74776 - Spanish Language (8 Cfu) (A-L)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students have good actives and passives skills in Spanish language; students are able to read, take notes, follow a discussion in Spanish and in particular to use the politic and media technical language of the Spanish cultures.

Course contents

THE COURSE WILL START IN 2nd semester (2024) and will be  structured in hours with the tutors, and 30 hours with the teacher of the course, prof. Silvia Betti.


This course and program is aimed at students who will attend in the second sem. of 2024.

*Title of the course: Migration, border and identity. Latinos in the United States.

Latinos in the United States are historically, culturally and socially different from other minority groups. This study deals with the life of Latinos in theUnited States, their difficult migration, border issues, their dual identity and their language.

The course will start in the 1st sem. 2023 with the tutor (Grammar: Dr. Fioritti), and will go on in the 2nd sem. (2024), with the tutor dr. Brandani (Grammar) and Prof. Betti. It will address a topical issue concerning aspects related to the Spanish language and Latinos in the United States. In fact, Latinos in the United States are a different historical, cultural and social reality than that of other minorities. During the course we will make some reflections on the life of Latinos in the United States, on the difficult migration to the Anglo-Saxon country, the problems related to the border, the language ("hispanofobia"), the dual identity of those who live between two worlds.


**To access the Spanish language courses (NOT for beginners) it will be necessary to take a test to be held online at a later date (it is necessary to change the language in the study plan in time, otherwise you will not be able to take the aforementioned test ).


3*Mandatory readings

*Monographic course Prof. Betti: PPT in Virtuale.

*Non-attending students they will carry out the same program.

N.B. Spanish language exams (attending and non-attending students): Students are informed that the program on this page is valid for both attending and non-attending students.

1 -Betti, Silvia (2019). “Este es un país donde hablamos inglés, no español”. La presencia del español en los Estados Unidos de Trump”. En Silvia Betti (ed.). Norteamérica y España: una historia de encuentros y desencuentros. (Cultural Studies). Bayside, NY (USA): Escribana Books/Artepoética Press, pp. 243-250. In Virtuale

2 -Betti, Silvia y Renata Enghels (eds.) (2020). El inglés y el español en contacto en los Estados Unidos. Reflexiones acerca de los retos, dilemas y complejidad de la situación sociolingüística estadounidense. Aracne: Roma. Also available online: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/pubblicazione.html?item=9788825525151

*(N.B. No chapters: López and Enghles et al.)

3-Ramos, Jorge (2018). Stranger: El desafio de un inmigrante latino en la era de Trump. New York: Penguin Random House (Vintage espanol). Available in the library or online  https://www.amazon.it/Stranger-desaf%C3%ADo-inmigrante-Challenge-Immigrant/dp/0525563776

4-Stavans, Ilan (2017). "Trump, la muralla y el español". The New York Times, available online: https://www.nytimes.com/es/2017/01/26/trump-la-muralla-y-el-espanol/

5- 1 graphic novel of your choice between Bianchini e Ballati: Migrantes. Clandestino verso il sogno americano (Bfs Edizioni, 2015), or Ferraris e Chiocca: La cicatrice, sul confine tra Messico e Stati Uniti, Oblomov ed.


*The program may be subject to change


Any additions and / or modifications will be made during the course

Recommended reading:

-Badillo Matos, Ángel (2018). "Torres y muros frente al multiculturalismo: hispanos y español en la presidencia de Donald Trump", disponible en: http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/wcm/connect/75135fc7-259a-406d-a0ce-39fa06f2763d/ARI11-2018-BadilloMatos-Torres-muros-multiculturalismo-hispanos-espanol-Trump.pdf

-Badillo Matos, Ángel y Hernández Rosana (2019). “El español se cuida solo”: desafíos para una geopolítica lingüística del español ante el horizonte multilateral”, Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid, Documento de trabajo, DT 2/2019, disponible en: http://www.realinstitutoelcano.org/wps/portal/rielcano_es/contenidoWCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/elcano/elcano_es/zonas_es/lengua+y+cultura/dt2-2019-badillo-hernandez-espanol-cuida-solo-politicalinguistica-multilateral

-Betti, Silvia (2011). “Yo quería cruzar la línea...” . Migrazione, frontiera e identità. I latinos negli Stati Uniti", Confluenze (Università di Bologna), 3, n° 1, pp. 107 - 125.

-Betti, Silvia (2008). El Spanglish ¿Medio eficaz de comunicación? Bologna: Pitagora.

-Davis, Mike (2001). I Latinos alla conquista degli Usa. Milano: Feltrinelli. ISBN 88-07-10315-X.

-Informe Instituto Cervantes (2019). EL ESPAÑOL: UNA LENGUA VIVA, disponible en: www.cervantes.es ›espanol_lengua_viva_2019[https://www.cervantes.es/imagenes/File/espanol_lengua_viva_2019.pdf]

-Lacorte, Manel y Jesús Suárez García (2014). "La enseñanza del español en los Estados Unidos: panorama actual y perspectivas de futuro", Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 1:2, pp. 129-136. disponible en: https://doi.org/10.1080/23247797.2014.970358

-Ramos Ávalos, Jorge (2003). Atravesando fronteras. In: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BG22YYU/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i3

-Ramos Ávalos, Jorge (2005 o 2012). La Ola Latina: Como los Hispanos Estan Transformando la Politica en los Estados Unidos. In [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BG22X00/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i10] Sep 11, 2012by Jorge Ramos [https://www.amazon.com/Jorge-Ramos/e/B001IU4T0S?ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vu00_tkin_p1_i10]

-Ramos Ávalos, Jorge (2006). La otra cara de América. In https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061130435/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_taft_p1_i11

-Ramos Ávalos, Jorge (2006). Morir en el intento. In https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BG22ZBW/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i4

* Tutor lessons :

Compulsory texts and other materials (reading, audio, video materials…) - aimed at following the lessons and taking the written exam - will be indicated on the tutor web page at the beginning of the course.

Teaching methods

Lectures and cooperative learning. The lessons will require the active participation of students (engaged in the acquisition of the content and processes necessary for the mediation) through discussions, "role play", various presentations and tutorials.

Assessment methods

The final Spanish language exam will be structured in tests with the tutor and a written test on the monographic program and on the tutored program.


*Non-attending students the same program

Teaching tools

Prof. Betti:

For lectures will be used Power Point, audio and video media, photocopies, etc.


Online materials:

*Grammatica: https://langschool.eu/courses/intermediate-es/grammar.es.html

*Esercizi con soluzioni: http://www.todo-claro.com/c_index.php

*Dizionari on line:






Gramática de uso del español

Teoría y práctica.  - Nivel A1-B2 (volume rosso)

Luis Aragonés, Ramón Palencia


Grammatica spagnola (Zanichelli)

Con esercizi di auto verifica, cd audio per l'ascolto ed esercizi online - Seconda edizione

Lingua in pratica


ISBN-13: 978-8808162465


Office hours

See the website of Betti Silvia [https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/s.betti/en]

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Silvia Betti