- Docente: Claudio Mazzotti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: ICAR/09
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Claudio Mazzotti (Modulo 1) Cristina Gentilini (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Civil Engineering (cod. 0930)
from Feb 20, 2024 to Jun 04, 2024
from Feb 22, 2024 to Jun 06, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course aims at providing the basic experimental techniques and methodologies for the mechanical characterization of building materials and for the mechanical behavior of structural systems
Course contents
A prior knowledge and understanding of key concept as strength, section forces, stress, strain, constitutive model of a material. Futher, he is able to solve by hand statically determinated and redundant simple structural and knows the concepts for the axial-flexural and shear verification with regards to the Ultimate Limit States method (approach, loading combinations and properly checks). All these knowledge are, tipically, achieved in the course of Scienza delle Cotruzioni T, Fondamenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni T, Tecnica delle Costruzioni M. Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures, presentations and all study material will be in Italian.
Measures and instrumentations
Control of Materials properties: steel and concrete
Structural investigation on masonry and reinforced concrete
Laboratory structural testing
On site structural testing
Non destructive testing
Structural monitoring
G. Menditto – S. Menditto: “Indagini semidistruttive e non
distruttive nell'ingegneria civile: disciplina tecnica, applicativa
e normativa”, Pitagora, Bologna, 2008 .
G. Pascale: “Diagnostica a ultrasuoni per l'edilizia: costruzioni civili – beni culturali”, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2008.
R. Pucinotti: “Patologia e diagnostica del cemento armato”, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2005.
E. Ruggerone: “Diagnostica strutturale”, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2005.
A. Bray, V. Vicentini: “Meccanica sperimentale – misure ed analisi delle sollecitazioni”, Levrotto e Bella, Torino.
J.W. Dally, W.F. Riley: “Experimental Stress Analysis”, McGraw-Hill, 1991.
A. Ajovalasit: “Estensimetri elettrici a resistenza”, Aracne, Roma, 2006.
V.M. Malhotra, N.J. Carino: “Handbook on Nondestructive Testing of Concrete”, CRC Press, USA, 2004.
F. Ansari: “Fiber optic sensors for construction materials and bridges”, Technomic, Lancaster, USA, 1998.
M.J. Sansalone, W.B. Street: “Impact-echo”, Bullbrier Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1997.
Teaching methods
Lectures given in presence with power point
Visits to the lab to observe development of tests
Assessment methods
During the course, some simple homeworks could be assigned.
A final oral verification is prescribed for this exam. During the oral, it will be verified the personal preparation of the student and his knowledge on the main theoretical aspects of the course. The oral tests are composed of two questions, and the assessment procedure will clarify if the student acquired a sufficient number of the predicted learning outcomes. They aim to establish the knowledge and skills achieved by the student as well as to evaluate its technical language with reference to the topics discussed. Passing of the exam will be granted to students who demonstrate mastery and operational capacity in relation to the key-concepts discussed in the course showing, in particular, that the student learned the basic theoretical concepts and is able to argue in a comprehensive manner and in autonomous way the various steps leading to the definition of the main results. The higher scores will be awarded to students who demonstrate to understand with breadth of content and appropriate language, the subjects taught and, further, will show to be able to apply all the teaching content in operating autonomy even for the most complex cases. Failure to pass the exam will be due instead to insufficient knowledge of the key-concepts (such as those fundamental of structural mechanics), failure to properly master technical language, or it can be due to low operational autonomy shown in the performance of the tests.
Teaching tools
Copies of ppt presentations will be delivered to the students trough the IOL web-site.
Office hours
See the website of Claudio Mazzotti
See the website of Cristina Gentilini