Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9228)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide a first overview of the history of the Mediterranean world. Few areas in the world match the historical density, the heterogeneity and the complexity of social interaction which, due to proximity and geographical mobility, have emerged in the Mediterranean world. The multiple realities that distinguish it offer a privileged point of observation to face the study of the problem of how communities belonging to different religions, languages, ethnic groups and traditions can interact with each other over time.

Course contents

The course aims to provide a first overall view of the history of the Mediterranean world. Few areas in the world equal the historical density, heterogeneity and complexity of social interaction that, due to proximity and geographic mobility, have emerged in the Mediterranean world. The multiple realities that distinguish it offer a privileged observation point to address the study of the problem of how communities belonging to different religions, languages, ethnic groups and traditions can interact with each other over time.

• Geography of the Mediterranean
• East and west of the Mediterranean: stories of civilization, its interpreters and its witnesses
• Populations and religions of the Mediterranean
• The paths of history: journeys and meetings between the Mediterranean and Europe
• Along the merchant routes
• Living and living in the Mediterranean
• The Mediterranean: the South of Italy
• Present problems, prospects for the future: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

• The Turkey

• The Balkan question

• Sand walls: the Saharawi issue

• Educating in Gaza. Peace projects

• The Mediterranean today, between history and future



D. ABULAFIA, Il Grande Mare, Milano 2010.

L’alternativa mediterranea, a cura di F. Cassano e D. Zolo, Milano 2007.

B. BORGHI, Il Mediterraneo di Anselmo Adorno. Una testimonianza di pellegrinaggio del tardo Medioevo, Bologna 2019.

F. BRAUDEL, Civiltà e imperi del Mediterraneo nell’età di Filippo II, Torino 1953 (ed. orig. Paris, 1949).

F. BRAUDEL, Il Mediterraneo. Lo spazio e la storia. Gli uomini e la tradizione, Roma 2002.

S. BONO, Il Mediterraneo. Da Lepanto a Barcellona, Perugia 2013.

S. BONO, Un altro Mediterraneo. Una storia comune fra scontri e integrazione, Roma 2008.

A. BRILLI, Mercanti avventurieri. Storie di viaggi e di commerci,Bologna 2013.

F. CANALE CAMA, D. CASANOVA, R.M. QUADRI DELLI, Storia del Mediterraneo moderno e contemporaneo, Napoli 2017.

M. CAMPANINI, Storia del Medio Oriente contemporaneo, Bologna 2006.

F. CARDINI, L’Europa e l’Islam. Storia di un malinteso, Roma-Bari 2011.

P. CABANES, Introduzione alla storia del mondo antico. Dai regni del Vicino Oriente alla fine dell’Impero romano, Roma 2008.

G. CODOVINI, Storia del conflitto arabo israeliano palestinese. Tra dialoghi di pace e monologhi di guerra, Milano 20014.

Ebraismo, a cura di G. Filoramo, Roma-Bari 2011.

L’Europa e il Mediterraneo. Partner o vicini scomodi?, a cura di F. Zallio, Milano 2004.

Europa e Mediterraneo tra Medioevo e prima età moderna. L'osservatorio italiano, a cura di S. Gensini, Pacini 1992.

M. FUSCHI, Il Mediterraneo. Geografia della complessità, Milano 2012.

S. GUARRACINO, Mediterraneo: immagini, storie e teorie da Omero a Braudel, Milano 2007.

C. GREPPI, L'età dei muri. Breve storia del nostro tempo, Milano 2019.

Gli ideali del Mediterraneo. Storia, filosofia e letteratura nella cultura europea, a cura di G. Duby, Messina 2001.

B. LEWIS, Gli arabi nella storia, Roma-Bari 2001.

B. LEWIS, L'Europa e l'islam, Roma-Bari 1995.

Lingue di mare, Lingue di terra, a cura di C. Ferrini, Messina 2000.

T. MARSHALL, I muri che dividono il mondo, Milano 2018.

P. MATVEJEVIĆ, Brevario Mediterraneo, Milano 2006.

Il Mediterraneo: ancora Mare Nostrum?, a cura di M. Aymard-G. Barberini-S. Maffettone, Roma 2004.

