- Docente: Ernesto Salzano
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Ernesto Salzano (Modulo 1) Gianmaria Pio (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Chemical and Process Engineering (cod. 8896)
from Feb 21, 2024 to Jun 05, 2024
from Feb 21, 2024 to Jun 05, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide knowledge and specialist methodologies relating to the study of production processes, comparing possible process alternatives on the basis of technical-economic and environmental compatibility considerations.
For specific processes of interest in chemical engineering, the course aims to provide the student with specialized methodologies relating to the identification of the different elements of the process useful for achieving specific objectives and for the comparative evaluation of different alternatives.
Course contents
Module 1 (4 CFU)
Thermal and catalytic cracking: the production of olefine and aromatics
Use of synthesis gas as a reactant mixture: methanol, formaldehyde; hydroformylation, Fischer-Tropsch process
Use of olefines as reactant: ethylene oxide, maleic anhydride, acetic acid, ethylbenzene, terephthalic acid, dlmethylterephthalate, polymers
Module 2 (2 CFU)
Elements of financial mathematics.
Estimation of fixed capital: Lang, Miller, Guthrie methods.
Estimation of fixed and variable operating costs.
Estimated return on investments: cumulative cash flow, venture profit, ROI, Return Time NPV, IRR, B / C, ORR.
Effects of inflation.
Choice between initiatives.
Moulijan J.A., M. Makkee, A. Van Diepen, «Chemical Process Tecnology», Wiley, 2001
Weissermel K., Arpe H.J. , «Industrial Organic Chemistry», Wiley, 2003
Teaching methods
In module 1 the synthesis processes of the industrial chemistry will be illustrated, highlighting the thermodynamic, kinetic, plant, economic, environmental reasons that led to the solutions adopted.
In module 2 the various topics will be presented and examples of calculation of the various parameters and indices will be made.
Assessment methods
For the module 1 a final oral exam on topics covered in class.
For module 2 there is a final written test which involves answering questions on the topics of the lesson. The test will last about two hours and is open-book.
Passing the exam will be guaranteed to students who demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the required topics.
A higher score will be attributed to students who demonstrate a good knowledge of the topics covered in class and will be able to discuss them with language properties.
Teaching tools
Slides in class and via teams
Lessons, in class and/or via teams
Office hours
See the website of Ernesto Salzano
See the website of Gianmaria Pio