simple economic, financial, and business applications.
The final examination consists of a written test, including exercises and theoretical questions, and an oral examination, where the student shows the knowledge and skills acquired during the course. The oral examination is optional and can be done if the student obtain the minimum score of 18/30 in the written examination.
The final score corresponds to the following level of learning achieved: <18 insufficient; 18-23 sufficient; 24-27 good; 28-30 very good; 30 excellent.Teaching tools
Lecture notes, slides, exercises, examples.
Note: Before the beginning of the lessons, students can follow a crash course that provides introductory knowledge to the mathematics course.Office hours
See the website of Marco Antonio Boschetti

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.