84355 - Clinical Clerkship - Basic Surgical Skills (G3)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)

Learning outcomes

Perform basic wound assessment and care. Perform simple surgical manouvres.

Course contents

1. Abscesses, Phlegmons & Surgical Wounds


2. Surgical hand preparation (handscrub)


3. Basic Surgical Skills Course

Basic Wound Closure Techniques

Module 1: Basic instrument handling and description

Section 1 - Needledrivers

Section 2 - Forceps and scissors

Module 2: Basic introduction to suturing materials

Module 3: Basic instrument tying techniques

Section 1 - Simple square and vertical mattress

Section 2 - Horizontal mattress

Module 4: Basic hand tying techniques


4. Methodological Approach to Surgery.

Inguinal Hernias with Robotic Approach as a Case Study.


5. Taking Medical History in a Surgical Setting


6. Bedside Physical Exam Skills in Surgery


7. Interpersonal and Communication Skills


- Hickman S, Gangemi A. Going beyond "bad news": A surgical case report and systematic review of the literature surrounding futile care. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019;59:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2019.04.016. Epub 2019 Apr 28. PMID: 31102838; PMCID: PMC6525284.


- American College of Surgeons (ACS) Education. Interpersonal and Communication Skills Curriculum: Successfully Engaging Your Patient, Patient’s Family, and Colleagues. 

Link: [https://learning.facs.org/content/interpersonal-and-communication-skills-curriculum-successfully-engaging-your-patient-patient]https://learning.facs.org/content/interpersonal-and-communication-skills-curriculum-successfully-engaging-your-patient-patient#group-tabs-node-course-default1 [https://learning.facs.org/content/interpersonal-and-communication-skills-curriculum-successfully-engaging-your-patient-patient]

Teaching methods

- Suture simulators

- Frontal lesson

- Peer to peer learning

- MOCK medical interview for a surgical patient

- MOCK physical exam for a surgical patient

- Video tutorials on basic suturing techniques

Assessment methods

- One-o-one feedback 

- Peer-based review and feedback

No grades will be given for this course

Teaching tools

- Dry lab suture simulators

- Surgical instruments

- Sutures


Office hours

See the website of Antonio Gangemi


Good health and well-being Quality education Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.