- Docente: Sylvie Braibant
- Credits: 6
- SSD: FIS/01
- Language: English
- Moduli: Sylvie Braibant (Modulo 1) Francesca Bellini (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Physics (cod. 9245)
from Sep 21, 2023 to Nov 23, 2023
from Nov 30, 2023 to Dec 22, 2023
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will acquire a good knowledge of the most significant and up-to-date topics of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, through a phenomenological approach. In particular, the student will go through basic experimental searches related to the electroweak and QCD sectors. The student will also acquire an overview of the main experimental results and of new challenges, integrating the notions acquired in other courses.
Course contents
MODULE 1 (prof. Sylvie Braibant)
Chapter 1: Physics and Facilities Overview
Physics Landscape
Present and Future Colliders:
- Present collider: LHC/HL-LHC
- Overview of proposed future colliders Proposed facilities: Mega projects of ILC, FCC, CLIC, CEPC/SppC
- Emerging Concepts and proposals: Muon collider
Brief overview of detectors for future colliders
- Detectors for e+e- colliders: IDEA, CLD
- Conceptual reference detector for pp colliders
- Detectors for muon colliders
Chapter 2: LHC/LHC-HL Physics
- Phenomenology at the LHC collider
- Higgs Physics: from discovery to present
Chapter 3: e+e- Colliders Physics (FCC-ee/CepC)
- Higgs physics
- Precision electroweak physics
- Top quark physics
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Flavour physics
Chapter 4: pp Colliders physics (FCC-hh/SppC)
Chapter 5: Linear Colliders Physics: CLIC/ILC
- Measurements at 250 GeV:
Higgs physics
Precision Electroweak Measurements - Measurements at 350, 500, and 1000 GeV:
Higgs Physics
Top Quark - New Particle Searches at the TeV Scale
Chapter 6: Detectors overview for e+e- Circular Colliders
Chapter 7: Detector requirements for physics performance studies for e+e- Circular Colliders
Chapter 8: Muon Colliders Physics
MODULE 2 (prof. Francesca Bellini)
Chapter 9 - Physics of ep collisions
- QCD-improved parton model
- DIS: kinematic variables and experimental principles
- Structure functions
- Collinear parton distribution functions - Results from HERA + LHC
Chapter 10 - Physics at the future electron-ion collider
- towards a 3D picture of the nucleon
- physics case for the EIC
Chapter 11 - Jets and hadronization in pp and AA collisions
- fragmentation
- phenomenology of jets
- experimental principles and selected results
- jets in vacuum vs jets in a QGP medium
- hadronization from a deconfined QGP
- selected results from AA collisions and future programmes
Teaching methods
Lectures (36 hours for module 1 and 12 hours for module 2), that may also include a number of topical seminars
Assessment methods
Presentation, at least 7 days before the oral examination, of a written essay on a topic assigned by the teacher, of no more than 10 pages.
Subsequent oral examination with presentation via slides of the essay, during which questions will be asked by the teacher.Teaching tools
Projection of slides available on Virtuale
Office hours
See the website of Sylvie Braibant
See the website of Francesca Bellini