Il Mediterraneo: figure e incontri, Milano 2005.

Mediterraneo, il mare delle complessità, CRES 1996

Mediterraneo medievale. Cristiani, musulmani ed eretici tra Europa e Oltremare (secoli IX.-XIII), a cura di M. Meschini 2001.

Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo. Dinamiche, identità e movimenti, a cura di G. Acconcia, M. Mercuri, Milano 2019.

A. MUSARRA, Il Grifo e il Leone. Genova e Venezia in lotta per il Mediterraneo, Roma 2020.

A. RICCARDI, Mediterraneo. Cristianesimo e Islam tra coabitazione e conflitto, Milano 2014.

Le rivolte arabe e l’Islam. La transizione incompiuta, a cura di M. Campanini, Bologna 2013.

R. SALIH, Musulmane rivelate, Roma 2008.

A. VANOLI, Storia del mare, Roma 2022.


For attending students:

- S. Guarracino, Mediterraneo: immagini, storie e teorie da Omero a Braudel, Mondadori, Milano 2007.

- B. Borghi, L. Galoppini (eds.), L'andare per lo mundo. Antologia di viaggi attraverso i secoli tra realtà e immaginario, Pàtron editore, Bologna 2022.

- E. Orlando, Medioevo migratorio. Mobilità, contatti e interazioni in Italia nei secoli V-XV, il Mulino, Bologna 2022.

Group activities: topics to be studied and finalized will be presented.

For non-attending students:

- S. Guarracino, Mediterraneo: immagini, storie e teorie da Omero a Braudel, Mondadori, Milano 2007.

- B. Borghi, L. Galoppini (eds.), L'andare per lo mundo. Antologia di viaggi attraverso i secoli tra realtà e immaginario, Pàtron editore, Bologna 2022.

- E. Orlando, Medioevo migratorio. Mobilità, contatti e interazioni in Italia nei secoli V-XV, il Mulino, Bologna 2022.

and one text chosen by the student from those indicated in the bibliography.

Teaching methods

Lectures, participatory discussion in the classroom, commentary on sources and visions of fimalti. One of the first meetings will be dedicated to an educational outing on the territory. Teaching and laboratory activities will be presented in different contexts and in any case linked to the topics of study of the Master's Degree Course. Involvement of experts and witnesses. Activities aimed at promoting active student participation.

Assessment methods

Oral examination. The exam consists of an oral interview with the aim of evaluating the critical and methodological abilities acquired by the student, who will be invited to discuss the texts dealt with during the course. In particular, the student's ability to know how to move within the sources and the bibliographic material will be evaluated in order to be able to identify useful information in them that will allow him to illustrate the aspects and cultural areas of the discipline as well as the presentation of a planning hypothesis of a historical investigation on the theme chosen by the work group.
For the evaluation of the interview the following criteria will be followed:
- clarity in the presentation of the contents and in the use of the sources (classifications, analysis, comment, interpretation);
- ability to deepen and connect the main themes and the outcomes of the history of the Mediterranean, between past and present;
- specific terminological appropriateness of the discipline;
- critical analysis of the repercussions of the topics studied within the educational contexts that will involve students and female students.

* The final grade will be out of thirty; the jump of appeal is not foreseen.
To take the exam it is necessary to register through the electronic bulletin board (AlmaEsami), in compliance with the established deadlines. Those who are unable to register for technical problems by the scheduled date, are required to promptly (and in any case before the official closing of the registration lists) communicate the problem to the didactic secretariat. It will be the faculty of the teacher to admit them to take the test.

Teaching tools

The lectures will be supported by the projection of films, images, ppt, reading of the sources, articles, educational visits in the area, meetings with teachers and experts on the subject.

Office hours:
Wednesday from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm - Study n. 58 - Department of Education, via Filippo Re, 6 - 40124 Bologna

Telephone: 051/209 16 07
e-mail: b.borghi@unibo.it

Office hours

See the website of Beatrice Borghi


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.