- Docente: Claudio Lantieri
- Credits: 6
- Language: English
- Moduli: Claudio Lantieri (Modulo 1) Francesca Ferretti (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Civil Engineering (cod. 8895)
from Feb 20, 2024 to Jun 04, 2024
from Feb 21, 2024 to Jun 05, 2024
Learning outcomes
In the course the students will develop a project concerning one of the subject covered in the courses of the 1st year. In particular, the student will develop a project in one of the following fields: structural, hydraulics, road and transportation. The project will be done by the student alone or in small groups, under the supervision of the instructor.
Course contents
Road project – Lantieri Modulo 1
Learning outcomes
With the achievement of credits, the student has the skills necessary to design a roundabout. It is able to independently design the pavement, the geometry and the road signs.
Program / Content
- Introduction to the Case Study
- Road materials
- Calculating ESA traffic
- Use of software for the rational calculation of road pavement
- Stress check on the road pavement
- Geometry of a roundabout
- Calculation of roundabout capacity
- Calculation of visibility distances
- Horizontal road signs
Prerequisites / Recommended pre-requisites
The student who accesses this teachingshould know the main types of road superstructures, in terms of constituent materials realization and control.
Structural project – Module 2 (Ferretti)
Learning outcomes
The student masters the skills required for the development of a structural project of a RC building according to Eurocodes, from the design conception to the production of high-quality technical drawings.
Program / Content
- Load analysis
- Preliminary design of the structural elements
- Design and technical drawings of floor slabs
- FEM model of the entire structure
- Design and verification of the structural elements
- Technical drawings of the main elements
- Design and technical drawings of other structural elements (e.g. stairs and foundation)
Road project
- Dondi G., Lantieri C., Simone A. & Vignali V. 2013. Costruzioni stradali - Aspetti progettuali e costruttivi. Ed. Hoepli.
- Mauro R. 2007. Il calcolo delle rotatorie. Hevelius editore
- Esposito T, Mauro R. 2003. La progettazione funzionale delle strade. Hevelius editore
- Canale S., Distefano N, Leonardi S., Pappalardo G. 2011. Progettare le rotatorie EPC Ediotre
- Aumann P., Pratt K. and Papamiltiades A. 2017. Bicycle Safety at Roundabouts. Research Report AP-R542-17Austroads Project No. TT1967 Austroads Publication No. AP-R542-17
- Robinson B. Rodegerdts L., Scaborough W. and Kittelson W. Roundabouts. 2000. An Informational Guide. US Department of trasportation Technical Report Documentation. FHWA-RD-00-67
- Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti. Decreto 19 aprile 2006 Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione delle intersezioni stradali.
- Transportation Research Board executive committee Modern Roundabout Practice in the United States: A Synthesis of Highway Practice. 1998 NCHRP Synthesis 264.
- Service d'Etudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes 2002 The design of interurban intersections on major roads. Traduction de guides techniques.
Structural project:
- Bill Mosley, John Bungey and Ray Hulse, Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2, Sixth Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pozzati P. e Ceccoli C., Teoria e Tecnica delle strutture, ed. UTET, Torino, vol. II (1977).
- Belluzzi O., Scienza delle costruzioni, ed. Zanichelli, Bologna, voll. II e III.
- Leonhardt F., c.a. & c.a.p.: calcolo di progetto & tecniche costruttive. Edizioni Tecniche, Milano, voll. I-III, 1977.
- Migliacci A., Progetto agli stati limite delle strutture in c.a., Masson Italia Ed., Milano, 1977.
- Migliacci A., Progetti di strutture, Tamburini, Milano, 1968.
- Cosenza E. e Greco C., Il calcolo delle deformazioni nelle strutture in cemento armato. CUEN, Napoli, 1996.
Teaching methods
Group exercises with theoretical introductions. Periodic revisions of the project developed by groups
Assessment methods
Module 1 (Lantieri): Examination of report prepared during the course with the subject exercise.
Module 2 (Ferretti): Delivery of the final project and oral examination of the knowledge acquired.
At the beginning of the course, students will have to choose the thematic area on which to develop the report.
Teaching tools
Presentations with digital projector. Use of dedicated software.
Office hours
See the website of Claudio Lantieri
See the website of Francesca Ferretti