Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Elisabetta Marchetti (Modulo 1) Giovanni Gardini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (cod. 8616)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the Course, the student is able to recognize the peculiarities of images in Christian worship buildings and to appreciate their production techniques, ornamental and liturgical rituals in the context of the cultural and social history of European civilization. The student also understands the essential links between theological developments and the societies that produced those images by investing them in meaningless ways that cannot be reduced to the mere artistic dimension.

Course contents

The Course, structured in two consecutive parts, through thematic paths and analysis of concrete examples, analyzes how the Christian Churches have determined and influenced the constitution, transmission, protection and enhancement of a great artistic, monumental and cultural heritage. Particular attention will be devoted to the reflection on the art-sacred relationship which, manifested differently in the various Churches, has generated and generates worship buildings in which the corresponding artistic patrimony assimilates their theological, liturgical-ritual and ornamental role. Thanks to the study of specific cases and guided tours - which will provide the calendar at the beginning of the course - after some general lessons will be deepened the reflection around the following themes:

First part of the Course (Prof. Elisabetta Marchetti), After some general and methodological lessons designed to provide indispensable institutional tools and knowledge, provides envisages the analysis a) Value and roles of artistic and monumental heritage in the various Christian churches; B) Churches and buildings of worship in contemporary times: restoration / reuse.

Second Part of the Course (Prof. Giovanni Gardini): a) Evolution of liturgical iconography from the Ravenna monuments.

The students will agree with Professor Marchetti - and in agreement with the prof. Gardini- the exam program and, in particular, the theme and the readings they intend to deepen.



First part of the Course (prof.ssa Marchetti)

A) Manuals and Texts:

G.L.Podestà- G.Vian, Storia del Cristianesimo, Il Mulino, Bologna. (Edizione del 2010: pp. 273-378 e pp. 433-455. Edizione del 2014: pp. 323-418 e pp. 483-515).

J. Ernesti, Le Chiese cristiane. Identità ed evoluzione storica. Milano 2012

Enchiridion dei Beni Culturali della Chiesa. Documenti ufficiali della Pontificia Commissione per i Beni Culturali della Chiesa , EDB, Bologna 2002.

L'adeguamento delle chiese secondo la riforma liturgica, CEI, 1996

B) In-depth texts

F.-G.Lanzi, Come riconoscere i santi e i patroni nell'arte e nelle immagini popolari, Jaca Book, Milano 2003.

Carlo Chenis, Fondamenti teorici dell’arte sacra. Magistero post-conciliare, LAS, Roma, 1991.

Elisabetta Marchetti-Gian Luca Tusini, Vita culturale e idee sull’arte negli anni del Vaticano II, Aracne, Roma 2011

Ottavia Niccoli, Vedere con gli occhi del cuore. Alle origini del potere delle immagini, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011.

Silvia Evangelisti, Educazione, devozione e arti visive in Italia tra Cinque e Seicento, in Attraverso il tempo. Teresa di Gesù la parola, il modello, l’eredità, a cura di E.Marchetti, Longo, Ravenna 2017, pp. 195-210.

Second Part of the Course (prof. Gardini)

G. Gardini, Battisteri ravennati: architettura, iconografia, liturgia, in La dualitat de baptisteris en les ciutats episcopals del christianisme tardoantic, Actes del I simposi d’arqueologia cristiana, Barcelona, 26-27 de maig de 2016, a cura di J. Beltrán de Heredia-C. Godoy Fernanàndez, Studia Archaeologiae Christianae 2, pp. 31-46;

G. Gardini, Il sacrificio interpretato dai mosaici di San Vitale di Ravenna, in Parola Spirito e Vita, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2006, n. 54, pp. 259-278;

G. Gardini, La Cappella del Sancta Sanctorum nella Basilica di San Vitale. Brevi note tra archeologia e agiografia, in La Bellezza della fede, I quaderni dell’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose di Forlì, numero 5, anno 2016, Pazzini Editore, 2017, pp. 249-272;

G. Gardini, Immagini eucaristiche nella basilica di Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, in La Bellezza della fede, I quaderni dell’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose di Forlì, numero 4, anno 2015, Pazzini Editore, 2016, pp. 109-127;

G. Gardini, Sant’Apollinare. La vita, le opere, il culto in Sant’Apollinare. Guida iconografica per il patrono di Ravenna a cura di M. G. Marini, Comune di Ravenna, Ravenna 2014, pp. 15-19; si segnalano anche le schede alle pp. 37-39; 46-47; 70-71;

Giovanni Gardini, La Basilica di San Giovanni Battista in Ravenna. Note d’iconografia carmelitana, in Attraverso il tempo. Teresa di Gesù la parola, il modello, l’eredità, A cura di E.Marchetti, Longo, Ravenna 2017, pp. 183-194.

G. Zanchi, Un amore inquieto. Potere delle immagini e storia cristiana. Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2020.

Luigi Bartolomei, Le chiese abbandonate in Italia. Cause, significato, prospettive di gestione, https://in_bo.unibo.it/article/view/7184 .

Enrico Morini, Gli Ortodossi, Il Mulino, Bologna 2002.

G. Lingua, L’icona, l’idolo e la guerra alle immagini, Medusa, Milano 2006.

Massimo Rubboli, I Protestanti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2007.

Other specific bibliography will be given at the beginning of the course and during the course

Teaching methods

In the execution of the course, the professors will also use the frontal lessons for the analysis of texts - which will be provided to students -; Projection of images and other audio-visual material; Guided tours, interdisciplinary meetings and seminars on topics related to the Program

Assessment methods

The students will agree with Professor Marchetti - and in agreement with the prof. Gardini- the exam program and, in particular, the theme and the readings they intend to deepen.

The exam consists of an oral interview to be held at the end of the lessons. It will be divided into questions that will cover the themes in depth through the materials presented and discussed in class. The final evaluation will also take account of the student's interventions during lectures, attendance at seminars and conferences organized or instructed by the professor.

For the purposes of passing the exam, the student must demonstrate that he has understood the main topics discussed during the course. The student will have to demonstrate in depth and critical the various themes by making the appropriate connections. The students will agree with the professor about the exam and, in particular, about the topic and the readings they intend to deepen.

Marks will be evaluated according following criteria:

The critical knowledge will be evaluated very positive or positive the student's ability to demonstrate the acquired knowledge in a personal and critical way, using an appropriate language.

More than sufficient will be evaluated the mnemonic knowledge, expressed with conciveness, in a correct language but not very appropriate.

Sufficient will be evaluated the basic knowledge expressed with inappropriate language.

Insufficient will be evaluated the incomplete knowledge of the readings, the incorrect and inappropriate language, the inability to manage bibliographies and texts analized during the lessons.

Teaching tools

The front lesson will be supported and completed: from the reading and commentary of the sources, given during the lesson; From the vision and commentary of audiovisual material. Guided visits to archives, exhibitions and monuments are also provided in collaboration with other courses.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA) needing compensatory tools will be able to communicate their needs to the Teacher in order to be addressed to the referents and agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.


Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Marchetti

See the website of Giovanni Gardini