69540 - Portoguese Language and Culture

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the fundamental elements of the Portuguese language and culture and will be able to understand and produce written texts and oral speeches, expressing himself with relative fluency and spontaneity

Course contents

 This course belongs to the III year and will be done on the I semester (40h), with obbligatory assistance and final evaluation.

The main aim of this course is to broaden, deepen and develop some specific and practical aspects of language, especially with regard to the vocabulary, spelling, phonetics, phonology, syntax and morphology as typical structures of Portuguese, together the conclusion of the study of advanced grammar.

In more detail, the course involves consolidating the knowledge and understanding of the main characteristics of the language being studied and its application, of the ability to interact in language on ideas, attitudes and intent, the ability to analyze written text, the ability to use resources and tools for the translation and learning of some important notions on theoretical issues and methodologies related to translation, such as linguistic and cultural mediation.

Through practical exercises written and oral grammar structures to be studied are:

- Passive Form;

- Indirect Speech;

- Relative Pronouns; 

- Infinitivo Pessoal Simples e Composto;

- Gerúndio Semplice e Composto. 

- Tonic and graphic accent;

- Punctuation;

- Emphatic and idiomatic expressions.



- Ferreira, Anabela, De Portugal, em Português, ed. Clueb, Bologna, 2017, ISBN 978-88-491-5548-8

- Coimbra, Olga Matos e Leite, Isabel Coimbra, Gramática Ativa I - last ed., Lidel, Lisboa.

- Coimbra, Olga Matos e Leite, Isabel Coimbra, Gramática Ativa II, last ed., Lidel, Lisboa.

- small dictionary portuguese - italian (for instance: ed. Zanichelli, Bologna).

- "Praça de Londres" - Lídia Jorge, ed. Dom Quixote.

Other recommended reading for individual study:

- AAVV, Dicionário escolar por imagens, Texto Editores Lda., Lisboa, 2010.

- Coimbra, Olga Matos e Leite, Isabel Coimbra, Novo Português Sem Fronteiras 1, Lidel, Lisboa. 

- Canepàri, Luciano, Pronuncia portoghese per italiani, ed. Aracne, Roma, 2010

- Castanho, José Nicau, Portoghese - esercizi, A. Vallardi,Milano, 1999

- Cunha, Celso e Cintra, Luis F. Lindley, Breve Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, Edições Sá da Costa, 1985, Lisboa.

- Lanciani Giulia e Tavani Giuseppe, Grammatica Portoghese, Edizioni Led, Milano, 1993

- Ferreira, Anabela e Fornasari, Giulia, Exercícios de Português na cozinha de Pellegrino Artusi, ed. Clueb, Bologna, 2018.

- Moreira, Augusto, Dicionário Técnico Ilustrado de máquinas e ferramentas, Alcochete, ed. Algibeira de Alfarroba, 2014

- Moutinho, Lurdes de Castro, Uma introdução ao estudo da fonética e fonologia do português, Colecção Plátano Universitária, Lisbona, 2000

- Neves, Marco, Pontuação em português - guia prático para escrever melhor, ed. Guerra e Paz, Lisboa, 2020

- Teyssier, Paul, História da Língua Portuguesa, Colecção Nova Universidade - Linguística, Edições Sá da Costa, 1982.

- Tocco, Valeria, Breve storia della letteratura portoghese, Carocci editore, Roma, 2011

Teaching methods

Personal lessons and also several exercises in class and as homework.

Assessment methods

The assessment of learning takes place through a final written test of 90 minutes, and a subsequent oral exam lasting on average 15 minutes, both subject to prior registration in the online lists prepared by the secretariat.

The written test aims to ascertain the skills acquired in the context of the topics covered during the course, and will consist of a piece with 4/5 comprehension questions, several grammar completion exercises, multiple choice or transformation on the topics covered during the course and which are indicated in the program, and a composition theme of your choice with a minimum of 70 words.

The use of books, notebooks, notes, dictionaries and / or computer media is not permitted.

Evaluation grid for the written test:

30-28: in-depth knowledge of grammar, accuracy and clarity in the answers. The attribution of the praise presupposes, in addition to the previous requirements, a completeness in the answers, a clear and elegant presentation of the task, the original re-elaboration in completing the answers, and the personal contribution in the theme with the exceeding of the minimum number of words.

27-26: in-depth but less precise knowledge of the grammar contents, precision and clarity in the answers. Less elegant presentation of the task, and less reworking in the completion of the answers and in the personal contribution in the topic.

25-24: good knowledge of grammar, accuracy and clarity in the answers. The overall language is correct even if characterized by some inaccuracy, distraction and error.

23-21: sufficient knowledge of grammar and language not entirely correct. Presence of different errors in the answers, answers left blank, little bigger than the minimum required.

20-18: knowledge a little more than sufficient, even if sometimes incomplete, of the grammatical content with an incorrect and incongruent language. Presentation of the unsatisfactory task, little certainty in the answers, not very original and / or personal theme.

proof not passed: Serious gaps in the preparation related to grammatical content, with linguistic interference, typos, some parts left unfinished, theme with too many errors and confusing, incorrect and inadequate language.

The written test is evaluated through a judgment that must be positive by at least 18 points, to allow access to the oral exam. This aims to verify the acquisition of the linguistic knowledge of the oral expression foreseen by the course program, and consists in taking into consideration the written task and checking the errors committed, and a brief interview with the teacher in which he is asked for his personal presentation for to evaluate the personal property of language. This test is assigned 0 to 2 points.

The final grade, expressed in thirtieths, is calculated from the overall assessment of the written test and oral exam.

The results of the written exam are made public on the School's website, before the scheduled date for the oral exam, while the oral and final grades are communicated immediately at the end of the oral examination to the student.

Students have a week to review their task to accept or reject the vote once.

Students can take the oral exam in one of three appeals provided for each session, ie, June, September and February.

During the first and last lesson all the information on the exam will be given, as well as during the last lesson a simulation of the exam will be carried out, besides the publication of copies of exams passed on the teacher's page.

Teaching tools

Portuguese books

Portuguese grammars

Dictionaries in portoghese and italian

Cd rom


Film video/Youtube Channel

Web pages

Interesting links

Moodle platform

Office hours

See the website of Anabela Cristina Costa Da Silva Ferreira


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.