- Docente: Luca Decembrotto
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/03
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Luca Decembrotto (Modulo 1) Anna Pileri (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and managing of educational intervention in social distress (cod. 9229)
from Oct 20, 2023 to Jan 11, 2024
from Oct 05, 2023 to Jan 11, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student: - knows the epistemological assumptions of reference to develop the inclusive perspective also with regard to the different cultural contexts of belonging; - knows the main paradigms of educational, re-educational and rehabilitative reference; - knows the cultural, theoretical and methodological premises to promote the social inclusion of people and groups with disabilities, with special educational needs and / or living in situations of marginality and social exclusion; - knows the historical and evolutionary reference framework related to the main diagnostic classification systems; - knows the main models of reference for taking charge and care from a co-evolutionary, ecological and systemic perspective; - knows the main models and strategies to promote processes of coping, empowerment, individual resilience, group and community aimed at reducing discomfort and social reintegration; - knows different theories, models and methods of intervention in relation to different types of users; - is able to build a project based on the following assumption: know the condition of vulnerability, reduce disadvantages, enhance resources and reorganize in a positive way the project of life; - is able to build relationships of help aimed at promoting processes and strategies of coping, empowerment and resilience in relation to different cultural affiliations and origins; - is able to design and build systems of help according to a perspective of overcoming the logic of emergency and welfare; - is able to operate and interact with the different professions of help according to a multidimensional model, multifactorial and interdisciplinary; - is able to build models of intervention in synergy with the other actors of the territory; - is able to build training paths of education and rehabilitation aimed at harm reduction and health promotion; - is able to use tools for the observation, verification and evaluation of rehabilitation and rehabilitation interventions; - is able to use the main methodologies to promote ecological communication for the management of individual and group interviews; - is able to start training paths and personal and group deepening aimed at the processes of education, re-education and rehabilitation.
Course contents
The course addresses the main theoretical approaches and implementation methodologies of the inclusive perspective aimed at individuals living in vulnerable conditions, with the goal of promoting an inclusive culture in relation to life contexts. The processes of exclusion and potential strategies for promoting well-being and rights will be analyzed from the perspective of Special Pedagogy and the Pedagogy of marginality.
The program includes the following topics:
- Historical and evolutionary framework of Special Pedagogy.
- Epistemological and methodological premises for the development of the inclusive perspective, considering different cultural contexts.
- Special educational needs and mediators as tools for integration.
- Life planning and overcoming the welfare perspective, through educational, re-educational, and rehabilitative paradigms.
- Brief introduction to the concepts of marginalization and social exclusion, related to educational poverty.
- Analysis and development of projects aimed at individuals or groups in vulnerable or socially marginalized conditions, focusing on harm reduction, health promotion, individual and community empowerment.
- Analysis of national and international research projects.
By the end of the course, students will have tackled the development of project strategies and service management aimed at individuals with disabilities and those experiencing deprivation of liberty. They will be able to intervene in life contexts by applying key educational tools focused on the phenomena of marginalization and social exclusion.
Mandatory Readings
Caldin R. (a cura di) (2020), Pedagogia speciale e didattica speciale /1. Le origini, lo stato dell'arte, gli scenari futuri, Erickson.
Decembrotto L. (2019), Marginalità vissute tra carcere e strada. Analisi, sfide, idee per una progettazione educativa oltre la detenzione, Liguori.
Guerini I. (2020), Quale inclusione? La questione dell'indipendenza abitativa per le persone con impairment intellettivo, FrancoAngeli.
Optional (but Recommended) Supplementary Readings
Decembrotto L. (a cura di) (2020), Adultità fragili, fine pena e percorsi inclusivi. Teorie e pratiche di reinserimento sociale, FrancoAngeli. Open Access
Friso V., Ciani A. (a cura di) (2020), Includere e progettare. Figure professionali a sostegno della disabilità adulta, Franco Angeli. Open Access
Friso V. e Decembrotto L. (a cura di) (2018). Università e carcere. Il diritto allo studio tra vincoli e progettualità. Guerini.
Pileri A. (2018), Disabilità e Migrazione. Interazioni e processi d’inclusione nei nidi di Parigi, Padova, Libreriauniversitaria.it
Santarelli G. (2020) Pedagogia Istituzionale. Dalle origini all’attualità, BUP. Open Access
Teaching methods
The course adheres to the innovative teaching approach of the degree program, while respecting the objectives and contents outlined in the syllabus.
The innovative teaching approach includes several sessions developed using the«flipped classroom» method, where students will analyze and discuss national and international scientific articles. Additionally, there will be a group project work (3-4 people per group).
The course also follows a hybrid teaching model, integrating both in-person and distance learning activities. The distance learning component (8 hours) will be dedicated to group work. The online sessions will be scheduled in the early evening, allowing working students to participate in the project preparation. At the end of the course, the group project work will be presented and discussed in the classroom.
Assessment methods
MIDTERM WRITTEN EXAM: Multiple-choice and open-ended questions on the topics related to Module 2 of Special Pedagogy. This exam accounts for 25% of the final grade.
GROUP PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT WORK: To be presented during the last session of the course, with active participation in the analysis. This assessment counts for 75% of the final grade. The project work must be submitted on the Virtual Platform AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE the presentation.
- ORAL EXAM: It covers the mandatory readings in the bibliography and materials uploaded on the Virtual platform.
Teaching tools
The innovative teaching method includes some lessons divided for groups held at a distance on Teams.
Office hours
See the website of Luca Decembrotto
See the website of Anna Pileri

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.